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    calleryana'Chanticleer'Decne''Callery Pear'. Medium-sized tree. Distinguished by its narrow conical crown; with glabrous, smooth branches, but covered with short thorny shoots, oval or broadly ovate. Leaves are glossy green, long-persistent. Very beautiful fall color with yellow-carmine-red colors. Early flowering, with typical pear-flowers. Excellent street tree.(5) 150-175 1 188р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 890р.
    250-300 2 477р.
    St8-10 3 427р.
    St10-12 4 377р.
    St6-8 4 790р.
    St12-14 5 967р.
    St14-16 7 639р.
    calleryana'Redspire'150-175 1 301р.
    175-200 1 642р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 2 085р.
    250-300 2 725р.
    St6-8 2 725р.
    communis'Beech Hill''Common or garden Pear'. A medium-sized, narrow tree with upright branches. Oval or rounded, glossy green leaves often turn to brilliant orange-yellow in autumn. The branches in April are smothered with blossom, to be followed by bitter-tasting, yellow-green pears.(5) St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 288р.
    nivalis'Snow Pear'. Small tree with stout, ascending branches, young shoots thickly white tomentose. Most conspisuous with the white-woollly young leaves. Leaves oval or obovate, entire. Fruits small, rounded, yellowish-green, sour. A most attractive silvery foliage tree.(5) St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 288р.
    nivalis'Catalia'A lovely selection of the Snow Pear. A very rare, compact tree, withe silvery leaves & white blossom in spring. Ideal for small front gardens, plant in any well-drained, fertile soil in a sunny position. Trim annualy after flowering to maintain shape.(5) St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 288р.
    salicifolia'Pendula''Willow-leaved Pear'. A very elegant and attractive silvery-grey tree with weeping branches. Flowers creamy-white. Fruits small, top-shaped, brown.(5) HSt 6-8 1 993р.
    St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 288р.
    'Columna'A densely-branched, columnar tree of medium size. Leaves narrowly oblong, flat and irregularly lobed, more gray-green. Resistant to powdery mildew.(5) St6-8 4 542р.
    St8-10 5 393р.
    castaneifolia'Chestnut-leaved Oak'. A magnificent medium-sized tot large tree, round crowned, shoots tomentose at first, later glabrous. Leaves oblong or narrowly oval, tapered at both ends and margined with coarse, triangular, sharply-pointed teeth, shining dark green above, minutely greyish pubescent beneath. (7) 150-175 1 074р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 787р.
    St6-8 2 519р.
    St8-10 3 241р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 368р.
    St14-16 7 402р.
    cerris'Tukey Oak'. A large tree and possibly the fastest-growing. Excellent in chalky soils and in maritime exposure. Leaves oval or oblong, coarsely-toothed or shallowly-lobed, covered with stellate hairs and slightly rough to the touch. Both the winter buds and the acorn cups are furnished with long, narrow, downy scales. The leaves of sucker shoots and vigorous growths are often variable in size and shape.(7) 150-175 1 074р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 787р.
    250-300 2 354р.
    St6-8 2 519р.
    St8-10 3 241р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 368р.
    St14-16 7 402р.
    coccinea'Splendens''Scarlet oak'. Round-headed tree or bush. Glossy green leaves have deeply cut lobes ending in slender teeth. In autumn they turn deep scarlet, usually persisting for several weeks on the tree. Prefers acid soil. Pale, woolly pubescens on the top of the buds.(4) 175-200 3 562р.
    200-250 4 769р.
    250-300 5 905р.
    frainetto'Hungarian Oak'. A magnificent, large, fast-growing tree with fissured bark and wide-spreading, often slightly drooping branches. Leaves obovate, deeply and regularly-lobed with large oblong lobes. Fruits grouped 2-5, sessile, acorns oval-oblong, 1/3 or more enclosed within the cup, scales appressed.(6) 175-200 2 374р.
    200-250 2 963р.
    250-300 3 851р.
    St6-8 4 728р.
    St8-10 5 616р.
    St10-12 7 329р.
    St12-14 9 538р.
    ilexTree of the Beech family up to 20m. Erect stems, greyish. Elliptical leaves; bright green, non pubescent, above, whitish beneath, till 4 cm long. Yellowish flowers in hanging spikes. The fruit is a nut, dark brown in maturity, bitter , non edible. Mediterranean humid woods, forming oak-groves.RB30-40 454р.
    St8-10 15 360р.
    St10-12 20 079р.
    St12-14 31 000р.
    palustris'Pin oak' or 'marsh oak'. A free-growing, large, dense-headed tree resembling Q.coccinea, but more elegant with the slender branches drooping gracefully at their extremities. Deeply, sharply-lobed leaves mostly turn red in autumn, and with conspicuous tufts of down in the axils below.(5) 150-175 1 074р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 787р.
    250-300 2 354р.
    St6-8 2 427р.
    St8-10 3 191р.
    St10-12 4 088р.
    St12-14 5 255р.
    St14-16 7 402р.
    palustrisGreen Dwarf'Dwarf Pin Oak. This is a very slow growing selection of Oak. It has a dense, bushy habit and glossy foliage that turns rich-red and orange in autumn. It is a much smaller plant then the standard Quercus palustris and is particularly suitable to gardens where space is restricted. St6-8 7 093р.
    St8-10 9 456р.
    St10-12 11 809р.
    petraea'Sessile Oak'. Differing from most other oaks in the regular crown and central stem leading through to the tree op. Often rather larger, long-stalked leaves which are usually pubescent beneath along the midrib, and cuneate, not auricled at the base, also in its sessile fruits. (5) 150-175 1 074р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 787р.
    250-300 2 354р.
    St6-8 2 519р.
    St8-10 3 241р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 368р.
    St14-16 7 402р.
    robur'Common Oak''English oak' A large long-lived tree, developing a broad head of rugged branches when growing in the open, very slow growing. Dark grey bark with deep furrows. Leaves sessile or almost so, shallowly-lobed and auricled at the base. Fruits one to several on a slender stalk2-3). 1/3 covered by the cup. Thrives in moist soils.(5) 150-175 1 074р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 787р.
    250-300 2 354р.
    St6-8 2 427р.
    St8-10 3 191р.
    St10-12 4 088р.
    St12-14 5 255р.
    St14-16 7 402р.
    robur'Fastigiata Koster'Shorter growing type than the former Q.robur‘Fastigiata’ and with darker, longer lasting leaves.Upright columnar tree of very dense habit carrying lobed dark green leaves. (5) 150-175 2 385р.
    175-200 2 870р.
    200-250 3 583р.
    250-300 4 253р.
    St6-8 5 203р.
    300-350 5 265р.
    St8-10 5 905р.
    St10-12 7 329р.
    St12-14 10 736р.
    St14-16 15 505р.
    robur'Fastigiata''Pyramid Oak''Cypress Oak'. Like Q.robur. A large imposing tree of columnar habit, densely branched, all twigs erect. A splendid specimen tree where space is restricted. Medium growing.(5) 150-175 2 385р.
    175-200 2 870р.
    200-250 3 583р.
    250-300 4 253р.
    St6-8 5 203р.
    300-350 5 203р.
    St8-10 5 905р.
    St10-12 7 329р.
    St12-14 10 736р.
    St14-16 15 505р.
    rubra'Red oak'. Fast growing, spreading and broad-headed tree. Attractive large, lobed, leaves are deep green becoming reddish or yellow-brown in autumn before falling. Trives even in industrial areas, reaching a height of over 30 m. Fruits short stalked, ovate, only 1/3 or less covered by a flat cup.(5) 150-175 908р.
    175-200 1 197р.
    200-250 1 498р.
    250-300 2 014р.
    St6-8 2 519р.
    St8-10 3 241р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 368р.
    St14-16 7 402р.
    rubra'Magic Fire'Red Oak. It is a handsome form of oak which is known for consistently given long lasting, brilliant butter-yellow leaf colours each autumn. It is a reasonably vigorous tree that is suitable for larger gardens and woodland areas. Suitable for a position in dappled sun and most soils. The autumn colour is somewhat dependant upon the soil pH and the foliage seems to produce a better, stronger colour in more acidic soils. It will grow to be a medium sized tree that will reach a height of 3 - 4 m and a spread of 3 m in 8 - 12 years. (7) 175-200 3 562р.
    200-250 4 769р.
    250-300 5 905р.
    turneri'Pseudoturneri''Turner's Oak'. =Quercus ilex x Quercus robur A distinctive, small to medium-sized, semi-evergreen tree with a compact, rounded head of dark green leaves, which are oblong-obovate to oblanceolate, with 6-10cm long, mucronate teeth on each margin. (7) 150-175 3 562р.
    175-200 4 769р.
    200-250 5 967р.
    250-300 7 329р.
    catharica'Common Buckthorn'. A large, native shrub or small tree, a common hedge or woodland shrub on chalk. The spiny branches are quite attractive in autumn, when laden with masses of shining black fruits. (3) SHR80-100 341р.
    C 537р.
    frangula'Alder Buckthorn' A large shrub or small tree with ovate leaves turning yellow in autumn. Fruits red, changing to black. The shrub is extremely ornamental when bearing berries of both colours. Its wood makes the best charcoal for gunpowder.(3) SHR80-100 341р.
    C 537р.
    catawbienseLarge-flowering Rhododendron.An extremely hardy, medium-sized to large shrub of dense habit, with oval or oblong, glossy green leaves up to 15cm long. Flowers varying form lilac-purple to pink or white, bell-shaped, in large trusses, June. A parent of many hybrids. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    forrestii repens /Hybr'Scarlet Wonder'Dwarf hybrid. A very hardy, dwarf shrub forming a compact mound of dense foliage. Flowers trumpet-shaped, frilly-margined, ruby-red, borne in loose trusses at the ends of the shoots. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    forrestii repens /Hybr.'Baden Baden'Dwarf Hybrid. Compact, spreading shrub with small, dark glossy green, rather twisted leaves. Deep waxy-red flowers are profusely borne. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    forrestii repens/Hybr.'Bengal'Dwarf hybrid. Dark red, late April. Broad habit and low. C20-25Cm 940р.
