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 31 октября  Добавлен блок новостей На сайте zeleno.ru появилась новостная лента. Здесь планируется размещать как ссылки на интересные материалы в сети, так и на актуальные новости наших партнеров.

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    buergerianumSmall, bushy tree with 3-lobed, long-persistent leaves often red or orange in autumn.(6) 150-175 1 074р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 787р.
    250-300 2 241р.
    St6-8 2 798р.
    St8-10 3 851р.
    St10-12 5 028р.
    St12-14 6 565р.
    St14-16 9 786р.
    St16-18 15 360р.
    campestreHedge or field maple. Shrub or round headed tree, young branches often already becoming corky. Foliage turns brilliant yellow in autumn. Tolerates sun or shade and any soil. (6) Grows well in sun or/off shade. Can be used as a clipped hedge or low growing tree. SHR80-120 321р.
    150-175 858р.
    175-200 1 085р.
    200-250 1 312р.
    250-300 1 807р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 601р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 5 017р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    St16-18 11 273р.
    campestre'Carnival'Like the species. Leaves with silver-white margin, young shoots and leaves pink in spring.(6) 150-175 2 271р.
    campestre'Elsrijk'Mildew-resistant selection with uniform broad-oval crown and dark green leaves.(6) Ideal small street tree also for pedestrian and residentialareas.150-175 1 147р.
    175-200 1 374р.
    200-250 1 714р.
    250-300 2 147р.
    St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 386р.
    St10-12 4 285р.
    St12-14 5 925р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    St16-18 12 408р.
    campestre'Lienco'like 'Elsrijk' but with a narrow crownhead. 150-175 1 147р.
    175-200 1 374р.
    200-250 1 714р.
    250-300 2 147р.
    St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 386р.
    St10-12 4 285р.
    St12-14 5 925р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    St16-18 12 408р.
    campestre'Nanum'A shrubby form of dense, bushy habit.(6) HSt 6-8 3 108р.
    St6-8 4 728р.
    St8-10 5 905р.
    St10-12 7 093р.
    St12-14 8 827р.
    campestre'Queen Elisabeth'Cultivar with small, grey-green, white margined leaves. Young leaves and branches are always rosy-red. Picturesque medium-sized tree. St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 386р.
    St10-12 4 285р.
    St12-14 5 925р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    St16-18 12 408р.
    campestre'Red Shine'New leaves and stems shining coppery-red. HSt 6-8 3 108р.
    St6-8 4 728р.
    St8-10 5 905р.
    St10-12 7 093р.
    St12-14 8 827р.
    capillipesA small tree with striated bark and bright green, the young growths coral-red. Attractive autumn tints of orange and red.(6) RB60-80 858р.
    150-175 1 858р.
    175-200 2 126р.
    200-250 2 695р.
    250-300 3 365р.
    St6-8 3 954р.
    St8-10 4 801р.
    St10-12 6 772р.
    cappadocicumMedium sized tree. Young leaves bronze-yellow, that turn light green in summer and assume yellow autumn tints.(6) Popular tree for lawn and park planting.150-175 1 787р.
    175-200 2 374р.
    200-250 3 283р.
    250-300 3 851р.
    St8-10 3 851р.
    St10-12 5 028р.
    St12-14 5 967р.
    St14-16 8 951р.
    cappadocicum'Aureum'A medium-sized tree. Leaves in spring and fall yellow, otherwise bright green.(6) 150-175 2 230р.
    175-200 2 819р.
    St6-8 3 530р.
    200-250 3 562р.
    250-300 4 728р.
    St8-10 4 728р.
    St10-12 6 503р.
    cappadocicum'Rubrum'A medium-size tree. The young leaves are blood red, later generally greening, in fall a splendid gold-yellow.(6) 150-175 1 787р.
    175-200 2 374р.
    St6-8 3 252р.
    200-250 3 283р.
    250-300 3 851р.
    St8-10 3 851р.
    St10-12 5 028р.
    St12-14 5 967р.
    St14-16 8 951р.
    St16-18 14 174р.
    circinatumPot 150-175 4 129р.
    davidiiA small tree with attractively striated green and white bark. The shining, dark green, ovate leaves colour richly in the autumn. The green fruits are often attractively red an hang all along the branches in autumn.(6) RB60-80 858р.
