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 7 ноября  Япония станет первой страной мира, где в продажу поступят натуральные синие розы Работа над выведением необычных цветов началась 20 лет назад. Новый сорт, получивший название "Аплодисменты", уже одобрен японской правительственной комиссией по биологической безопасности.

 31 октября  Добавлен блок новостей На сайте zeleno.ru появилась новостная лента. Здесь планируется размещать как ссылки на интересные материалы в сети, так и на актуальные новости наших партнеров.

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    betulus'Common Hornbeam'. A medium-sized tree whith a grey, fluted trunk and ovate, serrate ribbed leaves.Recommended for hedging, wind-screen, pergolas, afforestation, single specimen. (5) 125-150 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 209р.
    200-250 1 436р.
    250-300 1 755р.
    300-350 2 261р.
    St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 285р.
    St12-14 5 471р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    betulus'A. Beeckman'Healthy and straight growing selection. 150-175 1 548р.
    175-200 1 828р.
    200-250 2 230р.
    250-300 2 828р.
    St6-8 2 828р.
    300-350 3 448р.
    St8-10 3 448р.
    St10-12 4 512р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    betulus'Columnare'A distinctly upright columnar to narrow teardrop growth habit through maturity, densely foliaged, a much thinner version of the species, noted for its dark green for its dark green Summer foliage that clusters at the branch tips, and especially noted for its formal aristocratic appearance, with small branches continuously emerging along the length of the strong central leader; a great architectural small- to medium-sized tree for complementing either tall buildings or buildings with strong vertical lines.(5) St6-8 3 500р.
    St8-10 4 285р.
    St10-12 5 420р.
    betulus'Fastigiata''Hornbeam'. A medium-sized tree of erect, pyramidal habit. Quite narrow as a young tree but broadening as it matures.(5) Used as a plant for avenues, also as a park tree.150-175 1 548р.
    175-200 1 828р.
    200-250 2 230р.
    250-300 2 828р.
    St6-8 2 828р.
    300-350 3 448р.
    St8-10 3 448р.
    St10-12 4 512р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    betulus'Frans Fontaine''Hornbeam'. A fastigiate form like 'Columnaris' but becomes not so wide.(5) 150-175 1 548р.
    175-200 1 828р.
    200-250 2 230р.
    250-300 2 828р.
    St6-8 2 828р.
    300-350 3 448р.
    St8-10 3 448р.
    St10-12 4 512р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    betulus'Pendula'A dwarf mushroom-headed tree with steeply pendulous branches. Green catkins in spring. Green leaves turn yellow in autumn.(6b) 150-175 1 569р.
    175-200 1 879р.
    200-250 2 271р.
    250-300 2 808р.
    St6-8 3 262р.
    St8-10 3 954р.
    St10-12 5 079р.
    betulus'Purpurea''Hornbeam'. The young leaves have a purple tinge, but soon become green. Slow growing.(5) 150-175 1 548р.
    175-200 1 828р.
    200-250 2 230р.
    250-300 2 828р.
    300-350 3 448р.
    betulus'Quercifolia''Hornbeam'. A form with small, narrow, deeply and usually singly toothed leaves, but inclined to revert.(5) 150-175 1 548р.
    175-200 1 828р.
    200-250 2 230р.
    250-300 2 828р.
    300-350 3 448р.
    japonica'Japanese Hornbeam'. Tree to 15m high, bark scaly, light gray-brown. Small leaves reddisch in spring, acute oval-oblong. Conspisuous fruit catkins.(5) 150-175 1 766р.
    175-200 2 126р.
    200-250 2 601р.
    250-300 3 262р.
    St6-8 3 262р.
    St8-10 3 954р.
    St10-12 5 079р.
    occidentalis'Button Bush'. Is an easily cultivated but rarely grown deciduous shrub of medium height. Leaves ovate, 5-15cm long. Flowers creamy-white, produced during August, in small globular heads. (6-10) 30-50 858р.
    japonicum'Katsura tree'. Fast growing, spreading tree. Leaves heart-shaped, bronze when young, turn rich green and then yellow to purple in autumn. (5) RB60-80 805р.
    RB80-100 961р.
    RB100-125 1 197р.
    RB125-150 1 560р.
    RB150-175 1 993р.
    RB175-200 2 560р.
    RB200-250 3 262р.
    RB250-300 3 954р.
    St6-8 5 636р.
    RB300-350 5 636р.
    St8-10 7 340р.
    St10-12 9 591р.
    St12-14 12 522р.
    japonicum'Pendulum'Distinguished by its somewhat narrow pendulous habit with cascading branches reminiscent of ocean waves. Thick green-blue, redbud-like summer foliage turns a spectacular golden yellow in fall. Beautiful winter silhouette enhancing its year round ornamental appeal. HSt 6-8 3 111р.
    St8-10 4 542р.
    St10-12 5 678р.
    japonica'Japanese flowering Quince'. Bushy, small shrub with thorns. Oval, mid-green leaves and a profusion of red or orange-red flowers in spring. Later rounded yellowisch-green fruits, 4-5cm thick, usually with several deep furrows, very aromatic.(5) 30-50 300р.
    japonica'Sargentii''Japanese flowering Quince'. Lower growing than the typical C. japonica, flowers salmon-pink to orange, simple.(5) 40-50 713р.
    speciosa'Nivalis''Japanese flowering Quince'. Early-flowering quince. Flowers large, pure white.(5) 40-50 713р.
    speciosa'Rubra''Japanese flowering Quince'. Early-flowering, Flowers large, deep-red coloured. Low spreading-habit.(5) 40-50 713р.
    speciosa'Simonii''Japanese flowering Quince'. Early-flowering. Flowers blood-red, semi-double. Dwarf, spreading habit. An exceptionally beautiful cultivar.(5) 40-50 713р.
    superba'Japanese flowering quince'. Hybrid between C.japonica x C. speciosa. Leaves intermediate between the parents in form, size and margin. Flowers medium sized, white, pink, orange or red. Fruits larger than C. japonica and ripening somewhat later.(5) 40-50 713р.
    superba'Crimson and gold'Japanese flowering Quince'. Like the species, flowers deep crimson petals and golden anthers, followed by yellow fruits, apple-shaped.(5) 40-50 713р.
    superba'Elly Mossel''Japanese flowering Quince'. Like the species, flowers fire-red, large, simple. Fruits apple-shaped.(5) 40-50 713р.
    superba'Fascination''Japanese flowering Quince'. Like the species; grows to medium height and width, many branches spreading horizontally; leaves resembling those of C.speciosa; flowers deep scarlet-red, very large, flat; fruits apple-shaped.(5) 40-50 713р.
    superba'Fire Dance''Japanese flowering Quince'. Like the species, flowers bright red, very large, flowers abundantly. Fruits apple-or pear shaped.(5) 40-50 713р.
    superba'Hollandia''Japanese flowering Quince'. Like the species, flowers scarlet-red, large flowers, simple, fruits apple-shaped.(5) 40-50 713р.
    superba'Jet Trail''Japanese flowering Quince'. Like the species, flowers pure white, simple. Fruits ovate.(5) 40-50 713р.