    C25-30Cm 1 177р.
    forrestii repens/Hybr.'Elizabeth'Dwarfhybrid. A dwarf or small, spreading shrub raised at Bodnant. Flowers trumpet-shaped, rich dark red, in clusters of 5-6. Flowering : April. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Anna Baldsiefen'Dwarf hybrid. A dwarf shrub of compact, upright habit with light green leaves, bronze-red in winter, to 2.5cm long. Flowers profusely borne, vivid phlox-pink with darker, wavy margins, funnel-shaped, 3cm across. Early. RB25-30 940р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Blue Bird'Dwarf hybrid. A neat, dwarf, small-leaved shrub, suitable for a rock garden or the front row of borders. Flowers lovely violet-blue borne in small, compact trusses. C20-25 940р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Blue Diamond'Dwarf hybrid. A slow-growing, compact bush, up to 1m high or more, with terminal clusters of rich lavender-blue, sucershaped flowers in tight clusters. April-May. C20-25 940р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Blue Tit Magor'Dwarf hybrid. Blue flowers. RB25-30 940р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Blue Tit'Dwarf hybrid. A hybrid forming dense bushes up to 1m high and as wide. The small, widely funnel-shaped flowers are borne in clusters at the tips of branchlets. They are o lovely lavender-blue, which intensifies with age. A first class shrub for a rock or heather garden. Flowering : April. C20-25 940р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Chikor'A dwarf shrub with small leaves and clusters of yellow flowers. Mid. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Cilpinense'Dwarf Hybrid. A beautiful, free-flowering, Bodnant hybrid forming a neat, rounded bush, up to 1m high, with glossy green, bristle-margined leaves. Flowers in loose, trusses, shallowly bellshaped, sparkling white, flushed pink, deeper in bud. Very early. RB25-30 940р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Gristede'Dwarf hybrid. A compact, dwarf shrub. A hybrid of R.impeditum, resembling 'Blue Diamond'. Has glossy green leaves and clusters of funnel-shaped, violet-blue flowers. Early to mid. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Moerheim'Dwarf hybrid. A dwarf shrub of compact habit with glossy green leaves turning maroon in winter. Clusters of small, aster-violet flowers are freely produced. Flowering : April-May . C20-25 940р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Oudijk's Favorite'Dwarf hybrid. Presumably a seedling of 'Blue Diamond' or 'Blue Tit', but with a less vigorous habit. Young leaves reddish, later deep green. Flowers violet-blue, early May. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Pink Drift'Dwarf hybrid. A dwarf shrub of neat, compact habit with small, aromatic leaves and clusters of soft lavender-rose flowers. Mid. Resembles an evergreen azalea. C15-20Cm 940р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Praecox'An extremely popular, small, early flowering hybrid of compact growth. Leaves sometimes partially deciduous, aromatic when crushed. Flowers produced in 2s and 3s at the tips of the shoots. They are widely funnel-shaped, purplish-crimson in bud, opening to glistening rosy-purple, slightly darker on the outside. February to March. C25-30Cm 837р.
    C30-40Cm 1 064р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Princess Ann'Dwarf hybrid. A very attractive, dwarf shrub of dense habit with light matt green, elliptic, pointed leaves to 6cm long. Flowers greenish in bud opening pale yellow with faint greenish spots, funnel-shaped, 3cm across. Early to mid. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Seta'An exceedingly pretty, medium-sized Bodnant hybrid of erect habit, producing umbels of unspotted, narrowly bellshaped flowers, 4cm long, white at base, shading to vivid pink in the lobes. March and April, one of the first hybrids to flower. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Tessa'A small bush up to 1m. Flowers in loose flattened umbels, soft, slightly purplish-pink, with a ray of crimson spots, opening in March or early April. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    HYBR.GR.I'Yellow Hammer'A charming, rather slender hybrid. Flowers in pairs from terminal and axillary buds, tubular or narrowly bell-shaped, bright yellow. Early. RB25-30 940р.
    HYBR.GR.IILarge-flowering Rhododendrons. All hybrids are evergreens, vary from prostrate alpines to small trees. Flowering from April to June. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Albert Schweitzer'Large-floweringe hybrid. A large schrub of upright habit with large conical trusses of rose-bengal flowers with a deeper blotch. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Americana'Large-flowering hybrid. Dark red, middle early. Very winter hardy. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Blue Peter'Large-flowering hybrid. A vigorous, very free-flowering hybrid of upright habit. Flowers in compact, conical trusses, funnel-shaped, frilled at the margin, cobalt-violet, paling to white at throat, with a ray of maroon spots. Mid season. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Britannia'Large-flowering hybrid. A superb shrub of slow growth, forming a compact, rounded bush generally broader than high. Flowers gloxinia-shaped, glowing crimson-scarlet, in compact trusses backed by bold, handsome foliage. Mid. One of the most popular of all hardy hybrids and an excellent wind resister. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Caractacus'Large-flowering hybrid. Purple-red with a lighter center. Late flowering. Very winter hardy. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Cunningham's White'Large-flowering hybrid. White with greenish yellow markings, very early. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Cynthia'Large-flowering hybrid. One of the best rhododendrons for general planting, thriving in a great variety of situations. A large, vigorous, dome-shaped bush bearing magnificent conical trusses of widely funnel-shaped, rose-crimson flowers, each with a narrow ray of blackish-crimson markings within. Mid. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Doncaster'Large-flowering hybrid. A small shrub, broadly dome-shaped in habit, with somewhat glossy, very dark green, leathery leaves, held very stiffly on the shoots. Flowers in dense trusses, funnel-shaped, brilliant crimson-scarlet, with a ray of black markings within. Mid. Prone to bud blast. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Dr.H.C.DresselhuysLarge-flowering hybrid. Aniline-red flowers. Very winter hardy. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Everestianum'Large-flowering hybrid. A very old hybrid making a medium-sized, dense bush. Flowers widely funnel-shaped with frilly lobes, pale lilac with a broad ban of brown or reddish spots. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Fastuosum Plenum'Large-Flowering hybrid. A very hardy hybrid forming a large, dome-shaped bush. Flowers in a lax truss, funnelshaped with wavy margins, rich mauve with a ray of brown-crimson markings within, filament unevenly petaloid. Mid-season. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Furnival's Daughter'Light rose-pink with a bold splash of dark markings. Mid. Winter hardy. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Gomer Waterer'Large-flowering hybrid. Leaves dark green, large and leathery, oval or oblong-obovate, with deflexed margins. Flowers fragrant, in a large, dense, rounded truss, funnel-shaped but deeply divided, white, flushed pale mauve towards the edges, wit a mustard-coloured basal blotch. Mid to late. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Hugh Koster'Large-flowering Hybrid. A sturdy, leafy bush with stiff, erect branches. Flowers in a well-formed truss, funnel-shaped, glowing crimson-scarlet with black markings within. Mid. Resembling 'Doncaster' but flowers lighter in colour. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'John Walter'Larg-flowering hybrid. A semi-erect-branched shrub of compact habit. Flowers in dense, globular trusses, cherry-red fading to lilac-red with dark spotting, funnel-shaped, wavy at the margin. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Kate Waterer'Large-flowering hybrid. A medium-sized to large, dense shrub with oblong-ovate leaves to 12cm long. Flowers funnel-shaped, to 6cm across, rose-crimson passing to clear rose, the upper lobe with a ray of greenish-yellow spots on a white background. Mid. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Lord Roberts'Large-flowering hybrid. An old hybrid of erect growth. Flowers in a dense, rounded truss, funnel-shaped, dark crimson. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Louis Pasteur'Large-flowering hybrid. Bright red, interior pink. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Madame de Bruin'Large-flowering hybrid. Conical trusses of cerise-red flowers. Mid. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Madame Masson'Large-flowering hybrid. An old hybrid bearing trusses of white flowers, with a yellow basal blotch within. Mid. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Nova Zembla'Large-flowering hybrid. An excellent and very hardy, medium-sized shrub of rather upright habit with dark green, deeply veined leaves. Deep red flowers with a conspicuous dark blotch are borne in compact trusses. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Pink Pearl'Large-flowering hybrid. A strong-growing shurb, ultimately tall and bare at the base. Flowers in magnificent, large, conical trusses, widely funnel-shaped, rose in bud, opening to deep lilac-pink, fading to white at the margins. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Pink Perfection'Large-flowering hybrid. Rose flowers. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'President Roosevelt'FRILLY RED perimeter of flowers have WHITE centers to each flower. Super interesting. Early to Middle blooming. Afternoon protection from full sun is best. VARIGATED foliage of White asymetrical shapes. Super attractive varigation. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Purple Splendour'Large-flowering hybrid. A sturdy, leafy bush with erect branches. A hybrid of R.ponticum. Flowers in a well-formed truss, widely funnel-shaped, rich royal purplish-blue with a well-defined ray of embossed black markings on a purplish-brown ground. Mid to late. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Roseum Elegans'Large-flowering hybrid. A very old hybrid of R.ponticum making a large shrub. Funnel-shaped flowers are rosy-lilac with a small pattern of brown markings, in rounded trusses. Mid to late. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Sappho'Large-flowering hybrid. A very free-growing bush of rounded or dome-shaped habit, with dark glossy green leaves to 18cm long. Flowers in handsome, conical trusses, widely funnel-shaped, mauve in bud, opening pure white with a conspicuous blotch of rich purple overlaid black. Mid. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Van Weerden Poelman'Large-flowering hybrid. Carmine. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBR.GR.II'Vulcan'Large-flowering hybrid. A medium-sized shrub of compact habit. Funnel-shaped, wavy-margined, bright red flowers 6cm across are borne in dome-shaped trusses. Mid. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    HYBRI.GR.I'Dora Amateis'A vigorous, compact, mound-forming shrub with ovate-lanceolate, dark dull green leaves, scaly on both sides. Flowers freely produced in open clusters, funnel-shaped, pale pink in bud opening white, faintly spotted with yellow. Early. C25-30Cm 940р.
    impeditumA dwarf, alpine shrub forming low, tangled mounds of scaly branches only a few centimeters high. Tiny leaves. Flowers light purplish-blue, funnel-shaped. April and May. Most suitable for a rock garden.(5) C15-20 1 177р.
    japonicum/Hybr.= Japanese Azaleas. A tall shrub of medium size with ovate-oblong, ciliated leaves, often giving rich autumn tints. Flowers usually appearing before the leaves in May, are fragrant, funnel-shaped, orange-or salmon-red with a basal blotch, and borne in conspicuous trusses of 6-12. This is a dominant parent of many named garden hybrids.(6) C20-25 589р.
    RB25-30 805р.
    C30-35 1 321р.
    C35-40 1 858р.
    japonicum/Hybr.'Addy Wery'Small flowers. Blood-red flowers with an orange blush, flowers funnelform. Compact habit;(6) C20-25 589р.
    RB25-30 805р.
    C30-35 1 321р.
    C35-40 1 858р.
    japonicum/Hybr.'Amoena'Small flowered. Purple-red. (6) C20-25 589р.
    RB25-30 805р.
    C30-35 1 321р.
    C35-40 1 858р.
    japonicum/Hybr.'Blaauw'sPink'Small flowered. Salmon-pink, turning darker. Flowering : end of May until early June.(6) C20-25 589р.
    RB25-30 805р.
    C30-35 1 321р.
    C35-40 1 858р.
    japonicum/Hybr.'Hinodegiri'Small flowered. Carmine-red. Flowering early Mai until the end of May. (6) C20-25 589р.
    RB25-30 805р.
    C30-35 1 321р.