    150-175 1 858р.
    175-200 2 126р.
    200-250 2 695р.
    250-300 3 365р.
    St6-8 3 365р.
    St8-10 4 512р.
    St10-12 6 214р.
    freemanii'Armstrong'Armstrong Freeman Maple. Growth upright, narrowly columnar. The leaves are silver-gray at the underside ; gold in fall.(3) St6-8 2 932р.
    St8-10 3 851р.
    St10-12 5 028р.
    St12-14 5 967р.
    freemanii'Elegant'Similar tot the species but with a more compact habit, and little smaller leaves.(3) Synonym for : Acer s.'Elegant'St6-8 1 931р.
    St8-10 2 354р.
    St10-12 3 241р.
    St12-14 4 182р.
    St14-16 5 678р.
    St16-18 9 456р.
    griseumPaperback maple, spreading tree with striking, peeling, orange-brown and cinnamon-coloured bark. Trifoliated leaves turn scarlet-red in autumn. One of the most beautiful of all small trees.(6) Is mutch sought for its peeling tissue-thin coppery bark.RB50-60 3 459р.
    japonicum'Aconitifolium'Large scrub or small tree. Can reach 3 to 5 m in height and 3 to 4 m in spread. Leaves deeply lobed and cut, colouring rich ruby-crimson in autumn.(6) RB30-40 2 922р.
    RB40-50 3 716р.
    RB50-60 4 718р.
    RB60-80 5 533р.
    negundoAsh-leafed maple or box elder, fast growing tree with a wide, spreading, rather open habit. Large, pale green pinnate leaves. Tolerates extreme conditions, including wet or dry soil. Wind resistant.(2) Fast growing shade tree for parks and great gardens.SHR80-120 321р.
    150-175 578р.
    175-200 692р.
    200-250 858р.
    HSt 6-8 1 147р.
    St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    St10-12 2 716р.
    St12-14 3 418р.
    St14-16 4 553р.
    St16-18 6 772р.
    negundo'Auratum'Rather large tree with white-hairy branches. Golden yellow leaves are bronze tinged when young and splendid in full sunshine.(2) Solitar because his beautiful leaves.SHR60-80 1 250р.
    150-175 1 486р.
    175-200 1 642р.
    200-250 1 849р.
    HSt 6-8 1 911р.
    St6-8 2 952р.
    St8-10 3 851р.
    St10-12 5 317р.
    negundo'Aureomarginatum'Rather slow growing form, mostly multi-stemmed. Leaves margined yellow.(2) All variegated negundo are best planted in light shade.SHR60-80 1 250р.
    150-175 1 425р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 766р.
    HSt 6-8 1 828р.
    St6-8 2 828р.
    St8-10 3 675р.
    St10-12 5 079р.
    St12-14 6 379р.
    St14-16 9 105р.
    St16-18 15 784р.
    negundo'Flamingo'Silver variegated leaves with brilliant pink young growth. The leaves droop softly to enhance the lacy foliage effect. One of the most conspicuous of all variegated hardy trees.(2) Plant of medium growing in the sun.SHR60-80 1 250р.
    150-175 1 486р.
    175-200 1 642р.
    200-250 1 849р.
    HSt 6-8 1 911р.
    St6-8 2 952р.
    St8-10 3 851р.
    St10-12 5 317р.
    St12-14 6 680р.
    St14-16 9 538р.
    St16-18 16 537р.
    negundo'Variegatum'Forms a rounded spreading multi-stemmed small tree. Has pinkish then white-margined bright green leaves.(7) Remove any all-green shoots and any suckers as soon as seen on these forms.SHR60-80 1 250р.
    150-175 1 425р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 766р.
    HSt 6-8 1 828р.
    St6-8 2 828р.
    St8-10 3 675р.
    St10-12 5 079р.
    St12-14 6 379р.
    St14-16 9 105р.
    St16-18 15 784р.
    palmatumBushy-headed shrub or tree (5-6m). Fully hardy. Palmate, deeply lobed, mid-green leaves turn brilliant orange-red or yellow in autumn. Does best on well-drained, neutral or acid soil.(6) Sensitive for forst. C60-80 1 167р.