    superba'Nicoline''Japanese flowering Quince'. Like the species, grows very wide, and to 1m high, flowers large, carmine-red, simple to semi-double, flowers very abundantly. Fruits ovate, somewhat ribbed.(5) 40-50 713р.
    superba'Pink Lady''Japanese flowering Quince'. Like the species. Flowers dark pink, simple, fruits apple-shaped.(5) 40-50 713р.
    superba'Vermillion'Japanese flowering Quince'. Like the species. Flowers : orange 40-50 713р.
    purpureus'Purple Broom'. A pretty, low shrub about 45cm high. Leaves trifoliate, leaflets obovate. Flowers lilac-purple, produced in May-June.(6) C30-50 692р.
    praecox'Winter Sweets'. A medium-sized, easily grown shrub best planted against a sunny wall to ripen growth. Flowers sweetly scented, pale, waxy-yellow, stained purple at the centre, appearing on the leaflets branches during winter but not produced on young plants.(7) RB40-60 1 280р.
    virginicus'Fringe tree'. Ultimately large shrub or small tree. Large, glossy, dark green leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Drooping sprays of fragrant white flowers in early summer.(3-9) RB30-40 1 725р.
    lutea'Yellow wood'. Round headed, medium-sized tree. Dark green leaves turn clear yellow in autumn. Clusters of fragrant,pea-like, creamy-white flowers in early spring. Drooping, like the blossom of Wisteria. (3) 60-80 961р.
    alinifolia'Sweet pepper bush'. Bushy shrub (2m). Oval mid-green leaves and has in late summer slender of small bell-shaped white or nearly white flowers.(3-9) RB40-60 692р.
    alnifolia'Pink Spire'A lovely clone with buds and flowers soft pink. Also distinct leaves, which carry a very healthy gloss.(3-9) C,50-60 692р.
    alnifolia'Rosea'Like the species, buds pink, flowers light pink, flowers somewhat less abundantly. (3-9) C40-60 692р.
    'Eddie's white Wonder'Is a hybrid between Cornus nuttallii and Cornus florida. It produces a large white flower in May, with the green leaves turning brilliant shades of orange and red in the Autumn RB50-60 2 126р.
    RB60-80 2 663р.
    RB80-100 3 510р.
    alba'Cornels of Dogwoods'. Range from creeping shrubs to trees, being from 2-3m high. Forms a thicket of stems, the young branches become rich red in winter. Leaves opposite, ovate- elleptic, bright green above. Flowers white in cymes. Fruits white or tinged blue. (2) Those grown for their attractive coloured stems should be hard pruned every other year in March.SHR60-90 300р.
    alba'Aurea'A charming form with greenish-yellow leaves, and golden-yellow in autumn, purplish-red branches.(2) SHR60-90 372р.
    alba'Elegantissima'Handsome shrub with green and white variegated leaves on red stems. White flowers in small clusters. Small white fruits.(2) SHR60-90 341р.
    STD 120cm 2 271р.
    alba'Gouchaultii'Leaves with a pink border at first, later becoming green with yellow spots, red in the autumn.(2) SHR60-90 341р.
    alba'Hessei'Dwarf shrub, spreading habit with crowded, narrow, purple-tinged leaves which turn deep purple in autumn. White fruits. (2) RB30-40 754р.
    alba'Kesselringii'Vigorous dogwood with deep almost black-purple stems. Dark green leaves become flushed reddish-purple in autumn.(2) SHR60-90 341р.
    alba'Sibirica Variegata'The leaves are broadly margined and mottled white. Less vigorous growth.(2) SHR60-90 372р.
    alba'Sibirica''Coral beauty or Westonbirt dogwood', with scarlet young shoots in winter and less robust growth. Branches with a light coral-red bark.(2) SHR60-90 341р.
    alba'Spaethii'Weak grower, compact. Leaves bronze-yellow at first, later with o broad gold-yellow margin. Sometimes totally gold-yellow.(2) SHR60-90 434р.
    alternifoliaA large shrub sometimes a small tree with horizontally spreading branches. Leaves green, alternate, giving rich autumn tints. Flowers white in wide cymes. Fruits blue-black.(3) 50-60 1 858р.
    60-80,SHR 2 643р.
    80-100,SHR 2 643р.
    RB100-125,SHR 3 996р.
    RB125-150,SHR 5 317р.
    alternifolia'Argentea'One of the very best silver-variegated shrubs, forming a dense bush. Leaves small with a regular creamy-white margin.(3) RB40-60 3 996р.
    RB60-80 5 317р.
    RB80-100 6 916р.
    canadensis'Creeping Dogwood'. Is not strictly a shrub, the 15cm shoots being renewed from ground level annually. It forms attractive carpets starred in summer with white flowers, an vived red fruits. Does best in humide soils. Beautiful groundcover.(2) P9 434р.
    C13 754р.
    controversaDeciduous shrub 9-15m, with oblique branches when young, becoming almost horizontal with age. The sweeping, tabulated branches are clothed with broad clusters of cream coloured flowers. Great leaves dark green, beneath blue-green. Blue-black fruits. Decoratieve solitairplant.(5-6) RB60-80 2 261р.
    RB80-100 2 643р.
    RB100-125,SHR 3 996р.
    RB125-150,SHR 5 317р.
    controversa'Variegata'A very ornamental small tree, slower growing and with striking silver margined leaves.(5-6) RB30-40 3 872р.
    RB40-50 5 161р.
    RB50-60 6 194р.
    florida'Flowering Dogwood'. A large shrub or small bushy tree. Branches brown. Leaves ovate, to broad, dull green above, gray-green beneath. Flower buds enclosed by bracts during winter. When open each flowerhead has 4 white bracts. Small red fruits.(5-6) RB50-60 1 858р.
    RB60-80 2 261р.
    RB80-100 2 643р.
    RB100-125,SHR 4 521р.
    RB125-150,SHR 5 854р.
    florida'Rubra'Like C. florida but with dark pink or red bracts.(5-6) RB40-50 2 117р.
    RB50-60 2 643р.
    RB60-80 3 459р.
    RB80-100 4 790р.
    RB100-125 7 382р.
    floridaCherokee ChiefCherokee Chief’ is a cultivar that is noted for it deep rose red floral bracts. New foliage is tinged with red. (6) RB50-60 2 126р.
    RB60-80 2 663р.
    RB80-100 3 510р.
    kousaSmall tree of shrubby form, reaching 4-5m. Frost hardy, deciduous. Pink tinted, creamy-white bracts in May. Edible fruits resembling strawberries. Leaves become scarlet-red in fall.(5-6) RB40-60 1 321р.
    RB60-80 1 725р.
    RB80-100 2 261р.
    RB100-125 3 459р.
    RB125-150 5 161р.
    kousa'Chinensis'A taller, more open form than the specie. Leaves slightly larger.(5-6) RB40-60 1 321р.
    RB60-80 1 725р.
    RB80-100 2 261р.
    RB100-125 3 459р.