    C35-40 1 858р.
    japonicum/Hybr.'Ledifolia Alba'Large flowers. Flowers white. Flowering : End of May/June.(6) RB25-30 805р.
    C30-35 1 321р.
    C35-40 1 858р.
    japonicum/Hybr.'Mme Van Hecke'Small flowers. Pink flowers. Flowering : Mid-May until the end of May.(6) C20-25 589р.
    RB25-30 805р.
    C30-35 1 321р.
    C35-40 1 858р.
    japonicum/Hybr.'Moederkensdag'Large flowers. Flowers dark red. Flowering : end of May until the first week of June.(6) C20-25 589р.
    RB25-30 805р.
    C30-35 1 321р.
    C35-40 1 858р.
    japonicum/Hybr.'Palestrina'Large flowers. Ivory-white flowers. Flowering : End May/first half of June.(6) C20-25 589р.
    RB25-30 805р.
    C30-35 1 321р.
    C35-40 1 858р.
    japonicum/Hybr.'Vuyk's Rosyred'Large Flowers. Pink red. Flowering : End of May/ first half of June.(6) C20-25 589р.
    RB25-30 805р.
    C30-35 1 321р.
    C35-40 1 858р.
    japonicum/Hybr.'Vuyk's Scarlet'Large flowers. Dark red to carmine-red. Flowering : end of May/ early June. (6) C20-25 589р.
    RB25-30 805р.
    C30-35 1 321р.
    C35-40 1 858р.
    Knap Hill & Exbury AzaleaEnglish hybrids. A large and colourful group of hardy azaleas probably derived from R.calendulaceum x molle. The large flowers open widely in many flowered inflorescences, some type are double. Members of the group are characterised, by their trumpet-shaped, usually scentless flowers in a wide range of colours, opening in May. Average height when growing in an open position, 1.8-2.5m. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 601р.
    Knaphill & Exbury Azalea Hybr.'Balzac'Like the species. Bright red, with darker markings, fragrant. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 601р.
    Knaphill & Exbury Azalea Hybr.'Berryrose'Like the species. Orange-red, yellow patch, midseason to late. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 601р.
    Knaphill & Exbury Azalea Hybr.'Cecile'Like the species. Buds deep pink, opening salmon-red with a trace of yellow, very large flowerd. Flowering : 15th May until 25th May. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 601р.
    Knaphill & Exbury Azalea Hybr.'Gibraltar'Like the species. An intense orange with a red blush, margin crispate, large flowered. Flowering : 15th until 25th May. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 601р.
    Knaphill & Exbury Azalea Hybr.'Golden Eagle'Like the species. Orange with red. Flowering : from 15th until 25th May. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 601р.
    Knaphill & Exbury Azalea Hybr.'Golden Sunset'Like the species. Deep yellow with an orange blotch. Flowering : from 15th until 25th May. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 601р.
    Knaphill & Exbury Azalea Hybr.'Homebush'Like the species. Pink, double, in dense corymbs. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 622р.
    Knaphill & Exbury Azalea Hybr.'Hotspur Red'Like the species. Vermilion-red. Flowering : late, from 25th May until 5th June. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 601р.
    Knaphill & Exbury Azalea Hybr.'Persil'Like the species. White with a yellow blotch. Flowering : from 15th until 25th May. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 601р.
    Knaphill & Exbury Azalea Hybr.'Royal Command'Like the species. Vermillion-red. Flowering : from 15th until 25 May. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 601р.
    Knaphill & Exbury Azalea Hybr.'Satan'Like the species. Dark geraniumred. Flowering : from 15th until 25 May. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 601р.
    Knaphill & Exbury Azalea Hybr.'Seville'Like the species. Orange. RB25-30 1 569р.
    C30-40 2 003р.
    40-50 2 601р.
    luteum /Azalea ponticaThe well-known, common, fragrant azalea. A medium-sized, deciduous shrub, occasionally reaching. Winter buds and young shoots sticky. Leaves oblong to oblong-lanceolate, turning to rich shades of crimson, purple and orange in autumn. Flowers yellow, viscid on the outside, richly and strongly fragrant, funnel-shaped, in a rounded truss. (5) RB25-30 1 012р.
    C30-40 1 321р.
    luteum/ Azalea pontica Hybr.'Coccinea Speciosa'Like the species. Bright orange-red. Flowering : from 25th May until 5th June. RB25-30 2 385р.
    C30-40 3 046р.
    luteum/ Azalea pontica Hybr.'Daviesii'Like the species. Cream-yellow to white, with a yellow patch, leaves blue-green. Flowering : from 15th until 25th May. RB25-30 2 385р.
    C30-40 3 046р.
    luteum/ Azalea pontica Hybr.'Narcissiflora'Like the species. Light yellow flowers double, fragrant. RB25-30 2 385р.
    C30-40 3 046р.
    molle/ Azalea mollis= 'Mollis Azaleas'. This attractive group originated as selections of R.japonicum and later R.molle. Their large, scentless flowers are borne in handsome trusses usually in early May, before the leaves. Average height when growing in an open position, 1.2-1.8m.(7) RB25-30 723р.
    C30-40 899р.
    40-50 1 177р.
    molle/ Azalea mollis Hybr.'Dr.M.Oosthoek'Like the species. Dark orange-red. RB25-30 1 498р.
    C30-40 1 911р.
    40-50 2 477р.
    molle/Azalea mollis Hybr.'Radiant'Like the species. Orange-red. RB25-30 1 498р.
    C30-40 1 911р.
    40-50 2 477р.
    molle/Azalea mollis Hybr.'Dir. Moerlands'Like the species. Golden-yellow, interior darker, olive-brown markings. RB25-30 1 498р.
    C30-40 1 911р.
    40-50 2 477р.
    molle/Azalea mollis Hybr.'Emiel Liebig'Like the species. Salmon. RB25-30 1 498р.
    C30-40 1 911р.
    40-50 2 477р.
    molle/Azalea mollis Hybr.'Hugo Hardijzer'Like the species. Light red. RB25-30 1 498р.
    C30-40 1 911р.
    40-50 2 477р.
    molle/Azalea mollis Hybr.'Koster's Brilliant Red'Like the species. Red-orange. RB25-30 1 498р.
    C30-40 1 911р.
    40-50 2 477р.
    molle/Azalea mollis Hybr.'Saturnus'Like the species. Dark orange-red with a reddish blush. RB25-30 1 498р.
    C30-40 1 911р.
    40-50 2 477р.
    ponticumIt is a large shrub with mauve to lilac-pink flowers which can look lovely especially in the fading light of evening. Its floral display in May and June is a feature of many districts. Invaluable for shelter blets and forming hedges.(6) C30-40 888р.
    40-50 1 239р.
    C50-60 1 961р.
    C60-80 3 303р.
    C80-100 4 852р.
    ponticum'Variegatum'Evergreen shrub, also occasionally a small tree. Mauve to lilac flowers. Leaves more slender and smaller than those of the species, limb yellowish white. RB25-30 1 136р.
    C30-40 1 415р.
    40-50 2 065р.
    C50-60 3 303р.
    C60-70 4 471р.
    C70-80 5 884р.
    HSt,C 6 379р.
    C80-90 8 052р.
    C90-100 10 529р.
    racemosumSmall to medium-sized shrub, a suitable subject for a heather garden. Leaves oblong-elliptic, leathery, glaucous beneath. Flowers pale to bright pink, funnel shaped, very numerous from axillary buds, forming racemes along the branchlets, March and April. RB25-30 940р.
    viscosum'Jolie Madame''Swamp Honeysuckle'. A medium-sized, deciduous, summerflowering shrub of bushy habit. Flowers pink, delightfully and spicily fragrant, appearing after the leaves. June and July.(3) RB25-30 1 498р.
    C30-40 1 911р.
    williamsianum/Hybr'Winsome'Leaves to 9cm long, are dark green above with a thin, rusty tomentum growths. Flowers funnel-shaped, 6cm across, in loose, pendent clusters, scarlet in bud, opening deep rose-pink, reddish towards the base, contrasting effectively with the young leaves. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    C30-40 1 704р.
    williamsianum/Hybr.'April Glow'Very dense evergreen shrub, broad globose habit, 0.5-1m high. New growth an attractive bronze-brown. Leaves broadly oval, cordate at the base. Flowers carmine-pink,, limb interior somewhat lighter. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    C30-40 1 704р.
    williamsianum/Hybr.'Bow Bells'Like 'April Glow'. Flowers widely bell-shaped, deep cerise in bud, opening to soft pink within, shaded rich pink outside, borne in loose trusses. May-June. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    C30-40 1 704р.
    williamsianum/Hybr.'Karin'Like 'April Glow'. Flowers pink, large, early May. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    C30-40 1 704р.
    williamsianum/Hybr.'Oudijk's Sensation'Like 'April Glow'. Dark pink flowers. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    C30-40 1 704р.
    williamsianum/Hybr.'Willbrit'Similar to 'Oudijk's Sensation' but less winter hardy. C20-25 940р.
    RB25-30 1 177р.
    C30-40 1 704р.
    Yakushimanum/Hybr.Dense, evergreen shrub, 0.5-1m high and wide. Leaves oblong to obovate, underside thick light brown tomentose. Flowering very abundantly, May. Very attractive and hardy species. (5) RB25-30 1 280р.
    C30-40 1 920р.
    Yakushimanum/Hybr.'Dusty Miller'A compact and rather slow-growing, dwarf shrub, the leaves with a persistent silvery-white indumentum. Flowers pale pink flushed red, fading to cream. Mid.(5) C20-25 1 280р.
    RB25-30 1 672р.
    scandensA free-flowering shrub with erect branches to 1.2m. The paper-white flowers, like white dog roses are 4-5cm across and appear from May to July, followed by conspicuous, shining black fruits.(5) C50-60 858р.
    glabra'Smooth Sumach'. A widespreading, medium-sized shrub with glabrous, glaucous stems and attractive, glabrous, pinnate leaves which glaucous beneath and usually turn an intense red or orange-yellow in autumn. The erect, scarlet, hairy, plume-like fruit-clusters of the female plant are also conspicuous in autumn.(2) SHR 2br 929р.
    SHR3br+ 1 064р.
    glabra'Laciniata''Smooth Sumach'. A wide-spreading, medium-sized shrub with glabrous, glaucous stems and attractive glabrous, fern-like leaves with deeply incised leaflets, which are glaucous beneath and usually turn an intense red or orange-yellow in autumn. The erect, scarlet, hairy, plume-like fruit-clusters of the female plant are also conspicuous in autumn. (2) SHR80-100,2br+ 754р.
    SHR80-100,3br+ 878р.
    typhina'Stag’s-horn Sumach'. A wide-spreading, sparsely-branched, small tree or an irregular large shrub, developing a gaunt, flat-topped appearance, particularly noticeable in winter. The thick, pithy branches are covered, when young, with a dense coat of reddish-brown hairs. The large, pinnate leaves turn to rich orange, yellow, red or purple in autumn. Large, erect, green clusters of male flowers and smaller, female clusters are borne on separate plants . The dense conical clusters of crimsonn, hairy fruits are most decorative at the end of the year. Sometimes forming small thickets of suckering stems.(3) 80-100,2br 754р.
