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 7 ноября  Япония станет первой страной мира, где в продажу поступят натуральные синие розы Работа над выведением необычных цветов началась 20 лет назад. Новый сорт, получивший название "Аплодисменты", уже одобрен японской правительственной комиссией по биологической безопасности.

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    'Courtasol'Upright habit until 1m high. Compact. Lemon-coloured flowers.(5-6) 60-100 372р.
    ovata'Tetragold'An early flowering species only 1.2m high. Leaves ovate, large flowers, amber-yellow in early March. (5) 50-80 372р.
    suspensaVigorous form with arching branches. Flowers on slender pedicels produces in late March and early April. Attaining about 4-5m against a wall.(5-6) 60-90 486р.
    suspensavar. fortuneiA rambling shrub with slender interlacing branches. Nodding, narrowly trumpet-shaped, bright yellow flowers.(5-6) 60-90 486р.
    viridissima'Weber's Bronx'A dense and compact dwarf form with masses of twiggy branchlets. Lanceolate leaves. Normally the last forsythia to flower, commencing in April, some time after F.suspensa. (5) SHR 372р.
    x intermedia'Beatrix Farrand'Bushy, rather upright, shrub with strong shoots. The deep, canary-yellow, nodding flowers are unusually large and appear from early to mid-spring (2.50m)Thin out and cut back kold flowering shoots to within a few centimetres of the old wood, immediately after flowering.(5-6) 60-100 372р.
    x intermedia'Golden Nugget'Has large golden flowers grows to about 6ft (2m) in height.(5-6) 60-80,SHR 507р.
    x intermedia'Karl Sax'This classic cultivar bears deep yellow flowers which are borne horizontally. The growth habit is dense and bushy, and bud hardiness is better than some older cultivars.(5-6) C,50-60 507р.
    x intermedia'Lynwood'A lovely cultivar. The large, broad-petalled, rich yellow flowers are borne profusely all along the branches. This clone together with 'Beatrix Farrand' is one of the most spectacular of the forsythias.(5-6) 60-100 310р.
    x intermedia'Minigold'Compact upright habit. Flowers deep yellow, small with broad lobes, profusely borne.(5-6) 40-60 372р.
    x intermedia'Spectabilis'One of the most popular of early spring-flowering shrubs. The flowers are so profuse as to create a mass of golden yellow.(5-6) 60-100 310р.
    x intermedia'Spring Glory'Upright habit, to 1.8m high. Branches yellowish-brown. Flowers usually in groups, lobes widely outspread, light yellow.(5-6) 60-100 310р.
    gardenii'Witch Alders'. Pretty shrub usually less than 1m high, conspicuous in April an May with its erect, fragrant inflorescences, composed of clusters of white stamens.(5) RB25-30 1 755р.
    majorA slow growing shrub of medium size. Conspicuous, white flower clusters emerge before the leaves. Leaves glaucous beneath. Brilliant autumn colours. (5) RB25-30 1 755р.
    C30-40 2 065р.
    americana'White Ash'. A large species soon forming a noble shade tree. One of the fastest growing of American hardwoods. Tree with broad ovate crown. Winterbuds dark brown. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, with leaflets 5-9, but quite variable in form, dark green. Purple and yellow fall foliage. (3) St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 601р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 450р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    americana'Autumn Applause'This popular form produces a rounded, dense crown held by a straight trunk. Leaflets smaller than usualFall color is reported to be very good -- deep red. St6-8 2 200р.
    St8-10 2 725р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    americana'Autumn Purple'An American selection of broadly conical habit with dark green leaves, reddish purple in autumn.(3) St6-8 2 200р.
    St8-10 2 725р.
    St10-12 3 376р.
    St12-14 4 656р.
    St14-16 6 680р.
    angustifolia'Raywood'Tree with a strong growth habit, dominant central stem and open crown. Winterbuds dark brown. Leaves dark green at first, violet-purple in fall. Leaflets 4-6 pair oblong-lanceolate, sparse and scabrous serrate. Flowers in small racemes. Fruits elliptic-oblong tot oblanceolate.(6) St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 601р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 450р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    excelsior'Common European Ash'.A large magnificent tree and one of the most valuable for timber. Winter buds black. Young branches gray-green, glabrous. Leaves 25-30cm long; Leaflets 7-11, ovate-oblong, serrate, dark green above, lighter beneath. Flowering in April-Mai with purple flowers. Fruits oblong 3-4 cm long. (3) Pollution resistant.150-175 630р.
    175-200 805р.
    200-250 1 085р.
    250-300 1 342р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 601р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 450р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    excelsior'Altena'Like the specie but with a crown medium wide, conical. (3) For street plantingsSt6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 601р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 450р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    excelsior'Atlas'Like the specie but with a crown slender conical, branches ascending at acute angles, new growth appears late, from the terminal buds. For street plantings.(3) St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 601р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 450р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    excelsior'Aurea Pendula'Like 'F.excelsior 'Aurea' but with yellow, pendulous branches; leaves green. (3) St8-10 3 386р.
    St10-12 4 512р.
    excelsior'Aurea''Gold Ash'. Like the specie but weaker growing and with yellow branches; leaves yellow-green at first, later yellow-gold. Much rarer than 'Jaspidea' and often mistaken for it.(3) St6-8 2 200р.
    St8-10 2 725р.
    St10-12 3 376р.
    St12-14 4 656р.
    St14-16 6 680р.
    excelsior'Crispa'Like the specie but it's a slow-growing ash with a upright growth and small leaves, shining dark green with curled and twisted leaflets.(3) HSt 6-8 2 282р.
    excelsior'Diversifolia'Like the specie but with leaves simple or sometimes three-parted and usually jaggedly toothed.(3) St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 601р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 450р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    excelsior'Eureka'Like the species but with a stem growing straight upward, crown open, broadly conical. (3) Selected as street tree.St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 601р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 450р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    excelsior'Jaspidea''Golden ash',like the specie but with vigorous growth and a broad, pyramidal crown. Also the bark on young shoots yellow, often with green stripes, especially on the long shoots. Winterbuds not densely arranged (like'Aurea')Suitable for street plantings.(3) St6-8 2 200р.
    St8-10 2 725р.
    St10-12 3 376р.
    St12-14 4 656р.
    St14-16 6 680р.
    excelsior'Nana''Dwarf form', Growth densely branches small rounded bush. Leaves smaller than the species. Nearly always seen grafted on a standard. Very attractive tree.(3) HSt 6-8 1 704р.
    St6-8 2 716р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 285р.
    St12-14 5 925р.
    St14-16 7 515р.
    excelsior'Pendula''Weeping ash'. Strong growing top-grafted tree, forming a wide-spreading mound of weeping branches to the ground. Winter buds, leaves are similar to the specie. (3) HSt 6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 285р.
    St12-14 5 925р.
    excelsior'Westhof's Glorie'Like the species but with a narrowly upright growth, wide crowned. Great leaves, dark green.(3) St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 601р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 450р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    ornusManna Ash or Flowering Ash'. A pretty tree of medium size with round crown. Winterbuds gray-brown. Leaves dark green above, lighter beneath, midrib-pubescent only at the base. Flowering abundantly in May with terminal panicles, white fragrant.(6) 125-150 630р.
    150-175 805р.
    175-200 1 085р.
    200-250 1 363р.
    St6-8 2 716р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 285р.
    St12-14 5 925р.
    St14-16 7 515р.
    ornus'Arie Peters'Flowering or manna ash, selection with upright branches forming a small tree with oval crown. Dark green leaves with slender, pointed leaflets and panicles of scented creamy-white flowers in late spring.(6) 125-150 754р.
    150-175 1 002р.
    175-200 1 280р.
    200-250 1 590р.
    St6-8 2 716р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 285р.
    St12-14 5 925р.
    St14-16 7 515р.
    ornus'Meczek'Globe form of the flowering Ash. Grafted at Fraxinus ornus that gives a beautiful tree with a round crown, dark green, glossy leaves.(6) St6-8 2 716р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 285р.
    St12-14 5 925р.
    St14-16 7 515р.
    ornus'Obelisk'This flowering ash has a strong straight columnar growth. Flowering very abundantly.(6) 125-150 754р.
    150-175 1 002р.
    175-200 1 280р.
    200-250 1 590р.
    St6-8 2 716р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 285р.
    St12-14 5 925р.
    St14-16 7 515р.
    pennsylvanica'Cimarron'An upright branched, narrow tree while young, developing a rounded crown as it matures. Foliage is dark, glossy green through the summer, changing to orange-red to brick-red in the fall. Seedless. St6-8 2 200р.
    St8-10 2 725р.
    St10-12 3 376р.
    St12-14 4 450р.
    procumbens'Checkerberry'. A North American creeping evergreen, forming carpets of dark green leaves amongst which, in autumn and winter, the bright red fruits are freely intermixed.(3) P9 403р.
    C1,3 537р.
    shallonA vigorous species forming thickets up to 1.8m high, and ideal undergrowth for game coverts, etc. Leaves broad and leathery. Flowers pinkish-white, fruits dark purple, in large clusters.(6) C1,3 754р.
    hispanica'Spanish Gorse'. One of the best plants for sunny sites, dry banks, etc. forming 1.6m high dense, prickly mounds covered unfailingly in May and June with masses of yellow flowers.(7-8) C30-40 858р.
    lydiaShrub allied to Cytisus and requiring similar treatment. An outstanding dwarf shrub with slender arching branches and blue-green leaves. Massed terminal clusters of pea-like yellow flowers in late spring. Will trail over rocks.(5-6). C30-40 589р.
    pilosa'Goldilocks'A vigorous selection with ascending branches reaching 60cm. Golden yellow flowers are profusely borne over a long-period. Pods to 205cm long, linear-oblong.(6) C30-40 704р.
    pilosa'Vancouver Gold'Differs little from 'Goldilocks', less higher (20cm).(6) RB25-30 692р.
    sagittalisA dwarf shrub with broadly winged, prostrate branches, giving an evergreen appearance. Flowers in June.(6) RB25-30 692р.
    tinctoria'Royal Gold''Dyer's Greenweed'. Small, free flowering shrub, throughout the summer, mound forming habit (60cm), very hardy.(3) C50-60 589р.
    biloba'Maidenhair Tree'. A medium-sized to large, deciduous tree of conical habit when young. Easily recognised by its peculiar fan-shaped, individed leaves which turn a beautiful clear yellow before falling in autumn. Perfectly hardy and suitable for most soils. The fruits are produced in pairs or threes at the end of a slender stalk, ripening and falling in autumn, when, if crushed, they emit a strong offensive odour.((5) It is tolerant of industrial areas ans is magnificent either as a single specimen or as an avenue tree. For preference the male trees, because they have no fruits.125-150 1 890р.
    150-175 2 436р.
    175-200 3 530р.
    200-250 4 883р.
    St6-8 5 368р.
    St8-10 6 441р.
    St10-12 8 465р.
    St12-14 10 839р.