    C80-100 1 404р.
    C100-125 1 858р.
    palmatum'Atropurpureum'Bloodleaf Japanese Maple. Like A.palmatum but with bright red foliage from Spring to Autumn.(6) RB50-60 1 796р.
    RB60-80 2 489р.
    RB80-100 3 170р.
    RB100-125 4 459р.
    palmatum'Bloodgood'Leaves very deep reddish-purple, holding their colour well, red in autumn.(6) RB50-60 2 023р.
    RB60-80 2 767р.
    RB80-100 3 665р.
    RB100-125 5 111р.
    palmatum'Butterfly'A medium-sized shrub of upright habit. Leaves rather small, deeply cut, grey-green margined cream, pink-tinged when young. The margin turns red in autumn.(6) RB50-60 2 922р.
    RB60-80 4 005р.
    palmatum'Crimson queen'Leaves very deep reddish-purple, the colour longlasting, deeply divided into slender, finely cut lobes.(6) RB30-40 2 922р.
    palmatum'Dissectum'A group of clones in which the leaves are divided to the base into 5,7 or 9 pinnatifid lobes. They are shrubby in habit, mushroom-shaped when young, ultimately a dense, rouded bush, the branches falling from a high crown.(6) Protection from freezing and winds.RB30-40 2 922р.
    RB40-50 3 613р.
    RB50-60 4 232р.
    palmatum'Garnet'Growth and foliage like that of 'Dissectum', very dark brown-red and remaining so for the entire summer. (6) Protection of winds and hard freezing.RB30-40 2 922р.
    RB40-50 3 613р.
    RB50-60 4 232р.
    palmatum'Inaba-shidare'This form has the largest dark purple leaves.(6) RB30-40 2 922р.
    palmatum'Nigrum'A form with leaves of deep purple, very vigorous, can reach 4-5m, in height and spread.(6) Protection strong freezing and winds.RB30-40 3 613р.
    palmatum'Ornatum'Leaves as on 'Dissectum', at first brown-green,later light brown-green.(6) Protection from freezing and winds.RB30-40 2 922р.
    palmatum'Osakazuki'Leaves green, turning in autumn to fiery, probably the most brilliant of all Japanese Maples.(6) Protection from freezing and winds.RB50-60 2 489р.
    RB60-80 3 191р.
    RB80-100 3 872р.
    palmatum'Sangokaku''Coral Bark Maple'. An invaluable shrub or small tree for winter effect, bark of the young twigs have a light coral red colour. Leaves turning soft canaryyellow in autumn.(6) RB50-60 3 613р.
    RB60-80 4 232р.
    RB80-100 5 533р.
    pensylvanicumSnake-bark maple, small tree, often multiple stems. Green branches becoming boldly striped with white lines. Large lobed., jade-green leaves turn bright yellow in autumn. The striped bark is very conspicuous in winter.(4) One of the best snakebarkmaples.150-175 1 858р.
    175-200 2 126р.
    200-250 2 695р.
    250-300 3 365р.
    St6-8 3 365р.
    St8-10 4 512р.
    St10-12 6 214р.
    platanoidesNorway maple, vigorous spreading tree 25m high, 15m width. Has large broad, sharply lobed, bright green leaves that turn yellow or orange in autumn. Clusters of yellow flowers borne in spring before the leaves appear. (3) Very popular for lawn and street planting.150-175 630р.
    175-200 754р.
    200-250 920р.
    250-300 1 271р.
    St6-8 1 931р.
    St8-10 2 427р.
    St10-12 3 159р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    St16-18 10 148р.
    platanoides'Autumn Blaze'Tree with a columnar habit making an oval head. The flowers are gold yellowisch clusters; the leaves are light green turns in spring to yellow.(3) St6-8 2 560р.
    St8-10 3 241р.
    St10-12 3 964р.
    St12-14 5 368р.
    St14-16 7 402р.
    St16-18 11 809р.
    platanoides'Cleveland'As the species but with more compact branching 12-15m high. Rounded, symmetrical habit and heavy textured green leaves. Young growth reddish. Autumn colour yellow-orange. (3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    St6-8 2 560р.