    80-100,3br 878р.
    150-175 1 569р.
    175-200 1 941р.
    200-250 2 736р.
    250-300 3 675р.
    typhina'Dissecta'A striking female form of R. typhina with deeply incised leaflets, creating a fern-leaf effect. Sometimes forming small tickets of suckering stems.(3) SHR80-100,2br 754р.
    SHR80-100,3br 878р.
    alpinum'Alpine Currant'. A small to medium-sized, semi-erect shrub of neat, densely twiggy habit, suitable for hedging. Flowers greenish-yellow, small, usually dioucious, berries red. Extremely shade-tolerant.(2) SHR 300р.
    C 537р.
    HSt 1 321р.
    odoratum'Buffalo Currant'. A small to medium-sized shrub of loose, erect habit. Leaves glabrous, shining green, colouring richly in autumn. Lax racemes of golden-yellow flowers in April, deliciously clove-scented. Berries black. (5) SHR 300р.
    C 537р.
    HSt 1 321р.
    sanguineumThe popular 'Flowering Currant'. A medium-sized shrub with a characteristic pungent smell. Flowers deep rose-pink, petals white, produced during April in racemes which are drooping at first, later ascending. Berries black, bloomy. Useful for cutting for the home and easily forced, but tending to pale in colour. (6) SHR 300р.
    C 537р.
    HSt 1 321р.
    sanguineum'AtrorubensLike the species with flowers deep blood-crimson.(6) SHR 300р.
    C 537р.
    HSt 1 321р.
    sanguineum'King Edward VIILike the species with flowers of an intense crimson. Rather lower-growing than the typical form.(6) SHR 300р.
    C 537р.
    HSt 1 321р.
    sanguineum'Pulborough Scarlet'Like the species. A selected form with deep red flowers the same colour as Spiraea japonica 'Anthony Waterer'.(6) SHR 300р.
    C 537р.
    HSt 1 321р.
    elliottiiA small to medium-sized, suckering shrub with bristly stems and rosy-pink flowers in June; pods densely bristly. Closely related to R.hispida, differing in its smaller flowers and pubescent leaflets. Branches rather brittle.(5) SHR 981р.
    HSt 6-8 1 858р.
    St6-8 2 539р.
    St8-10 3 097р.
    St10-12 3 778р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    hispidaA medium-sized, suckering shrub of irregular habit with long, glandular-britly branches. Short racemes of large, deep rose flowers, in May-June. Pods, when produced, glandular-bristly. An excellent small tree when grafted on to stems of R.pseudoacacia, but rather brittle and requires a sheltered position. It may also be grown effectively against a sunny wall.(5) HSt 6-8 1 858р.
    St6-8 2 539р.
    St8-10 3 097р.
    St10-12 3 778р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoacacia'Black Locust''False Acacia'. A large, suckering tree, often of pecturesque oriental appearance. Bark rugged and deeply furrowed, twigs with spiny stipules. Leaves elliptic, rich green above, gray-green beneath, yellow in fall. Flowers slightly fragrant, white, with ayellow stain at the base of the standard, produced in long racemes in June. Pods smooth. The bark and young branches are poisonous, particularly to horses.(3) 175-200 578р.
    200-250 692р.
    250-300 1 074р.
    St6-8 1 580р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    St10-12 2 705р.
    St12-14 3 769р.
    St14-16 5 244р.
    pseudoacacia'Bessoniana'Like the specie. Vigorous growing, open crowned, rounded-ovate, somewhat divaricate with age and then easily wind damaged. Branches usually totally thornless. Flowers very rarely, cream coloured. St6-8 2 539р.
    St8-10 3 097р.
    St10-12 3 778р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoacacia'Frisia'Like the specie. An outstanding, small to medium-sized tree with leaves which are a rich golden yellow from spring to autumn, creating a brilliant splash of colour. It associates particularly well with large, purple-leaved shrubs, such as Cotinus coggygria'Royal Purple'. (3) 150-175 1 053р.
    175-200 1 250р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    HSt 6-8 1 858р.
    250-300 2 250р.
    St6-8 2 539р.
    St8-10 3 097р.
    St10-12 3 778р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoacacia'Myrtifolia'Like the specie. Broadly ovate, apex round to emarginate.(3) HSt 6-8 2 271р.
    St6-8 2 539р.
    St8-10 3 097р.
    St10-12 3 778р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoacacia'Pyramidalis'Like the specie. A slender, columnar tree of medium size, with spineless, closely erect branches.(3) 150-175 1 053р.
    175-200 1 250р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    250-300 2 250р.
    St6-8 2 539р.
    St8-10 3 097р.
    St10-12 3 778р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoacacia'Red Cascade'Shrub, 3-4m high, closely related to R.pseudoacacia, but pubescent on the leaflet undersides. Flowers large, purplish-pink, in soft pubescent, 15cm long racemes, calyx pubescent and somewhat glandular.(5) 150-175 1 053р.
    175-200 1 250р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    HSt 6-8 1 858р.
    250-300 2 250р.
    St6-8 2 539р.
    St8-10 3 097р.
    St10-12 3 778р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoacacia'Tortuosa'Like the specie. A picturesque, slow-growing, small to medium-sized tree. Young shoots twisted, corkscrew-like, leaves often pendulous. Only occasionally flowering.(3) SHR75-100 981р.
    SHR100-150 1 126р.
    150-175 1 569р.
    175-200 1 993р.
    200-250 2 828р.
    250-300 3 954р.
    300-350 5 358р.
    pseudoacacia'Umbraculifera''Globe Acacia'. Shrubby, very slow growing, with very many thin, nearly withches-broom-like, totally thornless shoots. Leaves smaller, light green. Flowers never observed. (3) HSt 6-8 1 858р.
    St6-8 2 539р.
    St8-10 3 097р.
    St10-12 3 778р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoacacia'UnifoliolaA curious form with leaves reduced to a single large leaflet or accompanied by 1 or 2 normal-sized leaflets. Thornless. Fast growing, flowers like the specie.(3) St6-8 2 539р.
    St8-10 3 097р.
    St10-12 3 778р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    'Benenden'Arching, thornless shrub with peeling bark. Large, rose-like, glistering, single flowers are white with a golden-yellow centre, produces all along the branches.(6) C 640р.
    nepalensisA dwarf, evergreen, creeping shrub with densely soft-bristly stems and short-stalked, trifoliolate leaves. Attractive, nodding, white flowers are borne on erect, leafy shoots in June, followed by purple, edible fruits. A charming carpeting shrub for a shady border or bank.(9) P9 197р.
    CL 465р.
    odoratus'Raspberry'. A vigorous, suckering shrub with erect, peeling thornless stems up to 2.5m high. Young shoots densely glandular-hairy. Leaves large and velvety, palmate. Flowers in branched clusters, 4-5cm across, fragrant, purplish-rose, opening from June to September. Fruits flat and broad, red, edible. An excellent shrub for a wild garden or semi-shade beneath trees.(4) C 640р.
    pentalobusA creeping alpine evergreen, forming dense mats of short-jointed, rooting stems. The small, 3-5 lobed mallow-like leaves are glossy green and bullate above, grey-felted beneath. The white flowers are borne singly or in short clusters in summer. A most useful groundcover for a rock garden, scree or peat wall, even in shade.(8-9) P9 197р.
    CL 465р.
    tricolorAn attractive, evergreen shrub with long, trailing, densely bristly stems. Leaves cordate, dark glossy green above, white-felted beneath. Flowers white produced singly in the leaf axils in July, sometimes followed by large, bright red, edible fruits. An excellent groundcover in shady places, forming extensive carpets even under beech trees.(7-8) P9 197р.
    CL 465р.
    acutifolia'pendulifolia''Willow'. A very graceful, large shrub, accasionally a small tree, with lanceolate, long-pointed, drooping leaves and slender, damson-coloured shoots overlaid with a white bloom. Catkins appearing before the leaves. (4) SHR100-140 341р.
    C100-125 507р.
    St6-8 1 837р.
    St8-10 2 250р.
    St10-12 3 097р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 267р.
    alba'White Willow'. A familiar native species of water meadows and riversides. A large, elegant tree of conical habit, with slender branches, drooping at the tips. The lanceolate, silky-hairy leaves occur in great, billowy masses, creating a characteristic silvery appearance from a distance. The slender catkins appear with the young leaves in spring. A vigorous, fast-growing tree, much planted in moist, sandy areas.(2) St6-8 1 631р.
    St8-10 2 044р.
    St10-12 2 705р.
    St12-14 3 769р.
    St14-16 5 131р.
    alba'Belders''White Willow'. Like the specie. Narrow crowned, stem often somewhat wavy.(2) St6-8 1 631р.
    St8-10 2 044р.
    St10-12 2 705р.
    St12-14 3 769р.
    St14-16 5 131р.
    alba'Chermesina''Scarlet Willow'. Like the specie. Conical habit when young, branches bright red or orange, particularly in winter, especially if pruned severely every second year. (2) SHR100-140 300р.
    C100-125 507р.
    St6-8 1 631р.
    St8-10 2 044р.
    St10-12 2 705р.
    St12-14 3 769р.
    St14-16 5 111р.
    alba'Liempde''White Willow'. A vigorous male form with upright branches making a narrowly conical tree, dominant leader. (2) C100-125 507р.
    175-200 578р.
    200-250 1 032р.
    250-300 1 518р.
    St6-8 1 631р.
    300-350 1 972р.
    St8-10 2 044р.
    St10-12 2 705р.
    St12-14 3 769р.
    St14-16 5 131р.
    alba'Sericea''White Willow'. Like the specie. A smaller, less vigorous, rounder-headed tree with leaves of an intense silvery hue, striking when seen from a distance.(2) St6-8 1 631р.
    St8-10 2 044р.
    St10-12 2 705р.
    St12-14 3 769р.
    St14-16 5 131р.
    babylonica'Weeping Willow'. An attractive tree of medium size with a wide-spreading head of long, pendulous, glabrous, brown branches. Leaves long and narrow, green above, bluish-grey beneath. Catkins slender, appearing with the young leaves in spring. (5) St6-8 1 837р.
    St8-10 2 250р.
    St10-12 3 097р.
    St12-14 3 769р.
    St14-16 5 131р.
    babylonica'Tortuosa''Dragon's Claw Willow'. A curious form with branches and twigs much twisted and contorted, also the leaves. Best kept as a large shrub, which requires a seasonal hard pruning.(5) SHR100-140 300р.
    C100-125 507р.
    175-200 858р.
    200-250 1 002р.
    250-300 1 136р.
    300-350 1 415р.
    St6-8 1 693р.