    St14-16 16 259р.
    biloba'Marieken'Small green leaves turn a uniform golden yellow in autumn. The leaves are all ruffled! The growth habit is wide and round rather than tall. PRice/size on demand.(5) HSt 120Cm 5 161р.
    St6-8 7 226р.
    St8-10 8 258р.
    triacanthos'Honey Locust'. Tall deciduous trees, to 20m high, with ornamental habit, open growing with a long trunk and attractively arranged branches, densely covered with simple or compound flattened thorns. Leaves pinnate or bipinnate, brightgreen to 20cm long. Golden-yellow in fall. Flowers greenish, very short stalked,in 5-7 cm long racemes. June-July pods flat, sickle-shaped and twisted, 25cm long, shining-brown seed pods. (3) Winter hardy, attractive park and shade tree. Is very tolerant of industrially polluted atmosphere. St6-8 2 519р.
    St8-10 3 252р.
    St10-12 4 253р.
    St12-14 5 492р.
    St14-16 7 753р.
    triacanthos'Bujotii'Like the specie but more a shrubby form or occasionally small tree, with narrower leaflets and slender pendulous branchlets.(3) SHR80-100 1 363р.
    St8-10 4 140р.
    St10-12 5 028р.
    triacanthos'Inermis'Like the species, but completely thornless. Often used as streettree because the danger of the thorns by the specie.(3) 150-175 1 197р.
    SHR80-100 1 363р.
    175-200 1 486р.
    200-250 1 787р.
    St6-8 2 519р.
    St8-10 3 252р.
    St10-12 4 253р.
    St12-14 5 492р.
    St14-16 7 753р.
    triacanthos'Rubylace'Like the specie but the young foliage has dark red leaves later becoming bronze-green.(3) 150-175 2 147р.
    175-200 2 633р.
    200-250 3 108р.
    250-300 3 665р.
    St6-8 3 789р.
    St8-10 4 491р.
    St10-12 5 678р.
    St12-14 7 155р.
    St14-16 10 736р.
    triacanthos'Shademaster'Like the species but a thornless form with ascending branches and dark green, longpersistent leaves.(3) SHR80-100 1 363р.
    150-175 2 085р.
    175-200 2 539р.
    200-250 2 963р.
    250-300 3 427р.
    St6-8 3 427р.
    St8-10 4 140р.
    St10-12 5 028р.
    St12-14 5 967р.
    St14-16 8 951р.
    triacanthos'Skyline'Like the specie but with a broadly conical habit, thornless, leaves dark green, golden yellow in fall.(3) SHR80-100 1 363р.
    150-175 2 085р.
    175-200 2 539р.
    200-250 2 963р.
    250-300 3 427р.
    St6-8 3 427р.
    St8-10 4 140р.
    St10-12 5 028р.
    St12-14 5 967р.
    St14-16 8 951р.
    triacanthos'Sunburst'Like the specie but with a conical habit, thornless, branches spread horizontally, leaves golden-yellow, later generally greening, fruitless.(3) 80-100 1 363р.
    150-175 2 147р.
    175-200 2 633р.
    200-250 3 108р.
    250-300 3 665р.
    St6-8 3 789р.
    St8-10 4 491р.
    St10-12 5 678р.
    St12-14 7 155р.
    St14-16 10 736р.
    carolina'Snowdrop tree'or'Silverbells'. A large spreading shrub (7m) with masses of bell-shaped, white flowers hanging from bare shoots in late spring and are followed by 4-winged green fruits.(5) C60-80 1 383р.
    monticola'Moutain Snowdrop Tree'. A magnificent small spreading tree differing from H. carolina in its greater size and its larger flowers and fruits, the latter up to 5cm long.(6) C60-80 1 409р.
    halodendronSalt tree. Attractive spiny silvery-leafed shrub. Masses of purplish pink pea flowers in early summer. Grow in very cold, dry saltfields in the prairies of Canada. Excellent seaside plant.(2b) 60-80 1 136р.
    HSt80CM 2 261р.
    HSt 120Cm 2 544р.
    rhamnoides'Sea-buckthorn'. Tall, very hardy, arching shrub with narrow silvery leaves. Tiny yellow flowers in mid-spring on female plants followed by bright orange berries. To be planted in groups containing both sexes.(3) 60-100 341р.
    C60-100 589р.
    rhamnoides'Leikora'Description : large-fruited Hippophae Color : orange Size : 350 cm Flowering period : august - november Hardiness : completely hardy (3) 50-60 619р.
    discolor'Ocean Spray'. A handsome and elegant shrub to 3.50m high, blooming in July when its long, drooping, feathery panicles of creamy-white flowers are most conspicuous. Leaves greyish-white tomentose beneath.(5) RB60-100 908р.
    arborescens'Annabelle'Rather small shrub of loose bushy growth. Spectacular huge, rounded heads of white, sterile flowers up to 30 cm across from mid summer to early autumn.(3) C 692р.
    arborescens'Grandiflora'The commonly cultivated form with large globular heads of creamy-white sterile florets.(3) SHR5-8br 495р.
    macrophylla'Benelux'Mop-headed garden hortensia. With globose, blue-pink flowers.(5-6) SHR 454р.
    C 624р.
    macrophylla'Blue Tit''Hortensia''Lacecaps'. This group of cultivars is more similar to the wild forms. The inflorescences are flat with a wreath of sterile marginal flowers surrounding the small fertile flowers. 'Blue Tit' : Blue flowers.(5-6) C 624р.
    macrophylla'Bouquet Rose'The familiar mop-headed Hortensias. Their average height in most gardens ranges from 1.2-1.8m. They are admirable for seaside planting and many are seen at their best in coastal gardens. The florets are sterile, forming large globular heads of white, pink, red, blue or a combination of these colours which in some cultivars give a wonderful almost metallic lustre which creates, when dead, marvellous everlasting flowers for the floral artist. 'Bouquet Rose'. : With pink flowers, round globose.(5-6) SHR 454р.
    C 624р.
    macrophylla'Carmen'Mop-headed garden hortensia. With red globose flowers.(5-6) SHR 454р.
    C 624р.
    macrophylla'Enziandom'Mop-headed garden hortensia with rounded blue-pink flowers.(5-6) SHR 454р.
    C 624р.
    macrophylla'Etincelant'Mop-headed hortensia with rounded, pink-red flowers.(5-6) SHR 454р.
    C 624р.
    macrophylla'Hamburg'Mop-headed hydrangeas. Deep rose or purplish, large florets.(5-6) SHR 454р.
    C 624р.
    macrophylla'King GeorgeV'Mop-headed hortensia. Red, large florets with serrated sepals.(5-6) SHR 454р.
    C 624р.
    macrophylla'Kingfisher'Like 'Blue Tit'. Redlila flowers.(5-6) C 624р.
    macrophylla'Libelle'Like 'Blue Tit'. A very fine selection, the heads with large , pure white sterile florets, fertile flowers blue.(5-6) C 624р.
    macrophylla'Mariesii Perfecta'Like 'Blue Tit'. Wide flat corymbs of rosy-pink flowers, the ray-florets very large.(5-6) C 624р.
    macrophylla'Mme Emile Mouill?re'Mop-headed garden hortensia. Florets large, with serrated sepals, white, with pink or blue eyes. Perhaps the best white cultivar and certainly one of the most popular.(5-6) C 454р.
    SHR 624р.
    macrophylla'Nelly Mouill?re'Mop-headed hortensia. Pink flowers.(5-6) SHR 454р.
    C 624р.
    macrophylla'Nikko Blue'Mop-headed common hortensia. Very large, blue flowers with blue ray-florets.(5-6) SHR 454р.
    C 624р.
    macrophylla'Soeur Th?r?se'Height :150 to 200 centimetres. Leaf :elliptical, acuminate; serrated margin. Flowering from June to the first cold spells Inflorescence : globose, pure white sterile flowers, blue at the centre, and made up of three or four sepals This is a sturdy, well-branched hydrangea. The external shoots rarely blossom, so it is advisable to pluck them out at once, in order to encourage the fructiferous branches. This hydrangea does not withstand full sunshine: a semi-shady site will allow it to display all its beauty. (5-6) CL 589р.
    C25-30Cm 1 239р.
    macrophylla'White Wave'Like 'Blue Tit'. Bluish or pinkish flowers and pearl-white ray-florets.(5-6) C 624р.
    paniculata'Dart's Little Dot'A medium sized shrub with large creamy white sterile florets in late July. Height 1.2-1.5m(3) C30-50 961р.
    paniculata'Grandiflora'Upright, open shrub (2.50m), fully hardy. Large oval, dark green leaves. Large, conical panicles of mostly sterile, white flowers turn pink or reddish from late summer. When cut make excellent winter decoration.(3) 60-80,3br 432р.
    60-80,5-8br 522р.
    Hst60-80,C 2 408р.
    Hst80-100,C 2 816р.
    paniculata'Kyushu'Similar to ‘Grandiflora’ but very large panicles (30cm) liberally sprinkled with sterile flowers. Taper-pointed dark, glossy green leaves.(3) C 738р.
    paniculata'Limelight'Offers an extraordinary color to the late summer landscape with exquisite bright lime-green flowers. This refreshing color holds up well into autumn when it turns to a rich deep pink. The autumn display of green and pink blooms on Hydrangea p. 'Limelight' is breathtaking! A very vigorous and easy to grow variety which flowers well regardless of soil PH or winter temperatures. Stunning in fresh or dried bouquets! (3) RB40-60 961р.
    paniculata'Phantom'Huge creamy-white coloured plume-shaped flowers which should be pruned in the spring, the largest we have discovered so far on this species.(3) RB40-60 961р.
    paniculata'Pink Diamond'Large heads of sterile florets similar to but larger than ‘Unique’ white becoming pink.(3) C 738р.
    paniculata'Pinky Winky'®Strong Upright growing cultivar with big heads of sterile flowers that fade from white to intensive red-pinkish torches. A new healthy cultivar that’s here to stay. (3) P9 569р.