    St8-10 3 252р.
    St10-12 3 964р.
    St12-14 5 368р.
    St14-16 7 402р.
    St16-18 11 809р.
    platanoides'Columnare'Narrow, dense, columnar habit. Excellent for street planting, accent and formal effect. The most practical of all columnar trees. Generally free of pests, disease and wide wind damage.(3) 150-175 1 353р.
    175-200 1 642р.
    200-250 1 941р.
    St6-8 2 663р.
    St8-10 3 427р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 730р.
    St14-16 8 114р.
    St16-18 12 997р.
    platanoides'Crimson King'Medium sized tree, dark coppery-purple, to purple-crimson, glossy leaves throughout the summer, fading to golden and orange in autumn. Handsome tree, not as fast growing as 'Royal Red'.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    St6-8 2 663р.
    St8-10 3 427р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 730р.
    St14-16 8 114р.
    St16-18 12 997р.
    platanoides'Deborah'Similar to Acer P.'Schwedleri' but with a superior branching habit. A vigorous grower with a strong central leader. Reddisch-purple leaves in Spring turning dark bronzy-green in Summer.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    St6-8 2 560р.
    St8-10 3 252р.
    St10-12 3 964р.
    St12-14 5 368р.
    St14-16 7 402р.
    platanoides'Drumondii'Harlequin maple, leaves distinctly margined with creamy-white. Slow growing (15m height) Reverting shoots should be removed.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    St6-8 2 663р.
    St8-10 3 427р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 730р.
    St14-16 8 114р.
    St16-18 12 997р.
    platanoides'Emerald Queen'Very rapid grower. Straight trunk and good branching tendences form a balanced oval crown. Young shoots light pink to purple. Does well in urban areas.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    St6-8 2 560р.
    St8-10 3 241р.
    St10-12 3 964р.
    St12-14 5 368р.
    St14-16 7 402р.
    St16-18 11 809р.
    platanoides'Faassen's Black'Norway Maple, similar to 'Crimson King', but the leaves are deeper red-brown.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    SHR80-120 1 250р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    HSt 6-8 1 787р.
    St6-8 2 663р.
    St8-10 3 427р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 730р.
    St14-16 8 114р.
    St16-18 12 997р.
    platanoides'Globosum'Globe maple, very slow growing small tree. Dark green leaves turning golden yellow in Autumn. Naturally forms a dense globe. Top-grafted.(3) HSt 6-8 1 993р.
    St6-8 2 881р.
    St8-10 3 562р.
    St10-12 4 739р.
    St12-14 6 607р.
    St14-16 10 251р.
    St16-18 16 239р.
    platanoides'Princeton Gold'This sparkling new cultivar has golden yellow spring foliage which hardens to yellow/green in summer. We recommend it for both park and street planting.Will make a stunning accent plant in the landscape. It does well on most soil types, tolerates air pollution and resists drought. Mature height: 10-15m 150-175 1 858р.
    175-200 2 126р.
    200-250 2 695р.
    250-300 3 365р.
    St6-8 3 365р.
    pensylvanicum'Princeton Sentry'150-175 1 858р.
    175-200 2 126р.
    200-250 2 695р.
    250-300 3 365р.
    St6-8 3 365р.
    St8-10 4 512р.
    St10-12 6 214р.
    platanoides'Royal Red'An improved ‘Crimson King’ type of Norway maple. Strong trunk and well shaped head. Fine, dark purplish-brown foliage.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    HSt 6-8 1 787р.
    St6-8 2 663р.
    St8-10 3 427р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 730р.
    St14-16 8 114р.
    platanoides'Schwedleri'Leaves and young growths rich crimson-purple. Most effective when pruned hard every other autumn.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    St6-8 2 560р.
    St8-10 3 241р.
    St10-12 3 964р.
    St12-14 5 368р.
    St14-16 7 402р.
    pseudoplatanusSycamore Maple. Tree with a broad arched crown, to 40m, bark peeling in small flakes. Leaves are rounded, 5lobed, darkgreen, gold-yellow in fall.(6) A picturesque, large tree, and one of the best for exposed situations in any soil ; Superior park tree, tolorate the shade. 150-175 630р.
    175-200 754р.