    St8-10 2 138р.
    St10-12 2 808р.
    St12-14 3 769р.
    St14-16 5 131р.
    caprea'Goat Willow''Great Sallow'. A common and familiar tall shrub or small tree, particularly noticeable in early spring when the large, golden-yellow male catkins are gathered. Leaves broadly elliptic, rugose above, dull green , gray-green beneath, more or less densely pubescent. (5) SHR100-140 300р.
    C100-125 507р.
    St6-8 1 631р.
    St8-10 2 044р.
    St10-12 2 705р.
    St12-14 3 769р.
    St14-16 5 131р.
    caprea'Kilmarnock''Kilmarnock Willow'. A small, umbrella-like, male tree with stiffly pendulous branches. Attractive silvery catkins studded with golden anthers in late winter. (5) C100-125 507р.
    HSt 6-8 1 569р.
    St8-10 2 539р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    cinerea'Grey Sallow'. A large shrub or occasionally a small tree. It has stout pubescent twigs and obovate leaves which are grey tomentose beneath. Catkins appearing before the leaves in early spring. (2) SHR100-140 300р.
    C100-125 507р.
    St6-8 1 631р.
    St8-10 2 044р.
    St10-12 2 705р.
    St12-14 3 769р.
    St14-16 5 131р.
    daphnoidesViolet Willow'. A fast-growing, small tree with long, purple-violet shoots which are attractively overlaid with a white bloom. Leaves oblong-lanceolate. Large catkins before the leaves in spring. Extremely effective in winter especially when hard pruned each or every other year in late March. St6-8 1 837р.
    St8-10 2 250р.
    St10-12 3 097р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 267р.
    exigua'Coyote Willow'. A beautiful, large, erect shrub or a small tree with long, slender, greyish-brown branches clothed wiht linear, silvery-silky, minutely toothed leaves. Slender catkins appear with the leaves.(5) SHR80-100 434р.
    'Wehrhahnii'A slow-growing, small to medium-sized shrub of spreading habit. In spring the stout twigs are alive with pretty, silvery-grey, male catkins which later turn yellow. (6) C30-40 981р.
    helveticaA small, bushy shrub, the young stems, leaves and catkins clothed in a soft, greyish pubescence. The small, oblanceolate leaves are grey-green above, white beneath. Catkins appear with the young leaves in spring. An attractive foliage shrub for a rock garden.(6) RB25-30 1 147р.
    C30-40 692р.
    integra'Hakuro-nishiki''Hakuro-Nishiki Willow'. A large shrub or small tree, mostly cultivated on standard. Leaves, lanceolate, conspicuously blotched with white. (6) SHR60-90 589р.
    C 692р.
    HSt 6-8 300р.
    St6-8 589р.
    St8-10 1 569р.
    St10-12 2 106р.
    lanata'Woolly Willow'. An attractive, slow-growing shrub usually 0.6-1.2m high, or occasionally more, with ovate to rounded, silvery-grey downy leaves and stout, erect, yellowish-grey woolly catkins in spring. The female catkins elongate considerably in fruit, sometimes measuring 10cm long. A rare native alpine species suitable for a rock garden.(1) RB25-30 2 539р.
    C30-40 3 283р.
    purpurea'Nana''Purple Osier'. A dwarf, compact, slender-branched cultivar. A useful low hedge for a damp site. Leaves narrowly oblong, dull green above, paler or glaucous beneath. The wood of the young shoots is bright yellow beneath the bark, a character which is normally present in its hybrids.(5) SHR40-60 640р.
    repens'Nitida''Creeping Willow'. An attractive, semi-prostrate variety with silvery-silky leaves. Abundant in moist, sandy areas by the sea. Grown as a standard it makes an effective miniature weeping tree. (5) SHR60-80 754р.
    rosmarinifolia'Hoary Willow'. A beautiful, medium-sized to large shrub of dense, bushy habit. Leaves linear, like elongated leaves of rosemary, greyish-hoary at first becoming green above and white beneath, thickly clothing the slender, reddish-brown, wand-like stems. One of the prettiest willows for waterside planting.(5) SHR60-80 300р.
    sepulcralis'Chrysocoma''Golden Weeping Willow'. Strong growing tree, branches very thin, long, pendulous, golden-yellowish! Leaves lanceolate. Catkins appearing with the leaves in April. (5) 175-200 754р.
    200-250 1 259р.
    HSt 6-8 1 374р.
    250-300 1 807р.
    St6-8 1 931р.
    300-350 2 261р.
    St8-10 2 374р.
    St10-12 3 159р.
    St12-14 3 872р.
    St14-16 4 852р.
    sepulcralis'Erythroflexuosa'= S.babylonica 'Tortuosa' x S. sepulcralis 'Chrysocoma. A curious,ornamental, small tree. Similar to S. babyl. 'Tortuosa' in appearance, but with branches and twigs widely arching or outspread, wavy and twisdted like a corkscrew. Bark golden-yellow to orange. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, similary crispate and twisted.(6) SHR60-90 321р.
    175-200 964р.
    200-250 1 136р.
    simulatrix'Willow'. Creeping, rather thick branched shrub, annual shoots brown, with large winter buds. Leaves nearly circular or more ovate, both sides glossy dark green. Catkins numerous, on foliate shoots, erect.(3) SHR 300р.
    C60-80 507р.
    udensis'Sekka''Willow'. A male clone of Japanese Origin', noted for its occasional curiously flattened and recurved stems, which may be encouraged by hard pruning. Useful when cut for 'Japanese' floral arrangements.(5) SHR60-80 321р.
    C60-80 507р.
    viminalis'Common Osier'. A large, vigorous shrub or small tree with long straight shoots thickly grey-tomentose when young. Leaves long and narrow, tapering to a fine point, dull green above, covered with silvery silky hairs beneath. Catkins appear before the leaves. A very common species of rivers, streamsides, lakes and marshes. Long cultivated for basket-making.(4) SHR100-140 300р.
    C100-125 507р.
    canadensis'Aurea''American Golden Elderberry'. Upright shrub (3m). Has large golden yellow leaves with many oblong leaflets. In mid-summer produces large, domed heads of small, stashaped creamy-white flowers, then spherical, red fruits.(6) SHR 321р.
    C60-90 507р.
    nigra'Common Elder'. Bushy large shrub. Has stout corky shoots and composed green leaves. Flattened heads of white flowers in summer, then black fruits.(6) SHR 300р.
    C60-90 507р.
    nigra'Aurea''Common golden elder'. Habit as the species but golden-yellow leaves and not as fast growing.(6) SHR60-90 300р.
    C60-90 507р.
    nigra'Guincho Purple'Like the species. Leaves green when young becoming deep blackish-purple, red in autumn. Flowers contrasting well with the foliage, pink in bud opening white flushed pink on the backs of the lobes, stalks stained with purple.(6) SHR60-80 537р.
    nigra'Laciniata''Fern leafed elder'. An attractive form with finely divided, fern-like leaves.(6) SHR60-90 300р.
    C60-90 507р.
    nigra'Madonna'Like the species. Golden variegated sport. Leaves light green to deep grey-green with an irregular creamy-yellow edge. Flowers, fruits and hardiness are similar to the species.(6) SHR 300р.
    C60-90 507р.
    nigra'Marginata'Like the species with leaflets with an irregular, creamy-white margin.(6) SHR 300р.
    C60-90 507р.
    nigra'Pygmy'Like the species with compact habit to 60 cm.(6) SHR60-90 300р.
    C60-90 507р.
    racemosa'Red- berried elder'. Large shrub. Creamy white flowers in conical heads, crowding the branches in spring, succeeded by dense clusters of scarlet fruits in summer.(6) SHR 300р.
    racemosa'Plumosa Aurea'Like the species. A colourful shrub with beautiful, deeply cut, golden foliage. One of the elite of golden-foliaged shrubs. Slower-growing smaller bush and best in light shade.(6) SHR60-80 858р.
    racemosa'Sutherland'Similar to ‘Plumosa Aurea’ but coarser in texture and less susceptible to sunburn.(6) SHR60-80 858р.
    aitchisoniiA very elegant shrub of medium size, closely related to S.tomentosa, with reddish young shoots. Pinnate leaves with lance-shaped leaflets. Upright panicles of white flowers in mid-summer.(6) SHR60-80 661р.
    sorbifoliaUpright shrub that forms thickets by suckering. White flowers in long plumes appear in summer. Mid-green leaves consist of many leaflets.(2) SHR60-80 589р.
    sorbifolia'Sem'Iis a pinkish-red, fern-like spring foliage that unfurls along deep pink stems . In July and August the neat, round shrub covers itself with creamy white blossoms. This dwarf variety makes a wonderful low hedge, or a great accent. Sem is an improvement from older Sorbaria varieties. Compact, better-branched, and more dense than others, it creates a tight, bushy little mound in the garden, making a fine low hedge or accent planting as well as a shrub border. C25-30Cm 516р.
    C30-40Cm 723р.
    tomentosaA large, strong-growing shrub of spreading habit. Leaves large, composed of 11-23 deeply toothed leaflets, hairy beneath. Flowers in large, terminal, downy panicles, from July to September.(8-9) SHR60-80 704р.
    'Joseph Rock'St6-8 2 250р.
    St8-10 2 902р.
    St10-12 3 551р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 565р.
    x arnoldiana'Maidenblush'One of the 'Lombards Hybrids'. More similar to S.aucuparia but differing in the often more or less glabrous winter buds. White/pink fruits. HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    St6-8 2 117р.
    St8-10 2 654р.
    St10-12 3 241р.
    St12-14 4 294р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    ariaMountain ash or rowan, medium-sized tree (15m). Erect growing in the early stages, later more spreading. Long pinnate leaves with many serrated leaflets, dull dark green, turning to reddish in autumn, flat clusters of white flowers in spring and bunches of red berries in autumn. 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 250р.
    St8-10 2 902р.
    St10-12 3 551р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 565р.
    aria'Lutescens''Whitebeam'. Crown narrowly conical at first and dense, later wider. Upper surface of leaves covered by a dense creamy-white tomentum, becoming grey-green by late summer. Fruits attractive orange-red. (6) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 250р.
    St8-10 2 902р.
    St10-12 3 551р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 565р.
    aria'Magnifica''Whitebeam'. Crown narrowly conical, later wider. Leaves large, glossy, dark green above, snow-white tomentose beneath, thick, stiff, and leathery, persisting long into fall. Large clusters of red fruits.(6) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 250р.
    St8-10 2 902р.
    St10-12 3 551р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 565р.
    aria'Majestica''Whitebeam'. Crown broader than that of 'Magnifica'. Leaves large, dull green above, underside white, later greenish tomentose. Fruits dark orange-red, not very conspicious.(6) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 250р.
    St8-10 2 902р.