    RB125-150 5 161р.
    kousa'Milky Way'One of the most common cultivars in the trade, this selection of var. chinensis is, however, probably composed of over a dozen similar clones. The plant is extremely floriferous and sets a very heavy crop of fruit. When in bloom, the pure white bracts can conceal the foliage.(5-6) RB50-60 2 126р.
    RB60-80 2 663р.
    RB80-100 3 510р.
    mas'Cornelian Cherry'.A large shrub or small, densely branched tree producing an abundance of small yellow flowers on the naked twigs in February. Fruits bright red, cherry-like and edible but sour. Leaves reddish-purple in autumn.(5) SHR50-80 351р.
    SHR80-100 486р.
    150-175 1 569р.
    SHR,RB125-150 1 683р.
    175-200 2 126р.
    200-250 2 447р.
    SHR,RB150-175 2 716р.
    250-300 2 808р.
    300-350 3 954р.
    St6-8 3 954р.
    St8-10 5 079р.
    St10-12 6 772р.
    mas'Aurea'Like the species, with yellow leaves, red fruits.(5) 125-150 2 736р.
    150-175 3 418р.
    175-200 4 326р.
    200-250 5 471р.
    250-300 7 340р.
    St6-8 8 940р.
    St8-10 11 623р.
    mas'Variegata'Leaves regularly with a wide border.(5) 125-150 2 736р.
    150-175 3 418р.
    175-200 4 326р.
    200-250 5 471р.
    250-300 7 340р.
    St6-8 8 940р.
    St8-10 11 623р.
    nuttalliiTall shrub (8-10m). Leaves elliptic-ovate. Flowers appearing in May, the heads with usually 6 large, white floral bracts sometimes becoming flushed pink. Fruits orange-red.(7) C60-80 3 191р.
    C80-100 4 687р.
    C100-125 5 957р.
    sanguineaShrub, branches brownish green, reddish on the sunny side, leaves broad elliptic, red in fall. Flowers in May in dense, whitish cymes. Fruits globose, black-blue with whitish dots.(5) SHR60-90 300р.
    RB 507р.
    sanguinea'Midwinter Fire'A most attractive form of Dogwood with unusual orange-yellow and red stems, especially colourful in winter. Green leaves turn orange-yellow in autumn. Flat heads of creamy-white flowers late spring or early summer, followed by blue-black fruits. Excellent if planted in clumps. Very bushy habit. RB30-40 681р.
    RB40-60 851р.
    sanguinea'Winter Beauty'A remarkable dwarf form of compact narrow upright habit with the shoots bright orange-yellow and red in winter. The leaves turn flaming red before falling.(5) RB30-40 640р.
    RB40-60 805р.
    stoloniferaShrub with branches procumbent, bowed, often rooting, dark red. Leaves ovate, dark green above. Flowers in wide cymes, yellowish-wide. Fruits white base round. (2) SHR60-100 341р.
    stolonifera'Flaviramea'Yellow barked dogwood, similar to the type but has bright greenish-yellow, young shoots in winter. White flowers and fruits.(2) Ideal for moist or wet situations.SHR60-100 341р.
    stolonifera'Kelseyi'Dwarf type to only 75cm high, spreading growth habit, roots easily. Good groundcover.(2) 25-30SHR 465р.
    avellana'Aurea'Similar to the species but with soft yellow leaves, weaker grower.(5) SHR40-60 805р.
    SHR60-80 1 064р.
    avellana'Contorta''Corkscrew Hazel'. Growth like the specie but weaker growing , branches twisting in corkscrew fashion. A winter feature when in catkin.(5) The branches are used for Easter decoration.RB40-60 1 126р.
    RB60-80 1 539р.
    RB80-100 1 952р.
    RB100-125 3 097р.
    RB125-150 4 542р.
    avellana'Pendula'A form with weeping branches, and also weak growing.(5) HSt 6-8 3 397р.
    St6-8 4 739р.
    St8-10 5 636р.
    colurnaTurkish hazel'. Very symmetrical pyramidal tree (20m.)Characteristic rough, grey, bark, with corky corrugations. Ovate, dark green leaves. Long yellow catkins in late winter. Fruits in ball-like clusters(3-6). Withstands dry conditions.(5) 150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 353р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    250-300 2 003р.
    St6-8 2 003р.
    St8-10 2 663р.
    300-350 2 684р.
    St10-12 3 335р.
    St12-14 4 182р.
    St14-16 5 854р.
    colurna'Te-Terra Red'Turkish Hazel with red leaves. Flowering February-March with beautiful red catkins.(5) 175-200 3 111р.
    200-250 3 702р.
    St8-10 4 088р.
    St10-12 5 404р.
    maxima'Purpurea''Purple Filbert'. A large shrub or small, spreading tree with deep black-red leaves, which color throughout the summer. The nuts are larger and longer than those of C. avellana and are concealed by a large husk. (5) SHR40-60 310р.
    SHR60-80 392р.
    SHR80-100 486р.
    'Grace'A vigorous, tall shrub with large, soft purplish-red leaves, turning scarlet in autumn. Large, conical, purplish-pink flower clusters are borne in summer. (5) RB40-60 1 136р.
    RB60-80 1 693р.
    RB80-100 2 544р.
    coggygria'Smoke tree' or 'Venetian sumac'. Bushy shrub (5m). Light green, oval leaves turn yellow and orange in autumn. Masses of tiny lower stalks form pale fawn, grey plume-like clusters.(5) RB60-80 692р.
    RB80-100 858р.
    coggygria'Foliis Purpureis'The leaves, especially when young are of a rich plum-purple colour changing to light red shades towards autumn.(5) RB40-60 989р.
    RB60-80 1 409р.
    RB80-100 2 112р.
    coggygria'Royal Purple'A selected form with deep wine-purple leaves with a metallic lustre, translucent in sunshine. Long-lasting, purplish-pink plumes of massed, small flowers in late spring.(5) RB40-60 1 064р.
    RB60-80 1 601р.
    RB80-100 2 126р.
    coggyria'Golden Spirit'Lovely Cotinus that is golden in summer with beautiful fall foliage. (5) RB40-60 1 136р.
    RB60-80 1 693р.
    RB80-100 2 544р.
    adpressusDwarf, wide-spreading shrub, a gem for rock work, with bright red fruits, and small wavy-edged leaves which turn scarlet in autumn.(5) C20-30 692р.
    adpressus'Little Gem'This dwarf selection out of K. Verboom in Boskoop, Holland, forms a tight mounded uniform habit of miniaturized foliage, but rarely flowers or fruits. This cultivar is quite likely identical to plants listed as Cotoneaster horizontalis 'Tom Thumb'.(5) RB25-30 692р.
    bullatusLarge shrub with large, handsome, conspicuously corrugated leaves, which colour richly in autumn, and clusters or large, bright red fruits early in the season. The foliage assumes rich autumnal.(5) SHR60-80 321р.
    RB60-80 507р.
    150-175 681р.
    cochleatusCharming, slow-growing, prostrate shrub related to C. microphyllus but with paler, duller green, broader leaves.(6) RB25-30 321р.