    RB 1 625р.
    paniculata'Praecox'A form with smaller panicles of toothed ray-florets, the earliest form, flowering generally in early July and hardy in the coldest areas of Europe. Hard pruning early in the year will prevent flowering.(3) C 738р.
    paniculata'Tardiva'Like 'Grandiflora' but late flowering, from late August or September, the large heads with numerous ray-florets.(3) C 738р.
    paniculata'Unique'Similar to ‘Grandiflora’ but with even larger creamy white flower heads, later becoming purplish-pink.(3) C 738р.
    quercifoliaOak leafed hydrangea, bushy, medium-sized, mound-forming shrub with deeply lobed, dark green leaves that become magnificent with red and purple autumn tints. Large, sterile, white flowerheads from mid-summer to mid-autumn.(5) C 1 363р.
    quercifolia'Sike's Dwarf'Native Oakleaf Hydrangea with white flowers in summer, burgundy fall color and compact growth max 75cm. Blooms July–August. The flowers are white and are of a similar size to other quercifolias. The plant is bushier and smaller growing. (5) C30-50 1 445р.
    quercifolia'Snow Queen'This cultivar is very similar to the species, except the flower panicles herein are showier (i.e., larger and more numerous sterile flowers) and the flower stems tend to be more rigid and thus more apt to remain erect even after soaking rains.(5) C30-50 1 590р.
    sargentianaIs an upright, mid-sized, open, deciduous shrub with peeling bark and large, velvety, ovate, dark-green leaves. In summer and autumn it bears flowers in large flat heads, with purple or blue petals surrounded by white ray florets.C30-50 1 590р.
    serrata'Bluebird'A small, robust shrub with stout shoots and abruptly acuminate leaves. The blue fertile flowers are borne in slightly dome-shaped corymbs surrounded by large ray-florets which are reddish-purple on chalk soils, and a lovely sea-blue on acid soils.(6) C 624р.
    serrata'Intermedia'Small shrub with flat corymbs of pinkish fertile flowers surrounded by a ring of ray-florets, stout, upright habit.(6) C 624р.
    serrata'Preziosa'A handsome shrub with purplish-red stems up to 1.5m high. Leaves purple-tinged when young. Attractive globular heads of large rose-pink florets deepening to reddish-purple in autumn.(6) C 624р.
    heteranthaOnly about 1m high in the cooler regions, in milder areas to 2m high, stoutly branched. Leaves 5-10cm long, leaflets 13-21, oval-oblong. Flowers purple-pink, dense erect racemes, June-September.(7-8) C50-60 754р.
    JUGLANS (ОРЕХ) -р.
    nigra'Black walnut', a large fast growing, handsome, spreading tree with deeply furrowed bark. Large, aromatic leaves (50cm long),of many, pointed, green leaflets. Fruits large and round, generally in pairs, thick shelled. (5) St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 159р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    St14-16 6 267р.
    angustifoliaEvergreen shrub, to 1m high, growth tightly upright. Leaves usually opposite, short petioled, bright green above. Flowers several in axillary clusters, purple-red. Grows primarily on sterile, acid soil, moist or dry. (2) RB 1 858р.
    angustifolia'Rubra'Like the species with beautiful, cup shaped flowers darker, more purple blooms.(2) 25-30SHR 2 126р.
    latifolia'Mountain Laurel'. Evergreen shrub, leaves alternate, elliptic-lanceolate, dark green above. Flowers in large terminal corumbs, pink to white, May-June. Thrives only on acid soils.(5) RB25-30 1 796р.
    C30-40 2 065р.
    polifoliaShrub to 50cm high. Leaves evergreen, blue-green beneath, margins involuted. Flowers, several in terminal umbels, purple-pink, campanulate-funnelform, May-June. Cultivate on acid soils.(2) C15-20 1 858р.
    japonicaDeciduous, arching, graceful shrub. Golden-yellow flowers like large buttercups are wreathed along the green shoots from mid to late spring. Foliage is bright green.(5) C60-90 507р.
    japonica'Picta'Like the species but with elegant creamy-white, leaves, variegated form of lower spreading habit.(5) C30-40 507р.
    japonica'Pleniflora'The well-known double flowered form. Taller and more vigorous and erect than K. Japonica.(5) SHR60-90 341р.
    C60-90 507р.
    amabilisThis lovely and graceful, very hardy and adaptable, medium-sized shrub forms a dense, twiggy bush. In May and June its drooping branches are draped whit masses of bell-shaped flowers, soft pink with a yellow throat. The calyces and pedicels are conspicuously hairy.(5) SHR40-60 434р.
    SHR60-80 537р.
    C40-60 692р.
    C60-80 908р.
    amabilis'Pink Cloud'Flowers a stronger pink.(5) C40-60 692р.
    alpinum'Goldenchain tree''Scotch laburnum'. Small, broad headed tree. Leaves consist of 3 deep shining green leaflets. Long, slender chains of bright yellow flowers in late spring or early summer. Pods flattened, glabrous and shining. All parts of the plant are poisonous, particulary the seeds.(5) HSt 6-8 2 271р.
    St6-8 2 952р.
    St8-10 3 634р.
    St10-12 4 769р.
    St12-14 6 586р.
    St14-16 9 084р.
    alpinum'Pendulum'Like the specie, but is a slow-growing, top-grafted form developing a low, dome-shaped head of stiffly weeping, slender branches.(5) HSt 6-8 2 560р.
    St6-8 3 386р.
    St8-10 4 285р.
    anagyroides'Common Laburnum'. A small tree flowering in late May or early June, the drooping racemes crowded along the branches. The species differs from L. alpinum in its earlier flowering, shorter racemes, smaller, dull green leaves which are grey-green and densely adpressed hairy beneath and in its rounder, adpressed hairy pods. All parts poisonous, including the seeds.(6) SHR 351р.
    HSt 6-8 1 714р.
    St6-8 2 489р.
    St8-10 3 159р.
    St10-12 4 512р.
    St12-14 6 152р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    watereri'Vossi'‘Vossi’=L.alpinum * L.anagyroides. Golden chain, spreading small tree or multi-stemmed large shrub (7-8m). Pendent chains of large deep yellow flowers in late spring and early summer. Very free flowering. (6) SHR3-5br 1 601р.
    SHR5-8br 2 126р.
    HSt 6-8 2 282р.
    St6-8 3 159р.
    St8-10 3 954р.
    St10-12 5 420р.
    St12-14 7 288р.
    St14-16 9 105р.
    angustifolia'Dwarf Blue''Lavender'. Flowering plants about 50 cm high, foliage to 30cm, larger leaves lanceolate, 6mm wide, spikes 4-5 cm long, frequently somewhat loose, 10 flowers in a whorl, calyx violet, corolla lilac.(6) P9 227р.
    C1.5 372р.
    angustifolia'Hidcote''Lavender'. Flowering plants 50cm high. The larger leaves lanceolate, to 4cm wide, gray. Flowers in a whorl, calyx deep lilac, corolla somewhat lighter. (6) P9 268р.
    angustifolia'Munstaed''Lavender'. Compact form with green-gray leaves and stems (50cm). Flowers lavender-blue, late june to early July.(6) P9 205р.
    C1.5 399р.
    angustifolia'Rosea''Lavender'. Compact form with green leaves. Stems (50cm) bear lavender-pink flowers.(6) C 268р.
    'Vicaryi''Privet'. = L.ovalifolium 'Aureum' x L.vulgare. Medium-sized semi-evergreen shrub with leaves suffused golden yellow turning bronze-purple in winter.(6) C30-40 805р.
    C40-60 1 064р.
    ionandrumBroad, upright bush. Useful for hedging, hardier than the oval leafed privet, but otherwise similar.(6) HSt 100Cm 11 355р.
    japonicum'Green Century'®New evergreen. Glossy, darkgreen foliage. White flowers in july-august. Fruits : black-violet. Beautiful for low evergreen hedges or for cutflower.(6) 0/1/1 205р.
    P9 205р.
    x/1/1 454р.
    RB40-60 908р.
    RB60-80 1 126р.
    japonicum'Rotundifolium''Privet'. Low shrub, with leaves broadly ovate to nearly rounded, obtuse to emarginate at the apex, leathery tough. Flowers in crowded, 5-10cm long clusters.(7) C20-30 1 064р.
    RB25-30 1 321р.
    lucidum'Privet'. Evergreen shrub. Leaves ovate, long acuminate, glossy dark green above, with 6-8 distinct veins on both sides. Flowers in 10 to 20cm long and equally wide panicles, white, August-September. Fruits blue-black.(8-9) C30-40 805р.
    C40-60 1 064р.
    obtusifolium'Regelianum''Privet'. A low-growing form with horizontally spreading branches. White flowers in terminal, nodding clusters, very freely produced in July, leaves rose-madder in autumn persisting for several weeks.(6) C30-50 805р.
    ovalifolium'Privet'. Deciduous to semi-evergreen shrub. Leaves elliptic-oblong, 3-7cm long, glossy dark green above, yellowish-green beneath. Flowers in crowded, 5-10cm long panicles, yellowish-white. One of the most commonly used hedging plants.(6) 2br+,1Yr,30-50 40р.
    2br+,1Yr,40-60 56р.
    2br+,2Yr,60-90 70р.
    2br,2Yr,40-60 70р.
    2br+,2Yr,90-120 108р.
    SHR75-100,5br+ 227р.
    SHR100-125,5br+ 280р.
    ovalifolium'Argenteum'Like the species but with white margined leaves.(6) SHR40-604br+ 218р.
    SHR60-80,4br+ 268р.
    ovalifolium'Aureum'Like the species but with golden-yellow marined leaves.(6) 2br+,30-40 84р.
    2br+,40-60 118р.
    4T+40-60 159р.
    4T+60-80 213р.
    HSt,C 1 858р.
    vulgare'Common privet'. Deciduous or semi-evergreen, bushy shrub. Fully hardy. Lanceolate leaves, dark bluish-green. The long clusters of shining black fruits are conspicuous during autumn.(5) 2br+,1Yr,30-50 40р.
    2br+,1Yr,40-60 56р.
    2br+,2Yr,40-60 70р.
    2br+,2Yr,60-90 84р.
    2br+,2Yr,90-120 108р.
    vulgare'Atrovirens'Like the species but with growth narrowly upright, lateral shoots short and outspread. Leaves broadly elliptic to ovate, deep green. In winter deep brown and persistent.(5) 2br,1Yr,30-50 54р.
    2br,2Yr,40-60 83р.
    2br+,2Yr,60-90 102р.
    2br+,2Yr,90-120 129р.
    SHR75-100,5br+ 227р.
    SHR100-125,5br+ 280р.
    vulgare'Lodense'Like the species, but very low and dense growing, scarcely higher than 50cm with more narrowly lanceolate leaves. Useful for low hedges.(5) 2Yr,20-30 227р.
    2Yr,30-50 280р.
    fragrantissima'Honeysuckle'. Semi-evergreen shrub, very open habit, to 2m high. Leaves elliptic to broadly ovate. Flowers cream-white, very fragrant, December-March.(5) C30-40 589р.
    C40-60 805р.
    involucratavar. ledebourii'Honeysuckle'. Bushy shrub with red-tinged, orange-yellow flowers amid dark green foliage in late spring, followed by black berries.(6) SHR60-90 341р.
    maackii'Honeysuckle'. Large, very hardy, honeysuckle bearing fragrant, white flowers that turn gradually yellow. Leaves ovate-elliptic. Long-lasting, dark red berries.(6) RB30-40 589р.
    RB40-50 805р.
    morrowii'Honeysuckle'. Vigorous medium-sized shrub with arching branches. Flowers and berries similar to ‘Maackii’.(6) RB30-40 589р.
    RB40-60 805р.
    nitidaEvergreen shrub, upright to 2m high, abundantly branched. Leaves ovate-oblong, 6-12mm long, glossy dark green above. Flowers craimy-white, in short stalked pairs on small side shoots, May-June. Fruits connate, purple, glossy. (7-8) C30-40 259р.