    St10-12 3 551р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 565р.
    aucuparia'Common Mountain ash' or 'Rowan'. Medium-sized tree (15m). Erect growing in the early stages, later more spreading. Long pinnate leaves with many serrated leaflets, dull dark green, turning to reddish in autumn, flat clusters of white flowers in spring. Fruits bright red, carried in large, dense bunches during autumn, but soon devoured by hungry birds.(2) 150-175 723р.
    175-200 908р.
    200-250 1 115р.
    250-300 1 332р.
    HSt 6-8 1 425р.
    St6-8 1 776р.
    St8-10 2 365р.
    St10-12 2 952р.
    St12-14 4 182р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    aucuparia'Asplenifolia''Common Mountain Ash'. Like the specie, with deeply cut and toothed leaflets, giving the leaves a fern-like effect.(2) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    St6-8 1 931р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St8-10 2 365р.
    St10-12 2 952р.
    St12-14 4 182р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    aucuparia'Edulis''Common Mountain Ash'. Differing in its larger leaves with longer, broader leaflets. And its larger fruits which are sweet and edible and carried in heavier bunches.(2) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    St6-8 1 931р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St8-10 2 365р.
    St10-12 2 952р.
    St12-14 4 182р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    aucuparia'Fastigiata''Common Mountain Ash'. Like the specie, But slow-growing, clumnar shrub or small tree. Leaves large, with dark green leaflets. Fruits sealing-wax-red, large, borne in large, densely-packed bunches.(2) 125-150 1 486р.
    150-175 1 941р.
    175-200 2 539р.
    200-250 3 283р.
    St6-8 3 530р.
    St8-10 4 728р.
    St10-12 5 905р.
    aucuparia'Pendula''Weeping Mountain Ash'. Branches irregularly wavy, pendulous if grafted on a standard.(2) St8-10 2 798р.
    St10-12 3 530р.
    aucuparia'Rossica Major ''Common Mountain Ash'. Like the specie. Similar to 'Edulis', but larger to 1,5cm long fruits,sour.(2) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    St6-8 1 931р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St8-10 2 365р.
    St10-12 2 952р.
    St12-14 4 182р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    aucuparia'Sheerwater Seedling''Common Mountain Ash'. A vigorous, upright small specie of S.aucuparia, with a compact, ovoid head and large clusters of orange-red fruits. (2) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    St6-8 1 931р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St8-10 2 365р.
    St10-12 2 952р.
    St12-14 4 182р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    aucuparia'Wettra''Common Mountain Ash'. Like the specie but with an upright habit, fast growing. Red fruits.(2) 150-175 723р.
    175-200 908р.
    200-250 1 115р.
    250-300 1 332р.
    HSt 6-8 1 425р.
    St6-8 1 776р.
    St8-10 2 365р.
    St10-12 2 952р.
    St12-14 4 182р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    aucuparia'Xanthocarpa''Common Mountain Ash'. Like the specie, but with an ovoid head and amber-yellow fruits.(2) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    St6-8 1 931р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St8-10 2 365р.
    St10-12 2 952р.
    St12-14 4 182р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    commixtaResemble to S.aucuparia. Small, variable tree of columnar habit when young, broadening somewhat in maturity. Winter buds long-pointed and sticky. Leaves glabrous, with 11-15 slender pointed, serrated leaflets, bright, glossy green above, coppery when young, colouring richly in autumn. White flowers and bright red fruits.(6) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    St6-8 2 117р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St8-10 2 654р.
    St10-12 3 241р.
    St12-14 4 294р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    commixta'Belmonte'Medium tree with compact crown and upright twigs, later egg-shaped crown. Dark green, pinnate, leaves, orange-red autumn colours. Small fruits in large bunches, from August to end of September.(6) St6-8 2 365р.
    St8-10 2 952р.
    St10-12 3 665р.
    St12-14 4 842р.
    St14-16 6 680р.
    decora'Showy Mountain Ash'. An attractive, medium-sized shrub of loose, open growth. Leaves with 13-17 sea-green, obtuse leaflets. Fruits borne in dense clusters, coloured conspicuous when young, later turning to red. (2) 150-175 1 486р.
    HSt 6-8 1 787р.
    175-200 1 961р.
    St6-8 2 365р.
    200-250 2 374р.
    St8-10 2 952р.
    St10-12 3 665р.
    St12-14 4 842р.
    St14-16 6 700р.
    domesticaA medium-sized tree, with open, spreading branches, rough scaly bark and sticky, shining winter buds. Leaves pinnate, turning orange-red or yellow in autumn, composed of 13-21 leaflets. Fruits oval-globose, white to somewhat yellowish, occasionally turning pink, like small pears, used for making jam.(6) 175-200 2 385р.
    200-250 3 108р.
    250-300 4 253р.
    St6-8 4 253р.
    St8-10 5 203р.
    St10-12 6 379р.
    hupehensisA small, but strong-growing tree developing a bold, compact head of ascending, purple-brown branches. Leaves large, with a distinctive bluish-green cast, easily recognisable from a distance.Fruits whtite or sometimes pint-tinged. Borne in loose, drooping bunches and lasting late into winter. (6) St6-8 2 117р.
    St8-10 2 654р.
    St10-12 3 241р.
    St12-14 4 294р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    intermedia'Swedish Whitebeam'. A small to medium-sized tree with a dense, usually rounded head of branches. Leaves ovate to broad elliptic, tomentose beneath. Fruits orange-red, in bunches.(6) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 250р.
    St8-10 2 902р.
    St10-12 3 551р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 565р.
    intermedia'Brouwers'A selected form of the Swedish whitebeam. Habit tightly upright, with an oval crown.(6) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 250р.
    St8-10 2 902р.
    St10-12 3 551р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 565р.
    koehneana'Mountain Ash'. A medium-sized shrub or small tree. Leaves with numerous, narrow, toothed leaflets. The small, porcelain-white fruits are borne in slender, drooping clusters.(6) HSt 6-8 2 816р.
    latifolia'Service tree of Fonteinbleau'. A small to medium-sized tree with downy young shoots and shaggy, peeling bark. Leaves ovate or broad elliptic, sharply lobed, glossy green above, grey-felted beneath. Fruits globular, russet-yellow with large, brownish speckles.(5) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    St6-8 2 250р.
    St8-10 2 902р.
    St10-12 3 551р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    scalarisA small tree with neat widespreading habit. Attractive frond-like leaves turning rich red and purple in late autumn. Small red fruits. 175-200 2 408р.
    200-250 3 111р.
    250-300 4 542р.
    St6-8 4 542р.
    St8-10 5 678р.
    thuringiaca'Fastigiata'= S.aria var.longifolia x S.aucuparia'. Fast growing deciduous tree. Conical, upright habit when young, wider and oval with age. Dull green lobed leaves, grey tomentose beneath. Fruits very numerous, dark red fruits. First class tree for public places. (6) 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    St6-8 2 117р.
    St8-10 2 654р.
    St10-12 3 241р.
    250-300 4 253р.
    St12-14 4 480р.
    St14-16 6 565р.
    thuringiaca'Leonard Springer'Transition form, leaves only with 4-5 pairs of leaflets, these coarsely serrate, apical leaflets with the base scarely decurrent on the rachis, terminal leaflet 6-7cm long, rhombic tapered toward the apex, deeply incised at the base, less deep in the middle, only biserrate at the apex, leaf petiole red. Fruits like S.aucuparia but larger bright orange, persistent.(6) 150-175 1 045р.
    175-200 1 239р.
    HSt 6-8 1 556р.
    200-250 1 636р.
    250-300 2 034р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 544р.
    St10-12 3 111р.
    St12-14 4 258р.
    St14-16 6 246р.
    torminalis'Chequer Tree'. An attractive medium-sized, native tree with ascending branches, spreading with age, scaly bark and brown twigs, woolly pubescent when young. Leaves maple-like, ovate, sharply and conspicuously lobed, glossy dark green above, pubescent beneath at first, turning bronze-yellow in autumn. Lowers white in loose, tomentose, to 12cm corymbes. Fruits longer than broad, russety-brown.(6) 175-200 2 408р.
    200-250 3 111р.
    250-300 4 542р.
    St6-8 4 542р.
    St8-10 5 678р.
    St10-12 7 155р.
    vilmoriniiA beautiful, small tree or medium-sized shrub of elegant, spreading habit. Leaves often in clusters, fern-like, composed of 11-31 small leaflets, turning to red and purple in autumn. The loose, drooping clusters of fruits are rose-red at first, gradually passing through pink to white flushed rose. (6) St6-8 3 384р.
    St8-10 4 542р.
    St10-12 5 678р.
    x arnoldiana'Apricot Queen'One of the 'Lombards Hybrids'. More similartpt S.aucuparia, but differing in the often pore or less glabrous winter buds. Upright growth and yellow-orange fruits. 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 117р.
    St8-10 2 654р.
    St10-12 3 241р.
    St12-14 4 294р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    x arnoldiana'Golden Wonder'One of 'Lombards Hybrids'. Upright growth with a pyramidal crown. Large, pinnate leaves with red petioles. Large gold-yellow fruits. St6-8 2 117р.
    St8-10 2 654р.
    St10-12 3 241р.
    St12-14 4 294р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    x arnoldiana'Orange Parade'One of the 'Lombards Hybrids'. Striking yellow-orange fruits, very fertile. HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    St6-8 2 250р.
    St8-10 2 902р.
    St10-12 3 551р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 565р.
    x arnoldiana'Schouten'On of the 'Lombards Hybrids'. Small tree with a closed, egg-shaped crown. Pinnate leaves. Yellow-orange fruits. St6-8 2 117р.
    St8-10 2 654р.
    St10-12 3 241р.
    St12-14 4 294р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    x arnoldiana'White Wax'One of the 'Lombards Hybrids' with white fruits. 150-175 1 115р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    HSt 6-8 1 642р.
    200-250 1 725р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 354р.
    St8-10 2 932р.
    St10-12 3 665р.
    St12-14 4 842р.