    200-250 920р.
    250-300 1 271р.
    St6-8 1 931р.
    St8-10 2 427р.
    St10-12 3 159р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    pseudoplatanus'Atropurpureum'Leaves the upperside dark green, red-brown in spring, underside deep red.(6) 150-175 1 147р.
    175-200 1 374р.
    200-250 1 601р.
    St6-8 2 374р.
    St8-10 2 963р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 904р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoplatanus'Brilliantissimum'A distinct small tree of slow growth. The young leaves in spring are a glorious shrimp-pink later changing to pale yellow-green and finally green.(6) HSt 6-8 2 963р.
    St6-8 4 512р.
    St8-10 5 636р.
    St10-12 6 772р.
    St12-14 8 423р.
    pseudoplatanus'Bruchem'Tree with a compact, small pyramidal crown. Leaves deep dark green, deeply 5-lobed, underside blue-green.(6) St6-8 2 374р.
    St8-10 2 963р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 904р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoplatanus'Erectum'Crown is quite narrow when young, becoming erect, oval-rounded, dense with age. Leaves like A.pseudoplatanus.(6) St6-8 2 374р.
    St8-10 2 963р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 904р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoplatanus'Leopoldii'Leaves normal,5-lobed, new foliage copper-pink and yellow, later very dense with light yellow to yellow-white dots and specks.(6) 150-175 1 147р.
    175-200 1 374р.
    200-250 1 601р.
    HSt 6-8 1 704р.
    St6-8 2 374р.
    St8-10 2 963р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 904р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoplatanus'Negenia'Fast growing, large conical habit. Large dark green leaves.(6) 150-175 1 147р.
    175-200 1 374р.
    200-250 1 601р.
    St6-8 2 374р.
    St8-10 2 963р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 904р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoplatanus'Nizetii'Leaves heavily blotched and streaked pale green and white, purple-tinged beneath.(6) 150-175 1 147р.
    175-200 1 374р.
    200-250 1 601р.
    St6-8 2 808р.
    St8-10 3 365р.
    St10-12 4 512р.
    pseudoplatanus'Prinz Handjery'A small slow-growing tree similar to 'Brillantissimum'. New foliage and twigs at first brick red, later becoming green and underside pale violet-red.(6) RB60-80 1 704р.
    HSt 6-8 2 963р.
    St6-8 4 512р.
    St8-10 5 636р.
    St10-12 6 772р.
    St12-14 8 423р.
    pseudoplatanus'Rotterdam'Large tree. Crown broadly columnar when young, later more upright. Leaves dark green.(6) Street tree.150-175 1 147р.
    175-200 1 374р.
    200-250 1 601р.
    St6-8 2 374р.
    St8-10 2 973р.
    St10-12 3 727р.
    St12-14 4 904р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    pseudoplatanus'Worley'Medium-sized tree. Leaves soft yellow-green at first then golden, finally green.(6) 150-175 1 425р.
    175-200 1 704р.
    HSt 6-8 1 704р.
    200-250 2 126р.
    St6-8 2 539р.
    St8-10 3 365р.
    St10-12 4 356р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    rubrumRed maple, round-headed, medium-sized tree. In spring bare branches are covered with tiny red flowers. Dark green leaves turn bright red in autumn, looking alike the Canadian national emblem. Producing best colour on neutral or acid soil. Excellent for wet sites and is tolerant to atmospheric pollution.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    St6-8 2 663р.
    St8-10 3 427р.
    St10-12 4 140р.
    St12-14 5 730р.
    St14-16 8 114р.
    rubrum'October Glory'The October Glory Red Maple tree, Acer rubrum 'October Glory', is one of the best and most popular of the Red Maple cultivars. Red Maple trees are excellent for intense fall color and have a medium to fast growth rate. In the spring, red flowers in dense clusters form before the leaves. This Red Maple is an excellent tree for lawn or street planting. This Red Maple has a good oval-rounded form. It tends to hold its lustrous dark green leaves late into fall. The intensity of the brilliant orange to red fall color is worth the wait. October Glory have a dense oblong head with dark green foliage. St6-8 3 314р.
    St8-10 4 253р.
    St10-12 5 554р.