    C40-60 321р.
    nitida'Baggesen's Gold'Like the species but low, broad growing, with yellow leaves, more yellow-green in summer. (7-8) C20-30 537р.
    nitida'Elegant'Like the species. Twigs loose, often spreading nearly horizontally or gracefully nodding.(7-8) C30-40 259р.
    40-50 321р.
    nitida'Hohenheim. Findling'Like 'Elegant' but more frost tolerant and remaining green later in fall.(7-8) C30-401.5L 259р.
    nitida'Lemon Beauty'Broad upright branches. Leaves are bright green, each having a broad yellow margin. New growth has an attractive purple cast. Evergreen. Ideal for small hedge as this honeysuckle can be pruned into shape. grows in almost any well drained soil in sun or partial shade. (7-9) C30-50 321р.
    nitida'Maigr?n'Bushy evergreen shrub - small cream-white flowers are fragrant but hidden by foliage. This attractive selection, a good large-scale ground cover. Valuable ornamental shrub. Black berries do show. Deer often leave it alone. A hardy, versatile plant that can be grown as a spreading groundcover as well as clipped for a formal, low hedge. (7-8) 25-30SHR 259р.
    C30-50 321р.
    nitida'Red Tips'This variety sports rounded, dark green leaves blushed with red throughout the year. New growth is a lovely bright purple-red. Sun to light shade. (7-8) C30-50 321р.
    pileataEvergreen shrub, broad growing, procumbent, scarcely higher than 30cm. Leaves oblong-lanceolate. Flowers in sessile pairs, light yellow, fragrant, May. Fruits globose, purple-violet.(6) C30-401.5L 259р.
    C40-601.5L 321р.
    C60-80 434р.
    pileata'Moss Green'This is an improvement over the older pileata' with rich green foliage and a more compact habit. Low spreading shrub with vivid green leaves. Yellowish white flowers occur in pairs during May and continue sporadically until November, depending on zone. Good for use as a groundcover, accent shrub, or specimen. (5) C30-50 321р.
    tatarica'Honeysuckle'. Deciduous shrub, upright. Leaves ovate to lanceolate, dark green above. Flowers white to pink, May-June. Fruits blobose, red.(4) SHR 341р.
    C 537р.
    tatarica'Arnold Red''Honeysuckle'. Like the species. Short tubed, purplish-red flowers, both in spring and autumn. Extremely hardy.(4) SHR 341р.
    C 537р.
    tatarica'Hack's'Red'Similar to ‘Arnold Red’ but more vigorous growing and rosy-red, tubed flowers. Prairie-hardy.(4) SHR 341р.
    C 537р.
    tatarica'Rosea'Like the species. Masses of pink, trumpet-shaped flowers. Fruits dark scarlet-red.(4) SHR 341р.
    C 537р.
    tatarica'Zabellii''Honeysuckle'. Like the species with deep pinkish-red flowers.(4) SHR 454р.
    C 537р.
    xylosteoides'Clavey's'Dwarf''Honeysuckle'. Fully, hardy, upright, small shrub. Oval, grey-green leaves, short-tubed, white flowers in late spring followed by red fruits.(6) C30-40 589р.
    xylosteum'Honeysuckle'. Deciduous shrub, broadly upright to 3m high, twigs glabrous to pubescent. Leaves broadly ovate,pubescent on both sides, dark grey-green above, lighter beneath. Flowers yellowish-white, old flowers becoming yellow, pubescent on both sides or glabrous on the interior, stamens pubescent only at the base.(5) SHR60-90 300р.
    RB 507р.
    Galaxy'Magnolia ‘Galaxy’ features fabulous, sweetly fragrant, dark reddish-purple blooms. Unlike many magnolias, it has a narrow upright habit for many years, which makes it suitable for small gardens. Magnolia ‘Galaxy’ begins blooming at an early age and flowers profusely as the tree matures. It blooms two to three weeks later than many other magnolias, thereby avoiding late spring frosts. It is stronger limbed than many magnolias and doesn’t break easily in harsh winter weather. (5)60-80,SHR 2 055р.
    80-100,SHR 3 076р.
    Gold Star'Light yellow flowers the size and shape of stellata. Very heavy blooming even as a young plant. New leaves open with a beautiful bronze cast to the leaves. (5)C30-50 3 097р.
    60-80,SHR 4 129р.
    Heaven Scent'Deciduous tree with bright green leaves and fragrant vase-shaped pink petalled flowers, white within which are borne mid spring to early summer.RB40-60 2 581р.
    Likes sun or semi-shade and fertile well-drained soil preferably neutral or acid.(5)60-80,SHR 3 716р.
    Yellow Lantarn'With parent plants selected for their late bloom time and precocious flowering, ‘Yellow Lantern’ follows suit, producing a mass of large, cup shaped blooms glowing pure lemon-yellow. Tree habit is upright and single trunked. Excellent for those who love yellow.(5)50-60 2 581р.
    60-80,SHR 3 716р.
    'Susan'She belongs to the family in appearance and habit. A combination of the best qualities of her parents, inheriting the narrow petals and profuse flowers of ‘stellata’ and the colouring and long flowering time of ‘lilliflora’. Upright habit, flowers deep red purple, paler within.(4) RB50-60 1 796р.
    RB60-80 2 560р.
    RB80-100 3 613р.
    RB100-125 4 904р.
    RB125-150 6 710р.
    RB150-175 8 981р.
    RB175-200 12 800р.
    grandiflora'Exmouth'Evergreen medium to large,wide spreading tree.Large fragrant creamy white flowers in summer.Glossy green leathery foliage with beautiful wooly rusty coloured undersides.Thrives under warmer conditions than deciduous magnolias but needs regular generous moisture. Full sun to part shade. Prefers acid soils but will tolerate lime sub- soil.(5) RB40-60 5 678р.
    kobus'Japanese Magnolia' Very hardy small conical tree or large shrub, to 6m high. The leaves are elliptic-obovate. Flowers appear before the leaves, white coloure, about 10cm wide when open. Flower buds thick and pubescent. Fruit usually a woody follicle, dehiscing along the dorsal side. Seeds laer hanging from long filaments. Planted with rooth-ball.(5) 150-175 3 996р.
    175-200 5 698р.
    200-250 7 412р.
    250-300 9 591р.
    St8-10 9 591р.
    St10-12 12 408р.
    St12-14 17 074р.
    lilliflora'Nigra'One of the best species for the smaller garden. Medium-sized shrub that bears large, deep purple flowers, pale pink or white inside, amid shining dark green leaves. Flowers appear in late April and continue until early June and intermittently during the summer.(6) RB40-50 1 693р.
    RB50-60 2 261р.
    RB60-80 3 384р.
    RB80-100 5 393р.
    RB100-125 7 382р.
    loebneri'Leonard Messel'A magnificent large deciduous shrub, small tree with beautiful deep pink buds that open pale pink flowers in Spring. Very hardy. Color Choice selection.(5) 60-80,SHR 3 076р.
    80-100,SHR 4 904р.
    loebneri'Merrill'A selection of M.kobus * M.stellata. Vigorous, upright shrub or tree with spreading branches. Fragrant many petaled , funnel-shaped, white flowers in mid-spring before oblong, dark green leaves. Very floriferous and hardy.(5) RB40-50 1 539р.
    RB60-80 3 076р.
    RB80-100 4 904р.
    RB100-125 6 710р.
    sieboldiiArching shrub or wide-spreading tree. Frost hardy. Fragrant, nodding, white, egg-shaped flowers turn out as the petals expand. The crimson fruit-clusters are spectacular. Flowers are carried above dark green leaves from late spring to late summer.(6b) 50-60 1 796р.
    60-80 2 560р.
    80-100 3 613р.
    100-125 4 904р.
    soulangeanaMost popular magnolia for general planting. Usually a large rounded spreading shrub. Flowers , before the leaves, large, tulip-shaped, white, stained rose-purple at the base, appearing during Mars-April.(5) C60-80 1 796р.
    C80-100 2 560р.
    SHR,RB100-125 3 613р.
    SHR,RB125-150 4 904р.
    SHR,RB150-175 6 710р.
    SHR,RB175-200 8 981р.
    SHR,RB200-250 12 800р.
    soulangeana'Alba Superba'One of the first of the M.soulangeana group to produce flowers. White flowers, faintly flushed with pink, closely resembling those of ‘denudata’. (5) RB50-60 1 796р.
    RB60-80 2 560р.
    RB80-100 3 613р.
    RB100-125 4 904р.
    RB125-150 6 710р.
    RB150-175 8 981р.
    RB175-200 12 800р.
    soulangeana'Lennei'A vigorous, multi-stemmed shrub with large obovate leaves up to 25 cm long. The flowers, have thick fleshy tepals which are rose-purple outside and creamy-white, stained soft purple inside, and appear during April-May.(5) RB60-80 1 796р.
    RB80-100 2 560р.
    RB100-125 3 613р.
    RB125-150 4 904р.
    RB150-175 6 710р.
    RB175-200 8 981р.
    RB200-250 12 800р.
    stellata'Star magnolia'. A distinct and charming, slow-growing, Japanese shrub, forming a compact, rounded specimen usually wider than high. The white, fragrant, many-tepalled flowers are profusely borne in March-April, star-shaped. Ideal for small gardens.(4) RB40-50 1 539р.
    RB50-60 2 055р.
    RB60-80 3 076р.
    SHR,RB80-100 4 904р.
    SHR,RB100-125 6 710р.
    SHR,RB125-150 8 981р.
    SHR,RB150-175 12 800р.
    stellata'Rosea'A beautiful shrub in spring when covered with masses of star-shaped flowers. The flowers open soft pink then slowly fade to white. Grows to 3m.(5) C30-50 2 055р.
    60-80,SHR 3 076р.
    stellata'Royal Star'Stronger grower than the star magnolia and it has larger flowers. Flowers pure white, with 25-30 petals, flowers appears later than the species. Claimed to be more winterhardy than stellata.(4) C30-50 2 055р.
    60-80,SHR 3 076р.
    aquifolium'Oregon grape'. Evergreen open shrub. Bright flossy green leaves often turn red or purple in winter. Clusters of small yellow flowers followed by blue-black berries. Grown from seeds.(5) SHR30-40 321р.
    RB30-40 537р.
    RB40-50 610р.
    RB50-60 754р.
    RB60-80 908р.
    RB80-100 1 126р.
    aquifolium'Apollo'Like the species with a low and broad habit. Dark green leaves, rather large, turn sometimes to brownish- purple in winter. Deep golden-yellow, dense clusters of flowers followed by bluish-black fruit.(5) RB15-20 908р.
    RB25-30 1 126р.
    RB30-40 1 436р.
    aquifolium'Smaragd'Like the species but with dark yellow flowers.(5) RB25-30 1 126р.
    bealeiShrub shoots erect, thick. Leaves 30-40cm long, with 2-5 large marginal thorns. Flowers light yellow, 8-15 erect racemes, scented like lily-of-the-valley, May-June. Fruits blue-black.(7-8) C30-40 908р.