    St14-16 6 680р.
    arguta'Bridal Wreath or Foam of May'. Dense-growing medium-sized shrub with graceful, slender, arching branches. Flowers, pure white, produces in clusters all along the branches in mid-spring. Bright green, narrowly oblong leaves.(5) SHR40-60 341р.
    betulifoliaShrub, densely bushy, 1.5 (1) m high, shoots red-brown, glabrous, striated, leaves broadly ovate to elliptic, usually rounded at the apex, base usually broadly cuneate, 2-4cm long, doubly or only simple crenate, dark green above, grey-green and reticulately veined beneath, usually glabrous, flowers white.(5) RB25-30 507р.
    betulifolia'Tor'As the name suggests, the Birchleaf Spirea is not your everyday Spirea. With a more rounded, certainly more green leaf, you might be fooled into thinking this plant is not a Spirea at all. Even the plump, full purplish buds waiting to burst open with new blooms don't quite look like they belong. But when you see the small clusters of white flowers shining against the darker green foliage, you'll know this plant has the heart of a Spirea. And when cooler fall temperatures come around, you'll be treated to a great fall color show, with foliage turning copper, red or purple before it falls.(5) RB25-30 507р.
    billiardii'Triumphans'A beautiful shrub with dense, conical panicles of purplish-rose flowers during summer. Not happy on shallow chalky soils.(5) SHR60-80 300р.
    cinerea'Grefsheim'Densely-branched shrub with arching branches, resembling ‘Arguta’ in general effect, but hardier.(5) SHR60-80 341р.
    douglassiiRampant, suckering shrub whit erect reddish shoots. Leaves grey-felted beneath. Flowers purplish-rose in dense terminal panicles, in June and July.(6) SHR60-80 300р.
    japonica'Albiflora'A dwarf, 'front-row' shrub of compact habit. Flowers white, in dense, terminal corymbs.(3-8) SHR30-40 341р.
    japonica'Antony Waterer'An excellent, dwarf shrub for the front of borders or for mass effect. The foliage is occasonally variegated cream and pink. Flowers bright crimson. (3-8) SHR25-30 248р.
    SHR30-40 300р.
    japonica'Bullata'A dwarf, slow growing shrub of compact habit. Leaves small, broadly ovate, bullate above. Flowers rose-crimson, in terminal, flat-topped clusters in summer.(3-8) RB10-15 486р.
    C15-20 589р.
    japonica'Crispa'Dwarf growing shrub with dark green, fringed leaves that are reddish-purple when young. Pink flowers.(3-8) C30-40 507р.
    japonica'Froebelii'About 1m high growing, dense and broad. Flowers bright crimson in large, branched corymbs, July.(3-8) SHR40-60 341р.
    japonica'Goldflame'Slightly arching low shrub with orange-red young leaves turning to bright yellow and finally to pale green. Bears heads of deep rose-pink flowers.(3-8) SHR30-40 341р.
    japonica'Little Princess'Mound-forming neat shrub that produces many small heads of rose-pink blooms from mid-summer on. Small dark green leaves are bronze when young.(3-8) SHR30-40 341р.
    japonica'Macrophylla'New growth emerges reddish-purple, changing to bright green. Small pink flowers in late spring and nice red fall color gives this cultivar multi-seasonal interest. SHR30-40 341р.
    japonica'Shirobana 'Unusual dwarf form producing a mixture of pink and white flowers on the same and different heads.(3-8) SHR30-40 341р.
    nipponica'Gerlve's Rainbow'SHR40-60 341р.
    nipponica'June Bride'Lowgrowing schrub with white flowers.(5)C 507р.
    nipponica'Snowmound'A small shrub of mound-like habit. White flowers in small corymbs all along the branches, very free flowering.(5) SHR40-60 341р.
    prunifoliaSimilar to vanhouttei but the flowers are a little bigger. Prairy-hardy cultivar, hardier than vanhouttei.(5) SHR50-80 341р.
    thunbergiiA popular, small to medium-sized, spreading shrub of dense, twiggy habit with slender, angular, downy stems and narrow, glabrous, sharply toothed leaves. Flowers white, in numerous clusters along the branches during March and April. Generally the earlies of the spiraeas in bloom, the pure white flowers often spothering the wiry stems.(5) SHR40-60 341р.
    x vanhoutteiStrong growing upright shrub with slender arching branches. In late spring and early summer abundant, small clusters of white flowers appear amid diamond-shaped, dark green leaves.(5) SHR60-80 300р.
    x vanhouttei'Gold Fountain'Upright, arching growth of bright golden-yellow, rounded leaves and white flower clusters. June-July. 1.5m. (5) C30-40 516р.
    incisaA small to medium-sized shrub of dense habit, with slender, warm brown, zig-zag stems. Leaves ovate, incisely toothed and lobed. Flowers greenish-white in crowded panicles in June.(5) C3L 454р.
    incisa'Crispa'A dwarf shrub with small, crinkled leaves forming dense, low mounds. Excellent as groundcover especially in full exposure.(5) P9 197р.
    C1.5L25-30 268р.
    C30-50 486р.
    tanakaeA medium-sized shrub producing long, arching, rich brown stems. Leaves broadly ovate or triangular, incisely toothed. An elegant shrub with stouter growths and larger leaves than S.incisa, the flowers also are a little larger though not showy.(6) C 537р.
    'Charming Fantasy'New red snowberry in august-september with upright growing branches. SHR 300р.
    'Greenpearl Fantasy'Berries with a green blush. SHR 300р.
    'Sweet Fantasy'New upright snowberry with a special colour, soft pink, ripeness september-oktober. SHR 300р.
    albus'Common Snowberry'. Shrub to about 1 m high, branches thin, erect finely pubescent, leaves ovate, 2-5 cm long, often lobed on long shoots, dark green above, lighter and soft pubescent beneath, flowers in terminal and axillary spikes or clusters.(3) SHR 259р.
    orbiculatus'Coral Berry''Indian Currant'. Shrub, 1-2m high, narrowly upright, shoots pubescent, leaves oval-rounded, 2-4cm long, dull dark green above, more greygreen and pubescent beneath, often reddish in fall.(2) SHR 300р.
    orbiculatus'Red Pearl'Very beautiful fruits, dark pink fruits around mid september. SHR 300р.
    x chenaultiiFine textured shrub, 1.5-2 m high or more, erect, abundantly and open branched, whole plant densely and finely pubescent, young shoots reddish, leaves ovate, 1-2 cm long, dark green above, blue-green beneath, fruits globose, red with white spots, often only white with red spots on the dorsal side.(5) SHR 268р.
    x chenaultii'Hannock'Branches procumbent and rooting, vigorous but only 30-50 cm high. Good ground cover.(5) SHR30-40,2br,1Yr 108р.
    C30-50 259р.
    SHR50-60,2Yr 300р.
    C50-80,2Yr 486р.
    x doorenbosii'White Hedge'A small shrub of strong, upright, compact growth, freely producing small, white berries in erect clusters. An excellent, small, hedging shrub.(5) SHR 300р.
    x doorenbossii'Magic berry'A small shrub of compact, spreading habit, bearing large quantities of rose-pink berries.(5) SHR 300р.
    x doorenbossii'Mother of Pearl'Shrub , to 2 m high, vigorous growing, shoots short pubescent, leaves elliptic to broadly ovate, obtuse with a short tip, base obtuse to acute. Branches weighed down by heavy crops of white, rose-flushed, marble-like berries.(5) SHR 300р.
    xdoorenbosii'Amethyst'The vivid color of this new coral berry makes it superior to other varieties. The vibrant hot pink fruit is much brighter and showier in the landscape than that of other coral berry cultivars. AMETHYST™ has good branching and a neat habit, unlike the rangy forms seen in many older types. It provides vivid color in mid-summer. It has been reported to be somewhat deer resistant. Blooms in mid summer with vibrant hot pink berries abounding in autumn. Dark foliage is striking in spring to summer. Attractive to birds. (4) SHR60-80 300р.
    'Jos?e'Like 'Palibin' but wiht larger, and darker flowers. Flowering may-june. Very beautiful.(4) RB50-60 1 197р.
    RB60-80 1 498р.
    HSt 6-8 2 241р.
    'Sensation'Like the species. Single, dark purple, white edge.(4) SHR3-4br 989р.
    SHR5-8br 1 136р.
    HSt 6-8 2 271р.
    chinensis'Saugeana''Rouen Lilac'. A medium sized shrub of dense, bushy habit with ovate leaves and large, drooping panicles of fragrant, lilac-red flowers.(3) RB50-60,4br+ 1 272р.
    josikaea'Hungarian lilac'. A large shrub with leaves ovate to obovate, glossy dark green above, paler beneath. Flowers deep violet-mauve, fragrant. Strong grower.(4) SHR40-60 929р.
    meyeri'Palibin''Lilac' A slow growing, small, oval leafed, eventually medium-sized shrub of very dense habit. Flowers pale pink in numerous short panicles in May. Sometimes a second crop of flowers appears in September. Beautiful shrub for a small garden and forms a very showy little globe when grafted on stems.(5) C 1 197р.
    microphylla'Superba''Lilac'. Small-leafed medium-sized shrub (1.50m). Flowers fragrant, rosy-pink, born in May and in September again. Free flowering.(4) C50-60,4br+ 1 197р.
    C60-80 1 498р.
    C80-100 1 817р.
    patula'Miss kim''Lilac'. Rather dense and bushy, very frost resistant selection with fairly large flower heads. Buds are violet-purple, opening to pale pink in May. Very fragrant (Sometimes listed under ‘prestoniae’ varieties).(4) C30-40 1 197р.
    pekinensis'Lilac'. A small tree with ovate to ovate-lanceolate, long-tapered leaves. Flowers creamy-white, densely crowded in large panicles in June.(5) SHR 1 197р.
    reflexa'Lilac'. A large shrub with large oval leaves up to 20 cm long. Flowers purplish-pink outside and white within in long drooping panicles are borne May-June. Free flowering.(5) SHR100-150 1 177р.
    swegiflexaA beautiful, strong-growing, variable hybrid of open habit with large, dense, cylindrical panicles of usually pink flowers, red in bud.(6) SHR100-150 1 177р.
    tomentella'Lilac'. A strong growing, wide-spreading species up to 3.6-4.5m high. Leaves ovate to elliptic, 5-13cm long, dark green and corrugated above, grey-downy beneath. Flowers sweetly-scented, deep lilac-pink, white inside, paling with age, produced in broad, terminal panicles in late May and June.(6) SHR60-100 929р.
    vulgaris'Common Lilac'. Large vigorous shrub or even small tree of suckering habit. Ovate leaves. Fragrant, lilac flowers in erect, dense, panicles in May. Has given rise to many cultivars, differing both in colour and their single or double flowers.(4) SHR50-80 486р.
    vulgaris'Andenken an Ludwig Sp?th'Like the species. Panicles to 30cm long, narrow, symmetrical, flowering abundantly, individual flowers large, lobes somewhat hood-like and inclined together in a cupulate fashion, dark purple-red. (4) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 6-8 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    RB175-200 4 790р.
    vulgaris'Belle de Nancy'Like the species, purple- red in bud, opening lilac-pink; large panicles.(4) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 6-8 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    RB150-200 4 790р.
    vulgaris'Charles Joly'Like the species. Dark purplish-red, late. A reliable and popular lilac.(4) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 6-8 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    RB150-200 4 790р.
    vulgaris'Katherine Havemeyer'Like the species, with purple-lavender, fading to pale lilac-pink; broad, compact panicles. First class.(4) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 6-8 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    RB150-200 4 790р.
    vulgaris'Michel Buchner'Like the species. Pale rosy-lilac; large, dense panicles.(4) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 6-8 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    RB150-200 4 790р.
    vulgaris'Mme Casimir P?rier'Like the species with flowers cream in bud, opening white.(4) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 6-8 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    RB150-200 4 790р.