    St12-14 6 680р.
    rubrum'Red Sunset'Red Sunset, is considered one of the best trees for early fall color! This is a large deciduous tree that has pyramidal form when young becoming rounded with age. Glossy green leaves turn brilliant orange-scarlet, extremely showy. Full sun. Grows faster than Norway and sugar maples, but slower than silver maple. The Red Sunset's® leaves are shiny green above and pale green beneath. Species name of rubrum is everywhere in evidence: red flowers in dense clusters in late March to early April (before the leaves appear), red fruit (reddish two-winged samara), reddish stems and twigs. The Red Sunset® is one of the best red maple cultivars available in commerce, with outstanding orange to red fall color. An excellent choice for lawn or street planting. St6-8 3 314р.
    St8-10 4 253р.
    St10-12 5 554р.
    St12-14 6 680р.
    rubrum'Scanlon'A medium-sized tree forming a broadly columnar head of branches. Beautiful orange-red autumn colour.(3) St6-8 3 314р.
    St8-10 4 253р.
    St10-12 5 554р.
    St12-14 6 680р.
    rufinerveYoung stems glaucous, older stems and trunk green with conspicuous white striations. Bright red and yellow automn colours.(6) RB60-80 858р.
    150-175 1 858р.
    175-200 2 126р.
    200-250 2 695р.
    250-300 3 365р.
    St6-8 3 365р.
    St8-10 4 512р.
    St10-12 6 214р.
    saccharinumSilver maple, fast-growing large spreading tree. Deeply lobed, mid-green leaves with silver undersides give a nice effect, when ruffled by the wind. Attractive yellow autumn tints. (3)Performs well in damp areas and is suitable for parks and large properties.(3) Avoid exposed windswept sites.150-175 672р.
    175-200 785р.
    200-250 961р.
    St6-8 1 590р.
    St8-10 2 126р.
    St10-12 2 840р.
    St12-14 3 943р.
    St14-16 5 492р.
    saccharinum'Asplenifolium'Large tree, rather upright growth, branches long and limp, but not as wide as the very similar ‘Wieri’ and also less pendulous leaves very deeply incised, veins closer together.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    St6-8 1 931р.
    St8-10 2 354р.
    St10-12 3 252р.
    St12-14 4 418р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    saccharinum'Borns Graciosa'Strong grower, upright, leaves lobed nearly to the base. Very winter hardy.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    saccharinum'Elegant'Similar to the species but with a more compact habit and little smaller leaves. Beautiful park tree.(3) Synonym for : Acer * freemanii 'Elegant'150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    saccharinum'Laciniatum Wieri'Cutleaf silver maple, a selection with pendulous lower branches and loose open crown. Leaves are very deeply divided into sharply cut lobes.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    St6-8 2 014р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 427р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 680р.
    saccharinum'Lutescens'Leaves soft yellow-green during summer, orange -yellow when young.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    St6-8 2 014р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 427р.
    St12-14 4 769р.
    St14-16 6 680р.
    saccharinum'Pyramidale'Growth broad columnar. Smaller leaves than the type. In autumn, large, lobed leaves turn brilliant orange and red.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    175-200 1 436р.
    200-250 1 672р.
    St6-8 1 931р.
    St8-10 2 354р.
    St10-12 3 252р.
    St12-14 4 418р.
    St14-16 5 967р.
    saccharumThe Sugar Maple is one of the most important Canadian trees, being (with Black Maple) the major source of sap for making maple syrup. It is a deciduous tree normally reaching heights of 25–35 m tall. The leaves are deciduous, 8-15 cm long and equally wide with five palmate lobes. The fall color is often spectacular, ranging from bright yellow through orange to fluorescent red-orange. Sugar maples also have a tendency to color unevenly in fall.(3)150-175 1 941р.
    175-200 2 230р.
    200-250 2 819р.
    St6-8 3 530р.
    250-300 3 530р.
    St8-10 4 728р.