    40-50 1 126р.
    C50-60 1 498р.
    C60-80 1 920р.
    C80-100 3 191р.
    bealei'Hivernant'Like the species with broad elliptic leathery leaflets, these with more or less white-yellow markings at the base. Flowers in up to 35cm long, light yellow racemes, very abundant, December-February.(8) C30-40 908р.
    40-50 1 126р.
    C50-60 1 498р.
    C60-80 1 920р.
    japonicaShrub with stiffly erect shoots. Leaves 30-40cm long, dull green above, thorny. Flowers sulfur-yellow, fragrant, nodding to outspread racemes, winter to May. Fruits dark purple, pruinose, ellipsoid.(7) C30-40 931р.
    media'Charity'Strong growing, erect shrub. Leaves to 50cm long. Flowers in narrow, to 30cm lon, parly erect, partly obliquely spreading racemes. These grouped into clusters, light yellow, Januari-February.(9) RB30-40 908р.
    RB40-50 1 126р.
    RB50-60 1 498р.
    RB60-80 1 920р.
    media'Winter Sun'hybrid mahonia This statuesque, evergreen shrub is a dramatic focal point for the winter garden. Its large, frond-like leaves develop in whorls along its coarsely branched stems. Great sprays of fragrant, yellow flowers in dense, upstanding inflorescences appear in late fall or early winter. Flowers develop into grape-like clusters of wax-coated black berries by late summer and autumn.Beautiful foliage and upright growth habit make this hybrid mahonia a strong focal point in the garden. It has a more compact habit of growth and more fragrance than its related cultivars. Culture Plant Mahonia x media ‘Winter Sun’ in part shade with protection from winter winds. (7/9) RB30-40 908р.
    RB50-60 1 498р.
    60-80,SHR 1 920р.
    80-100,SHR 3 191р.
    Apollo'BEST-select launches a third novelty in the sortiment of ornamental apple trees. Appollo is a small upwards growing, pillar-shaped tree, that doesn't grow wider than 60-80 cm. The height varies between 3 and 4 meter. The big leaves are purple-red when they first emerge and keep a dark color the whole season. The flowers are dark pink and in the autumn the tree bears little purple-red apples. Appollo is a very healthy and strong ornamental tree. There's almost no pruning required. Occasionally sideways growing branches have te be cut back,to maintain the broad coned shape. In every garden, there's place for this mini apple tree. Also very suitable for a small terrace or a balkony. On the market, starting july 2008!80-100 1 652р.
    (6)100-125 2 581р.
    Laura'Dwarf patio tree with red/green leaves and pink flowers in spring. Red fruits in autumn.100-125 2 271р.
    Lemoinei'With a rather upright habit of growth, this makes a handsome tree, quite round topped in maturity. The flowers are coloured a rich, deep red-purple, a colour effect that looks almost unbelievably rich. The flowers come from early to mid-April: they are not profusely borne, and perhaps the effect is all the better for that. The leaves are, likewise, dark coloured purple when they open, lightening to bronzed dark green as they mature. In autumn there are dark purple fruits.(6)150-175 1 085р.
    HSt 6-8 1 425р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 790р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    Mokum'The leaves of this small, oval headed tree are an eye-catching dark red, with flowers of rosy-red.150-175 1 085р.
    The fruits too are red!HSt 6-8 1 425р.
    Mokim provides a very long season of interest.Mature height: 10m(6)175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 790р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    St16-18 10 148р.
    Pompom'Small crabapple with globe form. HSt 6-8 2 271р.
    Red Jade'Malus 'Red Jade' is a weeping crabapple, with white flowers and red fruit. It is a small deciduous tree or shrub.HSt 6-8 1 993р.
    St8-10 2 808р.
    Wintergold'Many small gold fruits held well through winterSHR 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    HSt 6-8 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    'Aldenhamensis''Flowering Crabs'. A small tree or tall shrub of loose growth, usually lower than the purpurea types. Leaves purplish becoming bronze-green in late summer. Flowers single or semi-double, deep vinous-red followed by reddish-purple fruits.(6) SHR 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    HSt 6-8 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 790р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    'Butterball''Flowering Crabs'. Decorative value of orange-red fruits. Flower period : Mai with white-pink flowers. (6) SHR 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    'Echtermeyer''Flowering Crabs'. A graceful, low, wide-spreading tree with weeping branches and purplish or bronze-green leaves. Flowers rose-crimson, deeper in bud, followed by reddish-purple fruits.(6) HSt 6-8 1 976р.
    St6-8 2 385р.
    St8-10 2 816р.
    St10-12 3 691р.
    'Eleyi''Flowering Crabs'. Large shrub, upright, twigs outspread. Flowers dark purple. Fruits purplish-red in autumn.(6) SHR 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    HSt 6-8 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 790р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    'Evereste'Conical tree with dark green leaves. Flowers red in bud, later white. Fruits, 2cm across, orange-yellow.(5b) SHR 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    'Golden Hornet''Flowering Crabs'. A small tree producing white flowers followed by large crops of bright yellow fruits which are retained until late in the year.(6) SHR 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    HSt 6-8 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 790р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    'Hillieri'Flowering Crab'. A very attractive, strong growing, late flowering tree. Flowers semi-double, crimson in bud, opening bright pink, wreathing the arching stems in clusters of 5 to 8. Fruits 1.5cm-2cm thick, globose, yellow and orange.(6) SHR 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 790р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    'John Downie'Flowering Crab'. Strong grower, tall shrub. Flowers white, buds pink, flowers fully every other year. Fruits comparatively large, conical, bright orange and red, abundant, and of refreshing flavour.(6) SHR 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 790р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    'Liset'Beautiful red flowers. Glossy purple leaves. Shining dark purple fruits. A small tree of dense habit.(4) SHR 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    'Neville Copeman'Resembles 'Eleyi' in habit and flowers, but more vigorous. Fruits more ornamental, orange-red to glossy carmine. Flat-globose to ellipsoid.(6) SHR 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    'Profusion'Dark red flowers. Purple leaves, small, oxblood-red fruits(4) SHR 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    'Red Obelisk'®New pyramidal crabapple selection, with red fruit that stays long on the tree during winter. Big white flowers fading to pink. Purple leaves. Disease free. x/1/1 1 136р.
    1Yr,VV 1 704р.
    150-175 2 725р.
    175-200 3 407р.
    200-250 4 088р.
    St6-8 4 542р.
    St8-10 5 678р.
    'Red Sentinel'White flowers. Glossy green leaves. Bright red fruits, which will remain on the branches troughout the winter. 150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    'Royal Beauty'Small weeping tree with slender reddish-purple stems. Leaves reddish-purple when young, later becoming purplish-green.(5b) HSt 1 993р.
    St6-8 2 374р.
    St8-10 2 808р.
    St10-12 3 675р.
    'Royalty''Flowering Crab'. A small tree of rather opright habit with attractive, glossy dark purple leaves turning red in autumn. Large purplish-crimson flowers rather hidden in the foliage are followed by dark red fruits. (6) SHR 858р.
    150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    St12-14 4 790р.
    St14-16 6 379р.
    'Rudolph'tree of medium size, it is rather columnar when young, but the crown becomes rounded at maturity. The leaves gradually turn from copper-red to bronze-green, and rose-red flowers are followed by numerous elongated fruits, which last well. Rudolph is resistant to scab, and is particularly good as a street tree and for urban plantings. Mature height: 10-15m(6) 150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    baccata'Gracilis''Flowering Crab'. Shrubby habit, very slow growing, thin branched, dense; leaves rather small, narrow, lang acuminate. Flowers small, white, stellate. Fruits pea-sized, red , slightly pear-shaped. (2) HSt 6-8 1 993р.
    St6-8 2 374р.
    St8-10 2 808р.
    St10-12 3 675р.
    baccata'Street Parade'Flowering crabapple. Tidy shape. Good flowerer. White flowering. 150-175 1 085р.
    175-200 1 425р.
    HSt 6-8 1 425р.
    200-250 1 704р.
    St6-8 2 034р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 221р.
    terminalisA very useful dwarf evergreen, carpeting shrublet for covering bare places under trees. Leaves clustered at the ends of the stems, rather diamond-shaped and toothed in the upper half. Spikes of greenish-white flowers are produced at the ends of the previous year’s shoots in February and March.(5) P9 186р.
    terminalis'Green Carpet'Glossy evergreen foliage. At maturity plants sit about 6cm lower to the ground than common Pachysandra. P9 206р.
    terminalis'Green Sheen'Is an excellent ground cover for problem areas as it grows in just about any soil and is one of the few ground covers that will grow under pine trees. The evergreen, oval leaves are lightly toothed on the edge. What makes ’Green Sheen’ special is the tremendous glossiness to the dark green foliage. The sheen is so impressive you think it can’t be real. Small white flowers appear in Spring (4-9) P9 227р.
    terminalis'Variegata'Like the species but with attractively variegated white leaves.(5) P9 227р.
    PAEONIA (ПИОН) -р.
    suffruticosa'Tree peony'. A branching, rather tender shrub with large (15cm) flowers in may. Pink, purple, yellow, red and white.(6) C 1 858р.
     ‘Frosty Morn’ 'Mock Orange'. An upright shrub with clusters of double very fragrant, white flowers, June-July.Dwarf habit Height 90-120 cm.Deciduous,hardy.Full Sun or semi-shade.(6)SHR60-100 321р.
    C 507р.
     ‘Galahad’Is one of the hardiest hybrid mockoranges, and remains to some degree undiscovered by the northern gardening world, which is most unfortunate. Blooms in such abundance in June with fragrant white flowers and yellow centers that the entire shrub becomes a white ball of snow, a performance rivaled by few other garden shrubs. This shrub comes highly recommended because of its dense mounded shape which is sustained through its life without the need for major pruning, which is quite an attribute given that many of the older mockoranges can become quite “unkempt” with time.(3)SHR60-100 321р.
    C 507р.
     ‘Innocence’ Is a cultivar that typically grows. It is a multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub with an upright, arching habit. Features extremely fragrant, 4-petaled, single white flowers that appear in late spring in loose clusters (3-7 flowered terminal racemes). Oval, dark green leaves are sometimes variegated with creamy white. Common name refers to the sweetly fragrant flowers which generally resemble orange blossoms.(4-8)SHR60-100 321р.
    C 507р.
    'Beauclerk''Mock Orange'. Hybrid. Upright shrub. Strong grower. Flowers abundantly, flowers grouped 5 to 7 together. Single to semi-double, white.(6) SHR40-60 321р.
    C 507р.
    'Belle Etoile''Mock Orange'. Hybrid. Compact upright habit, to 1.5m high, twigs rather stiff. Flowers calyx and sepals sparsely pubescent, corolla somewhat campanulate; petals white with a purple basal spot, ovate.(6) SHR60-100 321р.