    RB30-40 486р.
    conspicuusEvergreen. A graceful medium-sized, small-leaved shrub with strongly arching branches, wide-spreading. Flowers white, covering the plant in early summer, followed by equally numerous bright red fruits which often persist well into the following year.(6) RB30-40 537р.
    dammeri'Major'Quite prostrate, with long, trailing shoots studded in autumn with sealing-wax-red fruits. Large leaves 2,5cm-3cm long. An ideal shrub for covering banks and as ground-cover beneath other shrubs.(5) RB25-30 259р.
    C30-40 434р.
    dielsianusDeciduous, occasionally semi-deciduous shrub, to 2m high, branches bowed outward. Fruits sub-globose scarlet fruits and brilliantly tinted.(5) RB60-80 507р.
    RB80-100 589р.
    divaricatusA medium-sized deciduous shrub to 2m high , erect, branches wide-spreading. One of the best and most reliable for autumn fruit and foliage. Fruits dark red. Excellent for hedging.(5) RB60-80 507р.
    RB80-100 589р.
    franchetiiA very graceful, medium-sized, semi-evergreen or evergreen shrub, with sage-green foliage and ovoid, orange-scarlet fruits persisting very long. One of the most popular species. (6) RB60-80 507р.
    RB80-100 640р.
    RB100-125 858р.
    horizontalisA low-growing shrub of spreading habit, with branches of characteristic 'herring-bone' pattern. Invaluable for north or east walls or for covering banks, etc. Giving rich colour of fruit and leaf in late autumn and winter.(5-6) RB25-30 321р.
    RB30-40 372р.
    RB40-60 486р.
    horizontalis'Variegata'Like the species but slower growing and the leaves are white variegated coloured, more undulate.(5-6) RB25-30 569р.
    lacteusA medium-sized shrub distinct in its large, oval, leathery leaves which are grey tomentose beneath. Fruits red, rather small but carried in broad clusters, ripening late in the year and lasting well after Christmas.(7) C40-60 692р.
    C60-80 858р.
    lucidusUpright growing, Siberian species of medium-height. Pinkish-white flowers and black fruits. The dark green, glossy, leaves turn into brilliant autumn colour. Very useful for hedges, also in extreme cold areas.(3) C30-40 424р.
    C40-60 569р.
    microphyllusA dwarf, stiffy branched spreading shrub forming a low mound. Leaves elliptic to obovate, to 1cm long, rounded to notched at the apex. Tiny white flowers are followed by small deep reddish-pink fruits.(6) RB25-30 434р.
    C30-40 589р.
    nanshanA vigorous dwarf shrub with arching branches related to C. adpressus but with larger leaves and growing up to 1m high and 2m across. (5) 30-40 589р.
    procumbens'Queen of Carpets'RB30-40 486р.
    RB40-60 589р.
    procumbens'Streib's Findling'A prostrate shrub of dense, congested growth with low, arching branches and tiny dark green leaves. (5) RB25-30 486р.
    C30-40 589р.
    radicans'Eichholz'Very good groundcover, grows quickly, to 25cm high. Branches brown. Leaves fresh green, 1.5cm-2cm long. Fruits regularly, but not abundantly, carmine, large. (5) RB25-30 259р.
    C30-40 321р.
    simonsiiA well-known, semi-evergreen, erect growing shrub, much used in plantations and for hedges. Leaves thin, elliptic to obovate, deep green above, glossy, light green beneath. Fruits elliptic, coral-red. (6) C60-80 507р.
    C80-100 589р.
    suecicus'Coral Beauty'Low growing, branches spreading, resembles 'Skogholm', but remains lower and fruits very abundantly. Fruits orange-red. (5) C30-40 259р.
    C40-60 321р.
    suecicus'Skogholm'Shrub, to 60cm high, but 2-3m wide, branches long arching. Leaves loosely arranged, elliptic, dull glossy green above. Flowers grouped. Fruits not numerous. (5) C30-40 259р.
    C40-60 321р.
    wardiiA stiff, erect branched deciduous shrub of moderate size. Leaves dark, glossy green above, white beneath. Berries bright orange-red, top-shaped. (6) C60-80 713р.
    grignoniensisMedium sized, broad crown, tree, thornless. Leaves alternate, glossy, remain green until winter. Flowers in May-June with small umbellate panicles. Fruits red-brown, persisting for long.(5) HSt 6-8 1 425р.
    St6-8 2 323р.
    St8-10 2 932р.
    St10-12 4 067р.
    St12-14 5 244р.
    St14-16 7 515р.
    laevigata'Crimson Cloud'This is a vigorous, disease resistant tree with the same delicate appearance as the Paul's Scarlett Hawthorn. It has glossy red fruit and red flowers with white centers. HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    150-175 1 548р.
    175-200 1 787р.
    200-250 2 374р.
    250-300 2 932р.
    laevigata'Mutabilis'The same like the specie but with double flowers, opening soft pink, but quickly turning a dirty white.(6) St6-8 2 323р.
    St8-10 2 932р.
    St10-12 4 067р.
    St12-14 5 244р.
    St14-16 7 515р.
    laevigata'Paul's'Scarlet'Scarlet thorn, double red flowers. Deciduous tree, very attractive in May-June when the double, red flowers appear and hide the crown completely. (6) 175-200 1 147р.
    HSt 6-8 1 425р.
    200-250 1 569р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 539р.
    St10-12 3 365р.
    St12-14 4 398р.
    St14-16 6 267р.
    laevigata'Plena'Hawthorn with round crown (10m). Broad, deeply lobed, glossy, dark green leaves. Clusters of fragrant, double white flowers in late spring and later rounded red fruits. All laevigata hybrids make large shrubs as well as small trees.(6) St6-8 2 323р.
    St8-10 2 932р.
    St10-12 4 067р.
    St12-14 5 244р.
    St14-16 7 515р.
    lavalleeiThe same like C.*lavallei 'Carrieri'. 175-200 1 353р.
    200-250 1 787р.
    250-300 2 354р.
    St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 314р.
    St10-12 4 377р.
    St12-14 5 967р.
    St14-16 8 352р.
    lavalleei'Carrierei'A small, dense-headed tree, distinguished by its long, glossy, dark green leaves which often remain until December. Fruits orange-red persisting throughout the winter.(5) 175-200 1 353р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    200-250 1 787р.
    250-300 2 354р.
    St6-8 2 601р.
    St8-10 3 314р.
    St10-12 4 377р.
    St12-14 5 967р.
    St14-16 8 352р.
    monogynaTall shrub, with long thorns, in May with many white and strongly fragrant flowers. Leaves broad-ovate 3-7lobed deeply incised. Red fruits.(5) 1+1,40-60 68р.
    1+1,60-90 81р.
    1+1,90-120 102р.
    SHR90-120 318р.
    150-175 858р.
    175-200 1 280р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    HSt 6-8 1 704р.
    250-300 2 250р.
    St6-8 2 808р.
    St8-10 3 365р.