    St10-12 6 503р.
    shirasawanum'Aureum'Slow growing, especially when young, bushy shrub, with many sharply-toothed lobes on soft yellow leaves. Colour stays throughout the season, but can scorch in full sun. In autumn the leaves turn to yellow-orange and red.(6) They grow best in sheltered positions and in good, moist well-drained soil; half-shade.RB20-25 2 975р.
    tataricum'Flame'Amur maple, spreading tree or large shrub. Fragrant white flowers in summer amid dainty green leaves, that turn intense red in autumn.(4) Selected for its red autumn color. A very colorful tree used in shelterbelts and for wildlife habitat. 150-175 1 250р.
    175-200 1 755р.
    200-250 2 250р.
    250-300 2 849р.
    St6-8 3 097р.
    St8-10 4 016р.
    St10-12 5 255р.
    St12-14 6 865р.
    St14-16 10 231р.
    tataricumginnalaAmur maple. A large shrub or small tree of vigorous, spreading habit. The bright green, three-lobed leaves turn to orange often whitisch marbled. The flowers are yellowish white,fragrant, in long stalked panicles.(4) SHR80-120 486р.
    150-175 1 250р.
    175-200 1 755р.
    200-250 2 250р.
    250-300 2 849р.
    St6-8 3 097р.
    St8-10 4 016р.
    St10-12 5 255р.
    St12-14 6 865р.
    St14-16 10 231р.
    zoeschense'Annae'A small-sized tree, 5-lobed, dark green leaves. Very near A.campestre.(6) 150-175 1 250р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 734р.
    St6-8 2 674р.
    St8-10 3 397р.
    St10-12 4 150р.
    St12-14 5 616р.
    St14-16 7 733р.
    'Digitata'Dwarf form with smaller, deeply incised leaves. Linear, deep green, petiole somewhat winged; not flowering.(3) St8-10 4 728р.
    St10-12 6 503р.
    carneaRed Flowering Horsechestnut. Similar to A. hippocastanum but smaller and more compact. A large tree with palmate leaves with pink-red flowers, gives not so much fruits.(3) 175-200 3 129р.
    200-250 3 716р.
    St8-10 4 285р.
    St10-12 5 533р.
    St12-14 7 412р.
    St14-16 10 364р.
    carnea'Briotii''Red Horse Chestnut'. Flowers rose-pink in panicles up to 20 cm long ; large, dark green, palmate leaves.(3) Street- and parktree.175-200 3 129р.
    200-250 3 716р.
    St8-10 4 285р.
    St10-12 5 533р.
    St12-14 7 412р.
    St14-16 10 364р.
    carnea'Plantariensis'Hybrid from A. hippocastanum * A.* carnea. Large tree resembling A. hippocastanum but with pale pink flowers. Long leaflets, bluntly serrate. Sterile flowers.(3) St8-10 4 285р.
    St10-12 5 533р.
    St12-14 7 412р.
    St14-16 10 364р.
    hippocastanumCommon Horsechestnut. Imposing deciduous tree with rounded or ovoidal top. Has large leaves with 5 or 7 leaflets and spires of single white flowers, flushed pink and yellow in centres. Large brown chestnuts.(3) Beautiful parktree, not as street tree because his big falling chestnuts.150-175 1 147р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    St8-10 3 056р.
    St10-12 3 613р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    hippocastanum'Baumannii'Similar to the species but with double white flowers. Does not produce concurs.(3) Ver popular as a park and street tree.175-200 2 840р.
    200-250 3 397р.
    St8-10 4 285р.
    St10-12 5 533р.
    St12-14 7 412р.
    St14-16 9 683р.
    hippocastanum'Pyramidalis'growth narrowly upright, weak, dense crown, branches at 45° angle from the stem.(3) St8-10 4 285р.
    St10-12 5 533р.
    St12-14 7 412р.
    parvifloraBottlebrush buckeye, open, spreading shrub with many suckers. Leaves are bronze when young, dark green in summer and yellow in autumn. Panicles of red-centred, white flowers from mid till late summer.(5) RB50-60 1 920р.
    RB60-80 2 819р.
    RB80-100 3 831р.
    paviavar.discolor'Red Buckeye'. A beautiful medium-sized to large shrub or small tree, leaves with 5 glossy green leaflets; pink flowers in panicles 15 cm long, opening in June to July.(5) Grafted at 2.20 m high.HSt 6-8 2 963р.
    St8-10 4 728р.
    St10-12 6 503р.
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