    C 507р.
    'Lemoinei''Mock Orange'. Hybrid. Upright, slightly arching scrub. Produce profuse racemes of extremely fragrant, single, white flowers with golden-yellow centre. Useful for hedging.(6) SHR50-80 310р.
    C 507р.
    'Manteau d'Hermine'Mock Orange'. Hybrid. Low compact, bushy shrub. Clusters of fragrant, double, creamy-white flowers amid small pale green leaves from early summer.(6) SHR30-50 321р.
    C 507р.
    'Minnesota Snowflake''Mock Orange'. Cultivar with arching branches bowed by the weight of the double, fragrant flowers.(6) SHR60-100 321р.
    C 507р.
    'Schneesturm''Mock Orange'. Hybrid. Shrub, medium high, quick growing, twigs slightly nodding. Flowers medium-sized, pure white, double.(6) SHR60-100 321р.
    C 507р.
    'Silberregen''Mock Orange'. Dense, bushy growing habit with single, pure white flowers. Flowering early, strawberry scent.(6) SHR40-60 321р.
    C 507р.
    'Snowbelle''Mock Orange'. Hybrid with double white flowers, very floriferous, dark small leaves.(6) SHR60-100 321р.
    C 507р.
    'Virginal''Mock Orange'. Hybrid. Strong growing, upright shrub (3m). Very hardy. Produces masses of large, very fragrant semi-double or double, pure white flowers.(6) SHR60-100 310р.
    C 507р.
    coronarius'Mock Orange'. Shrub, to 3m high, rather stiff-upright. Leaves ovate. Flowers 5-9 racemes, cream-white, May to June.(6) SHR60-100 310р.
    C 507р.
    coronarius'Aureus''Mock Orange'. Like the species but with yellow leaves.(6) SHR40-50 341р.
    C 507р.
    lewissi'Waterton''Mock Orange'. A medium-sized shrub with neat bushy habit and brownish twigs. Small, single, white flowers. Prairie-hardy. (Waterton national park. Alberta, Canada.) A Grootendorst original.(6) SHR60-100 321р.
    C 507р.
    pubescens'Mock Orange'. A tall, narrowly upright shrub, reaching 3m hihg with single white flowers about 3-4 cm across in racemes. Flowers very abundantly.(6) SHR60-100 321р.
    C 524р.
    opulifolius'Nine bark'. Arching, dense shrub (3m). Has peeling bark and lobed mid-green leaves. Clusters of tiny pink-tinged, white flowers.(2) SHR60-90 321р.
    RB 507р.
    opulifolius'Dart's'Gold'Compact dwarf form with golden-yellow leaves. Clusters of shallowly cup-shaped white flowers in late spring. Very hardy.(2) SHR 341р.
    opulifolius'Diabolo'Trouble free, dense, bushy shrub with handsome dark purple foliage, green on the reverse, on purple stems. Flat heads of white flowers contrast dramatically with the foliage in early summer. Well drained soil, sun or partial shade. Height : 3m high C40-60 569р.
    opulifolius'Luteus''Golden ninebark'. Golden-yellow foliage in spring, greenish-yellow in summer.(2) SHR60-100 341р.
    opulifolius'Nanus'Like the species. Dwarf growing.(2) 30-40 341р.
    opulifolius'Nugget'Nugget' is more compact which may make it ideal for smaller gardens. The electric yellow leaves of this variety are sure to draw the eye, especially combined with a compact form and white flowers tinged with pink in June.(4) C40-60 569р.
    opulifolius'Red Baron'Same like 'Diabolo' but grows more compact and slower. C40-60 569р.
    'Alphens Globe'Like the species, globular growth. St6-8 2 716р.
    St8-10 3 386р.
    St10-12 4 739р.
    St12-14 5 925р.
    'Minaret'Like the species with columnar growth. St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 261р.
    St10-12 3 159р.
    St12-14 4 223р.
    St14-16 5 698р.
    acerifolia'London plane'. A large, noble park tree with attractive patchwork flaking bark and large palmate leaves, turning orange-yellow in autumn. Fruits usually in groups of 2 together, hang from shoots in autumn throughout the winter. Often used as a street tree owing to its tolerance to air pollution. Will grow in adverse conditions and is easily established in most soils.(5) 150-175 754р.
    175-200 858р.
    200-250 1 085р.
    250-300 1 415р.
    St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 261р.
    St10-12 3 159р.
    St12-14 4 223р.
    St14-16 5 698р.
    orientalis150-175 754р.
    175-200 858р.
    200-250 1 085р.
    250-300 1 415р.
    St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 261р.
    St10-12 3 159р.
    St12-14 4 223р.
    St14-16 5 698р.
    alba'Nivea''White poplar''Abele'. A large, suckering tree, conspicuous on account of the white-woolly undersurfaces of the leaves which are paricularly noticeable when ruffled by the wind. The leaves are variable in shape, some ovate and irregularly lobed or toothed, others larger and distinctly three to five-lobed lik a maple. Autumn colour yellow. Only a juvenile form, young twigs, petiole and leaf undersides an intense chalky white.(3) SHR 300р.
    175-200 920р.
    200-250 1 085р.
    250-300 1 291р.
    St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    St10-12 2 489р.
    St12-14 3 418р.
    St14-16 4 553р.
    alba'Raket''Silver poplar''Abele'. Extremely slender growth habit, all branches tightly upright, stem very straight. The leaves are variable in shape, some ovate and irregularly lobed or toothed, other larger and distinctly three to five-lobed like a maple. Autumn colour yellow. An excellent tree in exposed sites, particularly in coastal areas where if cut severely. Resistant to foliage diseases.(3) 175-200 920р.
    200-250 1 085р.
    250-300 1 291р.
    St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    St10-12 2 489р.
    St12-14 3 418р.
    St14-16 4 553р.
    balsamifera'Balsam Poplar'. A large, erect-branched tree, grown mainly for the balsamic odour of its unfolding leaves. Twigs rounded, glabrous, buds large and sticky. Leaves ovate to ovate-lanceolate, whitish and reticulate beneath. (6) St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    St10-12 2 489р.
    St12-14 3 418р.
    St14-16 4 553р.
    berolinensis'Berlin Poplar'. P.laurifolia X P.nigra'Italica'. A large, broadly columnar tree with slightly angled, downy twigs and ovate to rhomboid, acuminate leaves, pale beneath. Much used for street planting and for windbreaks. A male clone.(2) St6-8 1 239р.
    St8-10 1 499р.
    canadensis'Robusta'Canadian Poplar'. A large, vigorous male tree forming an open crown with a straight bole to summit. Young twigs minutely downy. Young leaves conspicuously red-brown, triangular, glossy, tough. St6-8 908р.
    St8-10 1 136р.
    St10-12 1 363р.
    St12-14 1 714р.
    St14-16 2 282р.
    canadensis'Serotina Aurea''Golden Poplar'. Leaves clear golden yellow in spring and early summer, becoming yellowish-green later then golden yellow in autumn.(5) 150-175 858р.
    175-200 1 032р.
    200-250 1 209р.
    250-300 1 415р.
    St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    St10-12 2 489р.
    St12-14 3 418р.
    St14-16 4 553р.
    candicans'Aurora''Ontario Poplar'. A medium-sized, broad-headed tree with stout, angled, downy twigs and broad ovate leaves which are greyish-white beneath, strongly balsam-scented when unfolding. 'Aurora', a conspicuously variegated form. The leaves, especially when young, are creamy-white, often pink-tinged. Older leaves green. To obtain the best results, hard prune the shoots in the winter. Often does not show variegation the first year after transplanting.(6) 200-250 1 085р.
    250-300 1 291р.
    St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    St10-12 2 489р.
    St12-14 3 418р.
    St14-16 4 553р.
    canescens'Gray poplar'. A medium-sized to large, suckering tree sometimes forming thickets. Similar to P.alba, somewhat later than P.alba, young shoots gray! Mature specimens develop an attractive creamy-grey trunk. Leaves variable in shape, rounded or deltoid, dentate and slightly toothed, more or less grey tomentose beneath. One of the best poplars for chalk soils, giving attractive yellow and sometimes red autumn colour. The male catkins in late winter are most decorative, being woolly and crimson up to 10cm long.(5) St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    St10-12 2 489р.
    St12-14 3 418р.
    St14-16 4 553р.
    canescens'De Moffart'A male selection from Belgium with a dense, conical crown and large leaves which open early.(3) St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    St10-12 2 489р.
    St12-14 3 418р.
    St14-16 4 553р.
    lasiocarpaA magnificent medium-sized tree with stout, angled, downy twigs. The leaves, often up to 35 cm long, broadly ovate, heart-shaped at the base, shallowly-toothed at the margin, blue-green above with red veins, glaucous beneath, on a flattened red petiole. Slowgrowing.(6) St8-10 2 261р.
    St10-12 2 716р.
    St12-14 3 418р.
    St14-16 4 677р.
    nigra'Italica''Italian poplar''Lombardy poplar'. A large, narrow, columnar tree with close, erect branches. A male tree and one of the most effective of its habit, particularly suitable for forming a tall screen. Leaves rhomboid to ovate, slender-pointed, bright, shining green. New growth about 3 weeks earlier than that of the species.(2) 175-200 527р.
    200-250 630р.
    St6-8 908р.
    250-300 908р.
    St8-10 1 363р.
    300-350 1 363р.
    St10-12 1 704р.
    St12-14 2 282р.
    St14-16 3 191р.
    simonii'Fastigiata'A medium-sized, early-leafing balsam poplar with slender, angled, glabrous, red-brown twigs. A columnar species, branches long and upright. Makes an excellent dense hedge or screen. 175-200 920р.
    200-250 1 085р.
    250-300 1 291р.
    St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    tremula'Aspen'. A medium-sized, suckering tree. Leaves prominently-toothed, late in appearing and hanging late in the autumn when they turn a clear butter-yellow. Petioles slender, compressed, causing the leaves to tremble and quiver in the slightest breeze. One of the commonest of wood for the match industry. (2) 175-200 1 002р.
    200-250 1 250р.
    250-300 1 518р.
    St6-8 1 704р.
    300-350 1 972р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    St10-12 2 489р.
    St12-14 3 418р.
    St14-16 4 553р.
    tremula'Pendula''The weeping Aspen'. One of the most effective, small, weeping trees, especially attractive in February with its abundance of long purplish-grey, male catkins.(2) St8-10 2 539р.
    St10-12 3 386р.