    St10-12 4 512р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    monogyna'Compacta'A remarkable, dwarf form with stout, stiff, unarmed branches. Cultivated on stem. STA80-100 3 407р.
    monogyna'Stricta'Hybrid of the common hawthorn with erect branches. Single white flowers in spring. (5) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    150-175 1 548р.
    175-200 1 787р.
    200-250 2 374р.
    St6-8 2 436р.
    250-300 2 932р.
    St8-10 3 076р.
    St10-12 4 253р.
    St12-14 5 492р.
    St14-16 7 877р.
    mordenensis'Toba'Small tree with deeply lobed and toothed leaves. Flowers produced in May, double, opening white tinged pink becoming pink. (5) St6-8 2 323р.
    St8-10 2 932р.
    St10-12 4 067р.
    St12-14 5 244р.
    St14-16 7 515р.
    persimilis'Splendens'Flat-topped tree (8m). Shoots armed with long, curved thorns. Oval glossy, dark green leaves that turn bright crimson in autumn. Clusters of white flowers with pink anthers in late spring, followed by long-lasting bright red fruits.(5) St6-8 2 436р.
    St8-10 3 076р.
    St10-12 3 076р.
    St12-14 5 492р.
    St14-16 7 877р.
    'Andreanus Splendens''Broom'. All cultivars flowers at the end of May-June. Branches widely arching. Standard petal gold-yellow, wings velvety red, keel yellow. Large flowers appearing about 10 days later than the otherwise similar 'Andreanus' and 'Firefly'. (6) C 589р.
    'Boskoop Ruby''Broom'. Flowers carmine-red with yellow wings.(6) C 589р.
    'Golden Sunlight''Broom'. Weak grower, monochrome light yellow, very large flowers.(6) C 589р.
    'Goldfinch''Broom'. Low grower and wide, foliage dense. Standard yellow, dorsal side pink, wings dark red, keel gold-yellow.(6) C 589р.
    'Hollandia''Broom'. Flowers darklilac.(6) C 589р.
    'Luna''Broom'. Strong grower, broad upright. Standard light yellow, wings dark yellow, keel light yellow, large flowers.(6) C 589р.
    'Palette''Broom'. Standard yellow and white, outside light carmine-lilac, wings pure velvety red. Keel yellow with lilac tones. (6) C 589р.
    'Red Wings''Broom'. Standard and wings carmin-red, keel lilac.(6) C 589р.
    'Roter Favorit''Broom'. Standard light carmine-red above, outside carmine, wings deep velvety red, keel light carmine.(6) C 589р.
    'Zeelandia''Broom'. Standard lilac outside, cream inside, wings pinkish, keel cream. May to June.(6) C 589р.
    decumbens'Broom'. Procumbent shrub, to 20cm high. Branches pentagonal, pubescent when young. Leaves simple, sessile. Flowers grouped 1-3, gold-yellow, pubescent May to June. Pods 2cm long. One of the best dwarf species.(6) C 692р.
    kewensisSheets of cream-coloured flowers in May. Growth semi-prostrate. RB 692р.
    praecox'Warminster Broom'. A group of hybrids popular in gardens for their compact habit and rich flowering. Flowers creamy-white, very fragrant, April-May.(7) C 569р.
    praecox'Albus''Broom'. Like the species but with white flowers.(7) C 589р.
    praecox'Allgold''Broom'. Like the species but with long-lasting yellow flowers.(7) C 589р.
    purgans'Broom'. A dense, usually leafless shrub forming a mass of erect branches 1m high. Flowers yellow in April and May, fragrant.(6) C 589р.
    scopariusScottish broom. A decidious Shrub growing to 2.4m by 1m at a fast rate. It is not frost tender. It is in flower from May to June, and the seeds ripen from August to November. Scotch broom ( Cytisus scoparius ), also referred to as broom, is a perennial woody plant native to Europe. Sharply angled branches off the main stem, trifoliate leaves, and bright yellow small flowers. Both the flower and herb of scotch broom have been used medicinally.(5)C 589р.
    cantabrica'Atropurpurea''Connemara Heath'. A small genus of low-growing, lime-hating shrubs, related to Erica, but distinct on account of the usually large, glandular, deciduous corolla and broader leaves. One of the most charming and useful of dwarf shrubs producing long racemes of very showy rose-purple, pitcher-shaped flowers from June to November. (6) C 434р.
    burkwoodii'Somerset'Full hardy, semi-evergreen, upright shrub (1m). Dense clusters of very fragrant, pink flowers in late spring. Narrowly oblong, pale to mid-green leaves are edged with creamy-white or pale-yellow.(6) RB30-40 2 344р.
    cneorum'Garland Flower'. A great favourite on account of its fragrance, and the rose-pink flowers which are borne in clusters on prostrate branches during May-June. Fruits brownish-yellow. (5) RB15-20 2 271р.
    mezereum'Alba'The well-known, sweet-scented, deciduous 'Mezereon'. A small shrub flowering in February and March. The white flowers, covering the previous year's shoots, are followed by translucent amber poisonous fruits. Upright branches.(5) RB30-40 1 961р.
    mezereum'Grandiflora'Like 'Rubra' but with larger flowers, and beginning to open as early as September.(5) RB30-40 1 755р.
    RB40-60 2 241р.
    gracilisLow shrub, seldom taller than 70cm, growth narrowly upright. An elegant, white flowered, Japanese species, a parent of many good hybrids. Needs protection from late spring frosts. Previously much used for forcing. (5) SHR30-40 300р.
    C 507р.
    gracilis'Nikko'Compact growing, dwarf shrub (30cm) with charming arching branchlets. Narrow, sharply dentate leaves. Clusters of single white flowers in late spring.(6) RB25-30 537р.
    purpurascens'Kalmiiflora'A charmin, floriferous shrub, flowers large, white flushed carmine. Leaves purple in autumn.(5) SHR60-80 341р.
    C 507р.
    scabra'Plena'Tall, erect branched shrub to 3-3,5m producing in June and July large paniculate clusters of double, suffused, rose-purple outside, flowers.(6) SHR60-90 341р.
    scabra'Pride of Rochester'Tall, erect branched shrub. Dark green leaves set of dense, upright clusters of double white flowers, flushed pink outside, from early summer.(6) 60-90 321р.
    X hybrida'Mont Rose'Hybrid of medium size, extremely floriferous. Flowers rose-pink with darker tints, very freely borne in paniculate clusters.(6) SHR 341р.
    C 507р.
    X hybrida'Pink Pom Pom'A medium-sized shrub producing dense heads of double flowers, pink at first becoming white.(6) SHR40-60 321р.
    C 507р.
    X lemoineiSmall shrub, to 1m high, bushy, upright. Flowers to 2cm wide, white, erect umbellate panicles, flowers very abundantly.(5) C 300р.
    SHR 321р.
    angustifolia'Oleaster'. Large spiny shrub or small tree. Has willow like silvery-grey leaves and small fragrant, creamy-yellow flowers with spreading lobes. Blooms in early summer, then small yellow fruits. Extremely hardy.(2) SHR60-90 300р.