    vulgaris'Mme Lemoine'Like the species. Creamy-yellow in bud, opening pure white. An old and popular lilac.(4) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 6-8 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    RB150-200 4 790р.
    vulgaris'Pr?sident Gr?vy'Like the species. Lilac-blue; massive panicles.(4) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 6-8 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    RB150-200 4 790р.
    vulgaris'Primrose'Zone 3 tot 7Like the species. This has the prettiest yellow flowers of any lilac. It is a creamy, butter yellow color. Not all ‘Primrose’ lilacs are the same. Ours are propagated from an outstanding form which originated at the Holden Arboretum. Zones 3 to 7. SHR 3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 6-8 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    RB150-200 4 790р.
    vulgaris'Princesse Cl?mentine'Like the species. Creamy-yellow in bud, opening white; very floriferous.(4) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 6-8 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    RB175-200 4 790р.
    vulgaris'R?aumur'Like the species. Deep carmine-violet; broad panicles; late.(4) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 6-8 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    RB150-175 4 790р.
    x hyacinthiflora'Esther Staley'Red buds open to large, single, pink flowers. This shrub is a hybrid lilac with good cold hardiness. The parents are S. oblata and S. vulgaris. It is usually present in landscapes in the form of one of its cultivars. The foliage becomes bronze to purplish-red in the fall. (3) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 100Cm 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    x josiflexa'James Macfarlane'Dark pink flowers on an upright and dense shrub with dark green leaves. Preston Lilacs, developed in Ottawa, bloom two weeks later than common lilacs. Thrives in full sun or partial shade. Hardy and vigourous, lilacs benefit from lots of water during dry spells. Remove suckers at the base every two or three years.(4) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 100Cm 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    x prestoniae'Coral'Preston Lilacs, developed in Ottawa, bloom a few weeks later than other lilacs. Thrives in full sun or partial shade. Coral pink flowers.(5) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 100Cm 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    x prestoniae'Redwine'Preston Lilacs, developed in Ottawa, bloom a few weeks later than other lilacs. Red Wine variety has pink-red flowers. Thrives in full sun or partial shade.(4) SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 100Cm 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    x prestoniae''Nocturne'Deep purple flowers on an upright and dense shrub with dark green leaves. Preston Lilacs, developed in Ottawa, bloom two weeks later than common lilacs. Thrives in full sun or partial shade. Hardy and vigorous, lilacs benefit from lots of water during dry spells. SHR3-4br 929р.
    SHR5-8br 1 094р.
    HSt 100Cm 2 241р.
    RB125-150 3 191р.
    parviflora'Tamarisk'. Large shrub with long brown branches and bright, tiny, narrow, green leaves. Deep pink flowers in plumes on shoots of the previous year in May.(5) SHR60-80 300р.
    ramocissima'Pink Cascade'Similar to the species but darker coloured flowers.(2) SHR 372р.
    ramosissima'Tamarisk'. A large, glabrous shrub or small tree with reddish-brown branches. Flowers pink in slender racemes during summer, on shoots of the current year.(2) SHR60-80 372р.
    ramosissima'Rosea''Tamarisk'. Like the species with rose-pink borne in late summer and early autumn. One of the finest late flowering shrubs, the whole bush becoming a feathery mass of rose-pink, intermingled with the delightful foliage.(2) SHR40-60 372р.
    ramosissima'Rubra''Tamarisk'. Like the species. A splendid selection with darker flowers. SHR40-60 372р.
    tetandra'Tamarisks'. A large shrub of loose, open growth, with long, dark branches and green foliage. Flowers in May or early June, light pink, borne in slender racemes on the branches of the previous year, the whole forming long, large panicles. SHR60-80 300р.
    RB60-80 507р.
    americana'American Lime'. A medium-sized tree with glabrous shoots and enormous broad leaves up to 30cm long. They are coarsely-toothed, green on both sides, and glabrous, except for minute axillary tufts beneath. Flowers in pendulous cymes. Fruits ellipsoid to nearly globose.(2) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 941р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 005р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 916р.
    americana'Nova'An selection of 'American lime'with very big,dark green leaves. (2) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 941р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 005р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 916р.
    cordata'Small-leafed lime'. A medium-sized to large, native tree of rounded habit. Leaves heart-shaped, rather leathery, glossy dark green above, pale green, with reddish-brown axillary tufts beneath. The characteristic spreading inflorescences appear in late July, generally after those of the Common Lime and Large-leaved Lime. Flowers ivory-coloured and sweetly-scented. Fruits globouse, with or without slight ribs, thin shelled.(3-7) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 941р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 005р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 916р.
    cordata' Monto'Globe growing, like T.cordata'Lico' but smaller leaves.(3-7) St8-10 4 294р.
    St10-12 5 368р.
    St12-14 6 503р.
    St14-16 8 134р.
    cordata'Bohlje''Erecta'. Upright habit for the numerous branches that are erect. Small rounded leaves, dark green. Not as tall and wide as T. cordata.(3-7) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 941р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 005р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 916р.
    cordata'Greenspire'Like T.cordata. A fast-growing American selection of upright habit making a narrowly oval crown. Round and larger leaves, dark green. (3-7) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 941р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 601р.
    St10-12 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 005р.
    St12-14 3 005р.
    St14-16 3 727р.
    cordata'Rancho'150-175 1 486р.
    175-200 1 817р.
    200-250 2 138р.
    250-300 2 365р.
    St6-8 2 725р.
    St8-10 3 314р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 079р.
    St14-16 7 155р.
    cordata'Winter Orange'A medium to large tree with an oval crown, it is distinguished by its red buds and orange shoots in the winter. Its white, sweetly scented flowers appear in July. It is a good prospect for avenues and tolerates air pollution well. Mature Height: 15-20m(4) 150-175 1 652р.
    175-200 2 065р.
    200-250 2 477р.
    250-300 4 129р.
    flavescens'Glenleven'American selection with a rounden crown. Stronger growing than T.cordata. Very straight stem. Darkgreen leaves, small.(3) St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 005р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 916р.
    henryanaA rare, medium-sized, attractive tree with broadly ovate leaves, up to 15cm long, with conspicous bristle-like, soft teeth. Flowers in autumn. Very sloAlthough related to the common parkland lime, this is a much smaller tree that is ideal for the average garden because of its slow growth habit. The foliage is handsome with a glossy surface, serrated edges and a rough silvery underside. The leaves also colour well in the autumn for added interest. (4)150-175 1 652р.
    175-200 2 065р.
    200-250 2 477р.
    250-300 4 129р.
    mongolica'Mongolian Lime'. A small tree of compact rounded habit and dense twiggy growth, with glabrous, reddish shoots. Leaves,dark green, three to five-lobed.(3) 150-175 1 136р.
    175-200 1 409р.
    200-250 1 839р.
    250-300 2 034р.
    St6-8 2 430р.
    St8-10 2 816р.
    St10-12 3 576р.
    St12-14 4 542р.
    St14-16 6 586р.
    platyphyllosBroad-leaved Lime''Summer Linden'. A large, vigorous tree of rounded habit with downy shoots. Leaves roundish-ovate, sharply-toothed, shortly pubescent above, densely so beneath, especially on veins and midrib. Flowers appearing in late June or early July. Fruits tomentose. A commonly planted tree, especially in parks. 150-175 1 074р.
    175-200 1 301р.
    200-250 1 610р.
    250-300 1 931р.
    St6-8 2 250р.
    St8-10 2 787р.
    St10-12 3 427р.
    St12-14 4 480р.
    St14-16 5 368р.
    platyphyllos'Delft'Selection of T.platyphyllos with a pyramidal crown and bright green leaves, resisting long into autumn. St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 005р.
    St12-14 3 005р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St14-16 6 916р.
    platyphyllos'Fastigiata'An erect-branched form of broadly conical habit. St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 005р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 916р.
    platyphyllos'Rubra''Red- twigged lime'. Vigorous spreading tree, (30l)with large, rounded, dark green leaves and bright brownish-red twigs. Semi-upright habit. Small, dull yellowish-white flowers in early summer. Slow growing. St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 005р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 916р.
    tomentosa'Brabant''Siver Linden'. Selected form of the silver linden. Large tree (25m) with broad, pyramidal crown. Foliage dark green and silvery beneath, yellow in autumn. Excellent street tree as it tolerates heat and drought and is resistant to city air pollution. 150-175 1 486р.
    175-200 1 817р.
    200-250 2 138р.
    St8-10 3 314р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 079р.
    St14-16 7 155р.
    tomentosa'Doornik'An Belgium selection of T.tomentosa with on older trees a more large-ovale crown. Good upright grower.(4) 150-175 1 486р.
    175-200 1 817р.
    200-250 2 138р.
    St8-10 3 314р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 079р.
    St14-16 7 155р.
    tomentosa'Pendula'Weeping silver lime. A large, round-headed tree with graceful, downward-sweeping branches. Leaves long-stalked, dark green above, white-felted beneath, especially attractive when ruffled by a breeze.(4) St8-10 4 140р.
    St10-12 5 317р.
    St12-14 6 565р.
    St14-16 7 753р.
    tomentosa'Silver Globe'A globe shape form with leaves silvery-white underneath.(4) St8-10 4 140р.
    St10-12 5 317р.
    St12-14 6 565р.
    St14-16 7 753р.
    tomentosa'Szeleste'An Hungarian selection of T.tomentosa with on older forms an ovate crown. Darkgreen leaves, tomentose beneath.(4) 150-175 1 486р.
    175-200 1 817р.
    200-250 2 138р.
    St8-10 3 314р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 079р.
    x europaea'Common Lime'. A familiar avenue tree and at least in the past the most commonly planted lime. A large, vigorous tree with glabrous, greenish zig-zag shoots. Leaves broadly ovate or rounded, obliquely heart-shaped at base, sharply-toothed, glabrous except for axillary tufts beneath. Flowers grouped, pendulous on long cymes. Fruits nearly globose, indistinctly ribbed, tomentose, hard shelled. The best to make 'Linden Tea'.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 941р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 005р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 916р.
    x europaea'Euchlora''Crimean Linden'. A medium-sized tree with generally glabrous green twigs. Basal branches very pendulous, young shoots glabrous. Leaves orbicular-ovate, shining dark green above, paler almost glaucous, with brown axillary tufts beneath. Flowers grouped, pendulous cymes. Fruits densely shaggy-tomentose, short ellipsoid. It is a 'clean' lime, being free from aphids, but its flowers tend to have a narcotic effect on bees. (3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 941р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 005р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 916р.
    x europaea'Pallida''Kaiser Linden'. Ascending branches form a broadly conical crown. Reddish brown young twigs colour the head in winter. Rounded leaves are yellowish-green beneath. Well known lime especially in Berlin. (3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 941р.
    250-300 2 117р.
    St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 005р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 916р.
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