    St12-14 4 553р.
    fruticosa'Cinquifoil'. Deciduous bushy shrubs reaching between 0.30 and 1.20 in height. Leaves small, divided into 5-7 narrow leaflets. The flowers vary in colour depending on the cultivar, and appear from end spring to end Summer.(2) SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Abbotswood'Like the species with large, pure white flowers, semi-spreading habit with dark foliage.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Anette'Like the species with large, pale orange to deep yellow in cool weather, spreading habit, excellent ground cover.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Daydawn'Like the species with salmon-pink and yellow reverse. Medium high to spreading habit.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Elizabeth'Like the species with very large, clear yellow, almost creeping habit, continuously flowering from mid-summer to late autumn.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5M 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Farreri'Like the species with bright yellow. Leaves fresh green, medium high.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Goldfinger'Like the species with very large, deep yellow flowers. Upright compact shrub with pinkish shoots and blue-green leaves.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Goldstar'Like the species with large, deep yellow, flowers, long flowering period. Upright to spreading habit, to 80cm.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Goldteppich'Like the species with golden-yellow flowers from June to July. Spreading habit with upright growing branches.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Jackman'Like the species with clusters of canay-yellow flowers, strong erect growth. Leaves deep-green.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Katherine Dykes'Like the species. A shrub up to 1.5m, producing an abundance of primrose-yellow flowers in summer. Named after the raiser’s wife.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Klondike'Like 'Farreri' but leaflets somewhat larger, flowers darker yellow. (2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'McKay's White'Like the species. Dwarf, spreading shrub with creamy-white flowers. Considered an improvement to Abbotswood. Soft grey-green foliage. Height .75m Spread .75m (2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Moonlight'Like the species with lemon-yellow flowers. Leaves blue-green. Flowers abundantly over a long period. Growing to 1.2m high.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Pink Queen'Like the species with compact growth to 1.60m high. Pink flowers.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Pretty Polly'light pink, medium sized, leaves bright green, low spreading habit. SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Red Ace'Like the species. Dwarf mound-forming shrub, flowers bright orange-red, best grown in partial shade to prevent fading.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Snowbird'Like the species. Fast grower with an abundance of large, double, pure white blossoms Bloom Color: White Bloom Time: June-August Foliage Color: Green, copper fall color(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    fruticosa'Snowflake'Like the species with large, deep green foliage. White flowers, single to double.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Sunset'Like the species with light to deep orange flowers. Rather small leaves greyish-green, broad, shade. Upright habit.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Tangerine'Like the species with large, yellow-orange to deep yellow flowers. Wide-spreading habit forming a dense mound, needs shady locations.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    fruticosa'Tilford Cream'Like the species with creamy-white flowers. Leaves fresh green. Low, spreading habit.(2) SHR,1Yr 197р.
    C1.5L 268р.
    SHR,2Yr 300р.
    SHR,2Yr,C 507р.
    'Accolade'FLowering CHerry =P.sargentti x P.subhirtella. An outstanding cherry; a small tree with spreading branches and semi-double, rich pink flowers 4cm in diameter in pendulous clusters, produced in great profusion in early summer.(5) SHR 961р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    'Hally Jolivette'Flowering Cherry =P.subhirtella x P. yedoensis. A small, graceful tree or large shrub. Its slender, willowy stems are inundated in early spring with small, semi-double, blush-white flowers which continue over a long period (2-3weeks). (5/6) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    'Pandora'Flowering Cherry =P.subhirtella x P.yedoensis. A splendid small tree with ascending branches which, in March or early April, are flooded with solitary, pale, shell-pink blossoms. Leaves bronze-red when unfolding, and often colouring richly in autumn.(5/6) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    'Spire'Flowering Cherry. Possibly the best small street tree. A vase-shaped tree with flowers soft pink coloured. Leaves with rich autumn tints. HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    'Trailblazer'Flowering Cherry. Tree-like shrub to small tree. Leaves green at first, later more brown-red. Flowers in great profusion, white, pink in bud appearing in late March and early April. Fruits rather large, red.(4) SHR80-100 805р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    'Umineko'Flowering Cherry. A narrow-growing, upright tree of considerable merit. Flowers white, single, produced in April with the leaves which tint beautifully orange and scarlet in fall.(6) St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    X blireanaFlowering Cherry. A beautiful large shrub or small tree with leaves of a metallic coppery-purple. Flowers semidouble, slightly fragrant, rose-pink, with the leaves in April.(6) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    aviumWild Cherry or Sweet Cherry. A medium-sized to large tree with smooth grey bark turning mahogany-red, peeling and deeply fissured with age. The white cup-shaped flowers are borne in clusters and open with the leaves in late April or early May. Fruits small and shiny, reddish-purple, bitter or sweet to the taste. Autumn foliage crimson. From this species are derived most of the sweet cherries.(5) 150-175 754р.
    175-200 908р.
    200-250 1 197р.
    St6-8 1 590р.
    250-300 1 590р.
    St8-10 2 126р.
    St10-12 2 840р.
    St12-14 3 943р.
    St14-16 5 492р.
    avium'Plena'Double Gean. One of the loveliest of all flowering trees. Growth like the species. Its branches wreathed with masses of drooping, double-white flowers. An excellent street tree.(5) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    cerasifera'Nigra''Cherry Plum Myrobalan'. A small tree with greenish young shoots. Leaves and stems blackish-purple, not fading in fall. Flowers pink. Fruits globose, red to yellow, slightly pruinose.(4) SHR80-100 557р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    cerasifera'Pissardii''Cherry Plum'. A very popular form with dark red young foliage turning to a deep purple. Flowers in great profusion, white, pink in bud, appearing in late March and early April. Fruits purple, only occasionally produced. If grown as shrubs, excellent hedging plants.(4) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    cerasifera'Woodii'Cherry Plum''Myrobalan'.Shoots red in cross section. Leaves small, like 'Pissardii', but remainin evenly black-red from spring to fall. Flowers pink.(4) SHR 557р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    dulcis'Common Almond'. A universal favourite and one of the best spring-flowering trees. A small tree with lanceolate, long-pointed, finely-toothed leaves. Flowers pink, borne singly or in pairs in March and April. Fruit ovate, flat, shell velvety pubescent, dry, stone smooth, pitted. The edible almonds of commerce are mainly introduced and extensively naturalised in the Mediterranean region. (7) SHR100-150 961р.
    HSt 6-8 1 601р.
    St6-8 2 395р.
    St8-10 2 808р.
    eminens'Umbraculifera''Steppe Cherry' Shrub grafted on a standard. Twigs outspread, glabrous. Leaves small, elliptic to obovate, dark green. Flowers grouped, small in sessile umbels, white in April-May. Dark red fruits. Often planted as a small crowned street tree.(4) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 200р.
    St8-10 2 663р.
    St10-12 3 675р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    glandulosa'Alba plena''Chinese Bush Cherry' A very beautiful shrub, each shoot pendent with a wealth of comaratively large, double, white flowers in early May. Excellent for forcing. (4) SHR60-80 775р.
    HSt 6-8 1 714р.
    St6-8 2 395р.
    St8-10 2 808р.
    glandulosa'Sinensis''Chinese Bush Cherry'. Leaves more lanceolate and darker than 'Alba Plena'. Flowers pink, densely double. Excellent for forcing.(4) HSt 6-8 1 714р.
    St6-8 2 395р.
    St8-10 2 808р.
    incisa'February Pink'Fuji Cherry'. A lovely Japanese species, generally shrubby, but occasionally a small tree. Leaves small, incisely toothed, beautifully tinted, orange, in autumn. Flowers small, white, pink-tinged in bud and appearing pink at a distance. 'February Pink' is an early flowering form in February or earlier. Fruits only occasionally produced, small, purple-black. Makes an unusual hedge and long used by the Japanese for Bonsai.(6) SHR 692р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    laurocerasus'Caucasica''Laurel Cherry'. Evergreen shrubs, with vigorous upright habit, to 3m high. Large leaves oblong to narrowly elliptic, stiff and leathery. Glossy above and dark green, pale green beneath. Hardiest of the large-leaved form. White flowers, in erect many-flowered racemes, May. Fruits conical, black-red.(7) RB40-60 537р.
    RB60-80 640р.
    RB80-100 805р.
    RB100-125 1 177р.
    RB125-150 1 755р.
    RB150-175 2 881р.
    RB175-200 4 253р.
    laurocerasus'Cherry Brandy''Cherry laurel'. A dense, small shrub making a low mound only 60cm high. The bronze young foliage later becomes green. RB30-40 589р.
    RB40-50 754р.
    RB50-60 961р.
    RB60-80 1 383р.
    RB80-100 1 920р.
    laurocerasus'Herbergii''Laurel Cherry'. Dense pyramidal habit, to about 2m high. Leaves oblong to more narrowly elliptic, 9 to 14cm long, bright green above. Flowers abundantly, May and September, white flowers. Black-red fruits.(7) RB30-40 507р.
    RB40-50 640р.
    RB50-60 826р.
    RB60-80 1 064р.
    RB80-100 1 466р.
    RB100-125 1 817р.
    laurocerasus'Otto Luyken''Laurel Cherrry'. Broad growing, very dense and compact, about 1m as old plants. Leaves all rather vertically arranged, oblong-lanceolate, dark green, glossy. Flowers abundantly with 20cm long racemes, May-June. Very attractive, slow growing cultivar, excellent for low hedges.(7) RB25-30 507р.
    RB30-40 589р.
    RB40-50 681р.
    RB50-60 961р.
    RB60-80 1 383р.
    RB80-100 1 920р.
    laurocerasus'Reynvaanii''Laurel Cherry'. Dense, upright habit, to about 2m high. Leaves broadly elliptic to obovate, dull green above, not glossy. Flowers primarly on young plants, May, older plants flower only sparsely. (7) RB30-40 507р.
    RB40-50 640р.
    RB50-60 826р.
    RB60-80 1 064р.
    RB80-100 1 466р.
    RB100-125 1 817р.
    laurocerasus'Rotundifolia''Laurel Cherry'. Habit broad and stoutly erect, to 3m high. Leaves broadly elliptic to obovate, light green, not very glossy, tough, margins distinctly dentate. White flowers and red-black fruits.(8) RB40-60 507р.
    RB60-80 589р.
    RB80-100 713р.
    RB100-125 1 012р.
    RB125-150 1 601р.
    RB150-175 2 447р.
    RB175-200 3 727р.
    laurocerasus'Schipkaensis''Laurel Cherry'. Broad growing, occasionally more vase-shaped, to 2m high. Leaves oblong to broadly elliptic, flat. Flowers in numerous, erect racemes, May. Quite winter hardy.(7) RB30-40 507р.
    RB40-50 640р.
    RB50-60 826р.
    RB60-80 1 064р.
    RB80-100 1 466р.
    laurocerasus'Van Nes''Laurel Cherry'. Growth wide and dense, to about 1.75m high. Leaves oblong to elliptic, very dark green, entire, slightly glossy. Flowers in about 20cm long, numerous racemes, August-September, contrasting well with the dark green leaves. Black-red fruits.(7) RB30-40 589р.
    RB40-50 754р.
    RB50-60 961р.
    RB60-80 1 383р.
    RB80-100 1 920р.
    laurocerasus'Zabeliana''Laurel Cherry'. Growth nearly totally horizontal, but on favorable sites reaching 1.5m high. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, light green. Flowers in 18cm long, erect racemes, appearing sparsely in May, very numerous in September. Very winter hardy, excellent form.(7) RB30-40 507р.