    C60-90 537р.
    commutata'Silver berry'. Medium-sized stoloniferous shrub. Intensely silvery-grey willow-like leaves. Very fragrant flowers, yellow inside, silvery outside, in May. Small, egg-shaped, silvery-amber fruits. (2) C40-60 1 197р.
    ebbingeiA large, hardy, fast-growing evergreen shrub, splendid for creating shelter, even near the sea. Leaves large, silvery beneath. Flowers in autumn, silvery-scaly and fragrant. Fruits orange with silvery freckles in spring. (6) C40-60 1 012р.
    C60-80 1 321р.
    C80-100 1 725р.
    C100-125 2 643р.
    ebbingei'Gilt Edge'Like the species. Leaves narrow yellow margined.(6) C40-60 1 321р.
    C60-80 1 725р.
    ebbingei'Limelight'Like the species. Leaves green above at first with silvery scales, developing a broad, central blotch of deep yellow and pale green, silvery beneath. Liable to revert.(6) C40-60 1 321р.
    C60-80 1 725р.
    pungens'Goldrim'A vigorous, spreading, rarely spiny evergreen shrub up to 5m. A good shelter-making evergreen, with deep glossy green leaves margined with bright yellow.6) RB25-30 1 321р.
    pungens'Maculata'Leaves with a central splash of gold, giving a very bright effect. A very handsome shrub of moderate growth but prone to reversion.(6) RB25-30 1 012р.
    C30-40 1 321р.
    40-50 1 725р.
    umbellataLarge, strong-growing spreading shrub (4m). Fully hardy. Oblong, wavy-edged, bright green leaves are silvery when young. Fragrant, bell-shaped, pale yellow flowers in autumn, then masses of small red fruits.(3) SHR 300р.
    RB 507р.
    sieboldianusSpiny, erect branches with green, divided foliage. Fruit globose, black.(5) Forms an impenetrable hedge. Half-shade.40-60 1 693р.
    sieboldianus'Aureomarginatus'Grows more sparsely, leaves with white perimeter, rather rare.(5) 40-60 1 693р.
    carnea'Heath'. One of the most widely planted dwarf shrubs in cultivation, forming dense hummocks and mats covered with rosy-red flowers throughout winter. There are innumerable cultivars available in a wide range of shades through the white-pink-purple spectrum. The early cultivars begin flowering in November and the latest in Apri, but the majority are mid-season January to March. All are lime-tolerant but not recommended for shallow chalk soils. Heights may be taken as 15-25cm.(6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    carnea'Aurea'Like the species. Foliage bright gold during spring and early summer. Flowers deep pink paling to almost white. Mid to Late.(6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    carnea'December Red'Like the species. Deep green foliage and strong spikes of rose-red flowers. Mid to late.(6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    carnea'Ghost Hill'C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    carnea'Myretoun Ruby'Like the species. Deep green foliage and masses of deep rose-pink flowers. An excellent plant raised at Myretoun House, Scotland. Late.(6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    carnea'Praecox Rubra'Like the species. Flowers deep rose-red. Early to mid. (6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    carnea'Ruby Glow'Like the species. This cultivar is one of the richest in profuse deep ruby-red, urn-shaped flowers growing along one side of racemes. Ideal groundcover for slopes, rock gardens, or as a facer for shrub borders. Thrives in cool, moist, humid areas such as the Northwest. Prefers acid soil. (6) C10 165р.
    C15 300р.
    carnea'Snow Queen'Like the species. Large pure white flowers held well above the foliage. Mid.(6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    carnea'Springwood White'Like the species. Still the finest white cultivar, its strong trailing growths packed with long, urn-shaped flowers. Mid.(6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    carnea'Vivelli'Like the species. Deep, vivid carmine. Bronzy-red foliage in winter. A superb cultivar. Mid.(6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    carnea'Winterbeauty'Like the species. Bright rose-pink, commencing to flower in December. Sepals and corolla red-tinged in bud. (6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    cinerea'C.D. Eason'The common native purple 'Bell Heather', forming mats of wiry stems, and flowering from June to September. Glowing deep pink. Height 25-30cm. (6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    vagans'Mrs. DF Maxwell'One of the most cherished heaths, this Erica’s deep cherry-red blooms have as much charm as the story behind them. Elevated above a low, deep green bush, the long, upright racemes of cylindrically arranged, irresistible blooms open from the bottom up and when spent, persist through the winter burnished in russet-brown hues. Blooms July–September. C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    vagans'St.Keverne'Clear pink flowers, August-November, with dark green foliage. Found on the Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall, England near the village of St. Keverne. C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    x darleyensis'Darley Dale'Erica x darleyensis is a cross between Erica carnea x Erica erigena. It is a low-growing, evergreen shrub with fine, needle-like foliage in medium green. Growth habit is bushy. Flowers can appear between fall and midspring, are urn-shaped, and come in white to rosy pink. A hardy heath that tolerates heat and cold as well as neutral soils. Heaths require good drainage, preferably sandy soil with organic matter, such as peat moss, and most like acidic soil. They rarely require fertilizing; good compost is usually sufficient. Cut back after flowering. (6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    x darleyensis'Kramer's Rote'Like the species. is a vigorous, dwarf, evergreen shrub which forms a mat of dark bronze-green foliage. It bears deep magenta flowers in late winter through spring. (6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    x darleyensis'Silberschmelze''Silberschmelze' is a vigorous, dwarf, evergreen shrub with dark-green foliage tipped cream in spring. It bears white flowers in late winter through spring.(6) C10 165р.
    C13 300р.
    alatus'Winged spindle'. Bushy dense shrub with shoots that develop corky wings. Dark green leaves turn brilliant red in autumn. Fruits reddish-purple opening to reveal bright orange-coated seeds.(3) C30-40 929р.
    C40-60 1 126р.
    C60-80 1 621р.
    C80-100 2 344р.
    alatus'Compactus'Dwarfer habit and branches not quite as corky as the species (1.25m). Equally colourful in autumn. Ideal for low hedges.(3) RB25-30 929р.
    C30-40 1 126р.
    40-50 1 383р.
    C50-60 1 704р.
    europaeus'European spindle tree'. A familiar native hedgerow shrub, particularly on chalk soils. A vigorous green-stemmed shrub occasionally a small tree, producing an abundance of scarlet capsules which open to reveal the orange-coated seeds. Leaves ovate elliptic to oblong, crenate. (3) SHR60-100 341р.
    C 507р.
    europaeus'Red Cascade'A selected form, arching branches under often with an abundance of rosy-red fruits. Rich scarlet autumn colour.(3) C40-60 1 012р.
    C60-80 1 321р.
    fortunei'Blondy'An evergreen foliage plant where the leaves are a lovely creamy white with irregular markings, often on edges of leaves of dark green. A pleasing colour especially in winter. Ht. 60cm. Spread 1-1.2m. (5) RB25-30 434р.
    C30-40 589р.
    fortunei'Coloratus''Wintercreeper Euonymus'. A trailing or climbing form. Large leaves turn rich purple or brown-red in autumn and winter and resume their summer green in spring again. Very attractive and meritorious.(5) C30-40 413р.
    fortunei'Dart's Blanket'An improvement on 'Coloratus', leaves deep green turning bronze-red in autumn.(5) RB25-30 259р.
    fortunei'Emerald 'n Gold''Wintercreeper Euonymus. Evergreen. A very striking form making a dense, dwarf bush. Leaves deep green with a broad, bright golden margin which becomes cream flushed with pink in winter. Climbs given support.(5) P9,10-15 165р.
    C15-20 280р.
    C20-30 372р.
    C,30-40 557р.
    fortunei'Emerald Gaiety''Wintercreeper Euonymus.Evergreen climbing shrub. Small, compact, bushy shrub. Rounded, white edged, deep green leaves. The white margin becomes pink tinged during winter.(5) P9,10-15 165р.
    C1.3,15-20 268р.
    C1.3,20-30 372р.
    C,30-40 557р.
    fortunei'Gold Tip''Wintercreeper Euonymus'. Evergreen. Broadly upright habit, leaves margined golden yellow.(5) P9,10-15 165р.
    C1.3,15-20 280р.
    C1.3,20-30 372р.
    C,30-40 557р.
    fortunei'Harlequin'Euonymus fortunei 'Harlequin' is a dwarf evergreen creeping vine with variegated green & white leaves, with pink fall & winter highlights, for year-round interest. The oval leaves are littler & flatter than most varieties within this species.(5) C1.3,20-30 372р.
    fortunei'Sun Spot'Sun Spot Euonymus is a very hardy, evergreen shrub. It has small, dark green leaves, accented by a yellow center spot and bright yellow stems. It forms an irregular spreading mound. SIZE: grows to 3 feet (90cm) in height with almost twice the spread, at maturity.(5) C1.3,20-30 372р.
    fortunei'Sunshine''Wintercreeper Euonymus'. Evergreen with broad upright habit. Large grey-green leaves with golden-yellow edge.(5) P9,10-15 165р.
    C1.3,15-20 280р.
    C1.3,20-30 372р.
    C,30-40 589р.
    fortunei'Tustin'Tustin' is a prostrate, evergreen mat-forming shrub with dark-green leaves. It bears sparse, pale-green flowers in summer. C20-30 434р.
    C,30-40 589р.
    fortunei'Variegatus''Wintercreeper Euonymus'. A trailing form or climbing form, the leaves greyish-green, margined white, often tinged pink. A sport of var.radicans.(5) C1.3,15-20 280р.
    C1.3,20-30 372р.
    C,30-40 557р.
    fortunei'Vegetus''Wintercreeper Euonymus'. A small, bushy, creeping form with both prostrate and erect stems, climbing if support is available. The leaves are quite distinct being broad ovate to orbicular, thick in texture and dull green. Flowers and fruits are normally freely produced.(5) RB25-30 557р.
    C30-40 702р.
    fortuneivar. radicans'Wintercreeper Euonymus'. A trailing form or climmbing shrub with ovate or elliptic, shallowlytoothed leaves up to 3,5cm long, rather leathery in texture. This is the commonest form in cultivation with smaller leaves than the typical form. (5) P9,10-15 165р.
    C1.3,15-20 280р.
    C1.3,20-30 372р.
    japonicusA large, densely branched shrub with dark glossy green, leathery leaves. Flowers greenish-white. Fruits pink, not lobed, aril orange, seeds white. One of the best evergreen for coastal or town planting, and succeeding in sun or shade.(8) C30-40 640р.
    40-50 805р.
    C50-60 1 032р.
    japonicus'Aureomarginatus'Like the species, leaves pale green when young becoming blue-green, narrowly margined with white.(8) C20-25 507р.
    RB25-30 661р.
    C30-40 858р.
    40-50 1 126р.
    C50-60 1 404р.
    japonicus'Pr?sident Gauthier'Grey-green leaves with a dark central bloch & wide cream margin. Best in sun or dappled shade. Ht. 1.2m.Japonica and it's varieties are good plants to use where heat tolerance is important and soil conditions are unfavorable. This is one of the few variegated shrubs that maintain their colors in full sun and hot summers.(8) 20-25 537р.
    latifoliusEuropean species growing 3-4.5m high. Has larger, scarlet fruits, and more brilliant autumn foliage than the common “Spindle Tree’.(6) C30-40 1 126р.
    C40-60 1 383р.
    C60-80 1 704р.
    nanusA useful, dwarf, semi-evergreen shrub with narrow leaves and tiny, brown-purple flowers.(2) C30-40 1 126р.
    40-50 1 383р.
    oxyphyllusA slow growing, medium-sized to large shrub, leaves pass to rich shades of red and purple-red in the autumn when at the same time the branches are strung with rich carmine-red capsules.(5) C,30-40 1 012р.
    C40-60 1 321р.
    C60-80 1 725р.
    phellomanusDeciduous, medium-sized shrub with conspicuously corky-winged shoots and oval leaves. Fruits pink, 4 sided, aril red, seeds dark brown to nearly black. Very attractive species.(5) C30-40 1 078р.
    C40-60 1 409р.
    C60-80 1 839р.
    planipesA large, handsome species similar to E.latifolius and equally colourful in autumn. The large and showy scarlet fruits are freely borne. One of the most valuable species for its abundant fruit, fall foliage color, growth habit and winter hardiness.(4) C30-40 1 078р.
    C40-60 1 409р.
    C60-80 1 839р.
    macrantha'The Bride'Medium-sized arching, dense shrub that forms a mound of pendent branches. Large white flowers , in abundance wreathed on the arching branching in late spring, are very attractive.(5) 60-80 1 839р.
    racemosaThe best-known species , a large shrub rather spreading in habit. Not suitable for shallow chalk soil.(5) C60-80 989р.
    80-100 1 409р.
    sylvatica'Common beech', propagated by seed. Deciduous, usually tall trees. The winterbuds are dull brown. The leaves are petiolate, entire. The wavy-edged, dark green, leaves turn to golden-copper in autumn, very long lasting. The fruits or beechnuts are 4 parted, with erect bristles.(5) A noble large tree also excellent for hedgemaking. (The purple-leafed cultivars prefer full sun or semi-shade, the yellow-leafed forms a little shade).Used as hedging it should be trimmed in summer. Grows well in any but waterlogged soil.125-150 920р.
    150-175 1 259р.
    175-200 1 601р.
    200-250 1 941р.
    250-300 2 374р.
    St6-8 2 716р.
    300-350 3 056р.
    St8-10 3 613р.
    St10-12 4 739р.
    St12-14 6 379р.
    sylvatica'Asplenifolia''Fernleaf Beech'. Like the specie but : Slow growing at first, but eventually a very stately tree. Leaves relatively narrow, deeply cut into slender lobes and incised, some linear, also sometimes pinnatisect and variations of both.(5) 150-175 3 138р.
    175-200 3 881р.
    200-250 4 769р.
    250-300 5 616р.
    St6-8 5 616р.
    300-350 7 093р.
    St8-10 7 093р.
    St10-12 10 045р.
    St12-14 13 121р.