    RB40-50 640р.
    RB50-60 826р.
    RB60-80 1 064р.
    RB80-100 1 466р.
    maackiiManchurian Cherry'. A rare, vigorous, small tree with attractive, shining golden brown, flaking bark. Flowers small, white, carried in irregular racemes on the previous year's shoots in April. Fruits small, black. Very winter hardy.(2) St6-8 1 518р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    St10-12 2 705р.
    St12-14 3 769р.
    St14-16 5 244р.
    maackii'Amber Beauty''Manchurian Cherry'. A Dutch selection with a good amber-coloured bark and a narrow crown.(2) St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    padusBird cherry. A small to medium-sized native tree. Leaves elliptic, abruptly short acuminate, dark green above, bluish green beneath. Flowers small, white, almond-scented, produced in slender, drooping or spreading racemes in May after the leaves. Fruits black, bitter to taste. Attractive yellow tinted foliage in autumn.(4) SHR80-100,3br+ 321р.
    150-175 754р.
    175-200 920р.
    200-250 1 209р.
    St6-8 1 580р.
    250-300 1 580р.
    St8-10 2 147р.
    St10-12 2 881р.
    St12-14 4 099р.
    St14-16 5 585р.
    padus'Colorata'A remarkable clone with dark purplish shoots, coppery-purple young foliage and pale pink flowers. The leaves in summer are a sombre green with purple-tinged veins and undersurfaces. (4) 150-175 1 342р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    250-300 1 993р.
    St6-8 2 489р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 471р.
    St14-16 7 412р.
    padus'Watereri'Like the specie. A medium-sized tree with conspicuous racemes up to 20cm long. 175-200 1 280р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    200-250 1 569р.
    St6-8 1 796р.
    St8-10 2 374р.
    St10-12 3 097р.
    St12-14 3 996р.
    St14-16 5 698р.
    persica'Melred Weeping''Flowering Peach'. A pendulous form of 'Melred' with the same colour of flowers and fertility.(5) SHR,2Yr 1 064р.
    HSt 6-8 1 714р.
    St6-8 2 374р.
    St8-10 3 097р.
    St10-12 3 778р.
    persica'Melred''Flowering Peach'. Flowering peach with a beautiful red colour appearing at the end of April. Blooming are spectacular thanks to the riches of the flowers and the intense and bright colours. Flowers semidouble followed by a great setting, ripeness in September.(5) SHR,2Yr 961р.
    HSt 6-8 1 714р.
    St6-8 2 374р.
    St8-10 3 097р.
    St10-12 3 778р.
    sargentii'Flowering Cherry'. A round-headed tree. Bark dark chestnut-brown. Young foliage bronze-red. Flowers single, pink, opening late March before the leaves. ONe of the first trees to colour in the autumn, its leaves assuming glorious orange and crimson tints, usually in late September.(5) SHR 961р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    serotina'Black Cherry'. Small to medium tree. Bark dark brown. Attractive glossy leaves, oblong turn clear yellow in autumn. Flowers white, in racemes up to 15cm long, produced during May to June. Fruit dark purple, bitter tasting. (4) SHR80-100,3br+ 961р.
    150-175 1 136р.
    175-200 1 556р.
    200-250 1 976р.
    St6-8 2 057р.
    St8-10 2 452р.
    St10-12 3 202р.
    St12-14 4 826р.
    St14-16 6 813р.
    serrula'Flowering Cherry'. A small, vigorous tree whose main attraction is the glistening surface of its polished red-brown, mahogany-like new bark. Leaves narrow, willow-like. Flowers small, white, produced with the foliage in late April. Red fruits.(6) 150-175 1 477р.
    175-200 1 879р.
    200-250 2 271р.
    St6-8 2 489р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 471р.
    St14-16 7 412р.
    serrulata'Amanogawa''Flowering Japanese Cherry'. A small, columnar tree with erect branches and dense, upright clusters of fragrant, semi-double, shell-pink flowers. Mid to late April. Young leaves greenish-bronze. (6) SHR80-120,3br+ 878р.
    150-175 1 250р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    250-300 2 539р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    serrulata'Hokusai''Japanese Cherry'. One of the earliest and most popular introductions. A vigorous, wide-spreading tree, its branches hidden in spring by the large clusters of large, semi-double, pale pink flowers. Young leaves brownish-bronze. (6) St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    serrulata'Kanzan''Japanese Cherry'. One of the most popular and commonly planted ornamental cherry. A strong-growing, medium-sized tree with characteristic stiffly ascending branches when young, later spreading. Flowers large and showy, double purplish-pink. Young leaves coppery-red or reddish-brown. Often wrongly grown in cultivation under under the name 'Hisakura' from which it differs in its taller stature and double flowers opening generally a week later.(6) SHR60-80,3-4br 610р.
    SHR80-100,5-8br 775р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    serrulata'Kiku-shidare'Japanese Cherry''Cheal's Weeping'. A small tree with arching or drooping branches, very attractive when wreathed with clear deep pink very double flowers, from mid to late April. Young leaves bronze-green, later green and glossy.(6) SHR3-4br 961р.
    HSt 6-8,1Yr 1 486р.
    HSt 6-8,2Yr 1 601р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    serrulata'Pink Perfection'Japanese Cherry'. Similar to 'Kanzan', but with somewhat lighter brown-red new growth. Flowers bright rosy-pink in bud, opening paler, double, carried in long, drooping clusters, mid to late April. Young leaves bronze.(6) SHR 961р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    serrulata'Royal Burgundy'Like 'Kanzan' but wit dark purple leaves and double pink flowers. 150-175 1 250р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    250-300 2 539р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    serrulata'Shirofugen''Japanese Cherry'. A strong-growing, wide-spreading tree up to 10m. Flowers large, double, dull purplish-pink in bud opening white, then fading to purplish-pink, produced in long-stalked clusters and contrasting superbly with the copper-coloured young leaves. Very late , mid May. One of the best clones for general planting, the flowers are late and long-lasting.(6) SHR 961р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    serrulata'Shirotae''Japanese Cherry'. (Mount Fuji). This beautiful cherry is one of the most distinct clones. A small vigorous tree with wide-spreading, horizontal or slighly drooping branches, often reaching to the ground. Flowers very large, single or semi-double, fragrant, snow-white, bursting from the soft green young foliage in long, drooping clusters. Mid to late April. The leaves have a distinctive fringed appearance. (6) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    serrulata'Taihaku''Great White Cherry'. A superb, robust tree up to 12m. Flowers very large, single, of a dazzling white, enhanced by the rich coppery-red of the young leaves. Mid to late April. One of the finest cherries for general planting and perhaps the best of the whites. (6) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    serrulata'Ukon''Japanese Cherry'. A robust tree of spreading habit. Flowers semi-double, pale yellowish, tinged green, occasionally pink-flushed, freely borne and very effective against the brownish-bronze young leaves. Flowering from mid to late April. The large, mature leaves turn rusty-red or purplish-brown in autumn.(6) SHR 961р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    subhirtella'Autumnalis Rosea''Spring Cherry'. Similar to 'Autumnnalis' but flowers blush.(5-6) SHR 961р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    subhirtella'Autumnalis''Spring Cherry'. Shrub or small tree, wide branched. Producing its semi-double, white flowers intermittently from November to March. Flowers may be found on this tree on almost any winter's day and a few cut sprays are a welcome indoor decoration.(5-6) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    subhirtella'Fukubana''Spring Cherry'. This very striking small tree with its profusion of semi-double, rose-madder flowers is certainly the most colourful of the spring cherries. (5-6) SHR 961р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    subhirtella'Pendula Plena Rosea''Weeping Spring Cherry'. A weeping shrub or small tree. Flowers semi-double, rosette-like, rose-madder, similar to those of 'Fukubana', but slightly paler.(5-6) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    subhirtella'Pendula Rubra'Deep rose flowers in March-April wreathing the long pendulous branches. HSt 6-8 1 601р.
    subhirtella'Pendula''Weeping Spring Cherry'. Forms a lovely slender weeping tree of medium size, recalling the most graceful forms of weeping birch. Flowers abundantly, but only a very faded whitish pink. (5-6) HSt 6-8,1Yr 1 486р.
    HSt 6-8,2Yr 1 601р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    tenella'Dwarf Russian Almond'. A charming, small shrub with long glabrous stems. Leaves narrowly elliptic to obovate. Flowers borne in April, bright pink. Fruits ovate, gray-yellow, pubescent, stone broadly ovate, rough. (2) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    tenella'Fire Hill''Dwart Almond'. Perhaps the best dwarf Almond'. An outstanding shrub. The erect stems are wreathed with brilliant, rose-red flowers.(2) SHR 961р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    triloba'Flowering Almond'. Shrub or small tree, often grafted on a standard, very densely branched. Leaves broadly elliptic, often 3-lobed. Flowers paired or solitary, dense rosette form, double, along the entire length of the previous year's growth, abundantly flowering March-April. Fruit rare(3) SHR3-4br 516р.
    SHR5-8br 619р.
    HSt60CM 899р.
    HSt80CM 1 023р.
    HSt 100Cm 1 177р.
    HSt 120Cm 1 456р.
    St6-8 2 489р.
    St8-10 3 283р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    virginiana'Shubert'Choke cherry. A small tree of conical habit. Young light green leaves change quickly to deep reddish-purple. Fresh green new shoots contrast beautifully against the older foliage. Extremely hardy.(2) SHR 961р.
    150-175 1 342р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    250-300 2 312р.
    St6-8 2 312р.
    St8-10 3 097р.
    St10-12 3 778р.
    St12-14 5 131р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    X blireana'Moseri'Like the species but stronger growing; leaves somewhat lighter red; flowers smaller and lighter.(6) SHR80-100 961р.
    HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    X cistena'Purple-leaf Sand Cherry'.A beautiful slow growing shrub, with red leaves, lanceolate. White flowers soitary or paired in May. Fruits blackish purple. An excellent hedging plant. (3) SHR30-50 692р.
    HSt 6-8 1 601р.
    St6-8 2 395р.
    St8-10 2 808р.
    x yedoensis'Yoshino Cherry'. A graceful, early flowering, small to medium-sized tree with arching branches. Leaves yellowish green on new growth, elliptic. Highly valued for the profusion of its almond-scented, blush-white flowers in late March and early April. Fruits globose, pea-sized, black.(6) HSt 6-8 1 486р.
    St6-8 2 096р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
    x yedoensis'Shidare Yoshino''Weeping Yoshino Cherry'. Weeping form, grafted on a standard or trained upward and then growing sharply and vertically downward, annual growth. Flowers pure white, March and early April.(6) HSt 6-8,1Yr 1 486р.
    HSt 6-8,2Yr 1 601р.
    St8-10 2 489р.
    St10-12 3 283р.
    St12-14 4 852р.
    St14-16 6 834р.
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