    St14-16 18 370р.
    sylvatica'Atropunicea''Purple Beech'. Collective name for all the forms with red foliage, which are normally selected from seed-raised plants. Leaves variable in size and color intensity, often brown in spring, becoming more brown-green during the summer. Most used for hedging. Selected from seed-raised plants they are not uniform in colour and habit.(5) 125-150 1 085р.
    150-175 1 374р.
    175-200 1 828р.
    200-250 2 230р.
    250-300 2 601р.
    St6-8 2 932р.
    300-350 3 283р.
    St8-10 3 840р.
    St10-12 4 966р.
    St12-14 6 607р.
    St14-16 9 105р.
    sylvatica'Black Swan'Weeping beech with red-pourpre colours and a dominant leader.(5) 150-175 3 087р.
    175-200 3 819р.
    200-250 4 790р.
    250-300 5 636р.
    St6-8 5 636р.
    St8-10 6 999р.
    St10-12 9 703р.
    St12-14 12 522р.
    St14-16 17 528р.
    sylvatica'Dawyck Gold'Habit like 'Dawijck' but golden-yellow in spring, light green in summer, golden-yellow again in fall.(5) 150-175 3 221р.
    175-200 4 005р.
    200-250 5 017р.
    250-300 5 905р.
    St6-8 5 905р.
    St8-10 7 329р.
    St10-12 10 158р.
    St12-14 13 121р.
    St14-16 18 365р.
    sylvatica'Dawyck Purple'Similar to ‘Dawyck Gold’ but has deep purple foliage throughout the season. An exciting narrowly columnar tree.(5) 150-175 3 221р.
    175-200 4 005р.
    200-250 5 017р.
    250-300 5 905р.
    St6-8 5 905р.
    St8-10 7 329р.
    St10-12 10 158р.
    St12-14 13 121р.
    St14-16 18 365р.
    sylvatica'Dawyck''Dawyck beech' like the specie but : a large columnar tree, with erect branches. Pale green leaves mature to mid-green and turn rich yellow and orange in autumn.(5) 150-175 3 221р.
    175-200 4 005р.
    200-250 5 017р.
    250-300 5 905р.
    St6-8 5 905р.
    St8-10 7 329р.
    St10-12 10 158р.
    St12-14 13 121р.
    St14-16 18 365р.
    sylvatica'Laciniata'Strong grower, becoming as tall as the species, leaves quite variable, usually broad-lanceolate, long acuminate, pinnately divided.(5) 150-175 3 221р.
    175-200 4 005р.
    200-250 5 017р.
    250-300 5 905р.
    St6-8 5 905р.
    St8-10 7 329р.
    St10-12 10 158р.
    St12-14 13 121р.
    St14-16 18 365р.
    sylvatica'Pendula''Weeping beech',like the specie but with spectacular large tree of which the enormous branches hang close with the main stem, while in other specimens some primary branches are almost horizontal and draped with long hanging branchlets. In autumn rich hues of orange brown to yellow leaves.(5) HSt 6-8 3 716р.
    St8-10 8 465р.
    St10-12 10 375р.
    St12-14 13 204р.
    St14-16 18 675р.
    sylvatica'Purple Fountain'A seedling of ‘Purpurea Pendula’ Narrowly upright tree with purple leaves and weeping branches. The self-supporting top-shoot heightens the rugged appearance of this picturesque tree. Planted singly or in a group.(5) 150-175 3 087р.
    175-200 3 819р.
    200-250 4 790р.
    250-300 5 636р.
    St6-8 5 636р.
    St8-10 6 999р.
    St10-12 9 703р.
    St12-14 12 522р.
    St14-16 17 528р.
    sylvatica'Purpurea Latifolia'Habit normal with vigorous growth, leaves rather large, dark black-brown que 'Atropunicea'.(5) 150-175 3 221р.
    175-200 4 005р.
    200-250 5 017р.
    250-300 5 905р.
    St6-8 5 905р.
    St8-10 7 329р.
    St10-12 10 158р.
    St12-14 13 121р.
    St14-16 18 365р.
    sylvatica'Purpurea Pendula''Weeping purple beech', a small weeping tree with dark leaves. Usually top-grafted to make a small mushroom-headed orm. Needs support to reach a particular height.(5) 150-175 3 418р.
    175-200 4 223р.
    HSt 6-8 4 553р.
    200-250 5 244р.
    250-300 6 090р.
    St8-10 10 375р.
    St10-12 13 080р.
    St12-14 15 938р.
    St14-16 19 810р.
    sylvatica'Purpurea Tricolor'Like the specie but smaller en thinly branched, especially attractive for its carmine-red foliage on new growth , best in full sun. Leaves medium size or small brown with a distinctly wide pink border.(5) 150-175 3 221р.
    175-200 4 005р.
    200-250 5 017р.
    250-300 5 905р.
    St6-8 5 905р.
    St8-10 7 329р.
    St10-12 10 158р.
    St12-14 13 121р.
    St14-16 18 365р.
    sylvatica'Riversii'A large broad crowned tree. Leaves very large, deep blackbrown, coloring. One of the best large leaved, purple beech cultivars available.(5) 150-175 3 087р.
    175-200 3 819р.
    200-250 4 790р.
    250-300 5 636р.
    St6-8 5 636р.
    300-350 6 772р.
    St8-10 6 989р.
    St10-12 9 703р.
    St12-14 12 522р.
    St14-16 17 528р.
    sylvatica'Rohan Gold'Similar to 'Rohanii' but more vigorous, with the leaves yellow when young becoming green.(5) 150-175 3 221р.
    175-200 4 005р.
    200-250 5 017р.
    250-300 5 905р.
    St6-8 5 905р.
    St8-10 7 329р.
    St10-12 10 158р.
    St12-14 13 121р.
    St14-16 18 365р.
    sylvatica'Rohanii'Slow growing tree with shallow-lobed bright red leaves at first, changing to dark brownish-red during the season. Leafing out 8-10 days earlier than F. sylvatica.(5) 150-175 3 221р.
    175-200 4 005р.
    200-250 5 017р.
    St6-8 5 905р.
    250-300 5 905р.
    St8-10 7 329р.
    St10-12 10 158р.
    St12-14 13 121р.
    St14-16 18 365р.
    sylvatica'Rotundifolia'Like the 'Common Beech' but : lower, wide tree although slender upright when young, branches erect, leaves rounded tot circular.(5) 150-175 3 221р.
    175-200 4 005р.
    200-250 5 017р.
    250-300 5 905р.
    sylvatica'Swat Margret'A purple beech like ‘Riversii’, but leafing out 8-10 days earlier, also retaining its black-red colour long into the fall.(5) St6-8 5 636р.
    St8-10 6 999р.
    St10-12 9 703р.
    St12-14 12 522р.
    St14-16 17 528р.
    sylvatica'Zlatia'Like the specie and a normal growing beech, but with leaves golden-yellow at first, very glossy, later becoming yellowish-green. The leaves are oval, wavy-edged.(5) 150-175 3 221р.
    175-200 4 005р.
    200-250 5 017р.
    250-300 5 905р.
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