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    altissimaTree of heaven. Fast growing trees with large, pinnate leaves.(5) Extremely tolerant of atmospheric pollution.St8-10 2 374р.
    St10-12 2 716р.
    St12-14 3 252р.
    St14-16 4 553р.
    cordataItalian alder, splendid medium to large-sized tree with conical habit. Yellow male catkins appear in early spring. Heart-shaped, glossy, glistening, green leaves. Persistent round, woody fruits in autumn.(6) Tree for all types of soil and adaptable to wet or dry conditions.150-175 723р.
    175-200 858р.
    200-250 1 002р.
    250-300 1 415р.
    St6-8 1 704р.
    St8-10 2 034р.
    St10-12 2 601р.
    St12-14 3 191р.
    St14-16 4 326р.
    glutinosaBlack alder or common alder, small to medium -sized bushy tree. Young growth very sticky. Yellow catkins in March. (3) Mostly used as windbreak and brushwood.(Once also for the manufacture of clogs.) Adaptable for wet areas.150-175 516р.
    175-200 630р.
    200-250 858р.
    250-300 1 136р.
    300-350 1 415р.
    St6-8 1 477р.
    St8-10 1 869р.
    St10-12 2 209р.
    St12-14 2 911р.
    St14-16 3 769р.
    glutinosa'Aurea'Small tree of pyramidal schrub with yellow-green branches; leaves pale yellow specially in spring. Yellow catkins.(3) 150-175 1 704р.
    175-200 1 993р.
    200-250 2 447р.
    St6-8 3 035р.
    St8-10 3 675р.
    St10-12 4 636р.
    St12-14 6 267р.
    St14-16 8 547р.
    glutinosa'Imperialis'An attractive tree with a pyramidal crown and slende branches. Leaves narrower than the species, deeply incised, lobe narrow. Weak grower.(3) 150-175 1 704р.
    175-200 1 993р.
    200-250 2 447р.
    250-300 3 035р.
    St6-8 3 035р.
    300-350 3 675р.
    St8-10 3 675р.
    St10-12 4 636р.
    St12-14 6 267р.
    St14-16 8 547р.
    glutinosa'Laciniata'Like 'Imperialis' but stronger-growing, with stiffer habit and the leaves not so finely divided.(3) 150-175 1 569р.
    175-200 1 858р.
    200-250 2 271р.
    250-300 2 808р.
    St6-8 2 808р.
    300-350 3 365р.
    St8-10 3 365р.
    St10-12 3 954р.
    St12-14 4 398р.
    St14-16 5 698р.
    incanaGrey alder, an exceptionally hardy small conical tree or large shrub, growing on anykind of soils. Yellow brown catkins in early spring, followed by oval, dark green leaves, grey beneath.(2) Ideal for extreme cold and wet situations.150-175 516р.
    175-200 630р.
    200-250 858р.
    250-300 1 136р.
    300-350 1 415р.
    St6-8 1 477р.
    St8-10 1 869р.
    St10-12 2 209р.
    St12-14 2 911р.
    St14-16 3 769р.
    incana'Aurea'Young twigs always yellow, orange-red in winter, leaves yellow; young catkins orange.(2) Much more common than the form of A. glutinosa.150-175 1 704р.
    175-200 1 993р.
    200-250 2 447р.
    St6-8 2 808р.
    St8-10 3 365р.
    St10-12 4 356р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    incana'Laciniata'In appearance, very similar to A. gl. 'Lacinata', but leaves longer and dissected.(2) 150-175 1 704р.
    175-200 1 993р.
    200-250 2 447р.
    St6-8 2 808р.
    St8-10 3 365р.
    St10-12 4 356р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    incana'Pendula'Small weeping forming a large mound of pendulous branches and grey-green leaves.(2) St6-8 2 808р.
    St8-10 3 365р.
    St10-12 4 356р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    rubraRed Alder. Medium-sized, pyramidal tree. fast-growing. Of graceful habit festooned in spring with the 10-15 cm long male catkins. Leaves larger than A. incana,dark-green above, blue-gray beneath. Red Catkins in spring.(6) St6-8 2 312р.
    St8-10 2 808р.
    St10-12 3 613р.
    St12-14 4 677р.
    St14-16 6 721р.
    spaethiiA fast growing tree of medium size, with large leaves purplish when young, dark green in summer. Outstanding when in catkin.(5) 150-175 1 642р.
    175-200 1 941р.
    200-250 2 374р.
    St6-8 2 932р.
    St8-10 3 530р.
    St10-12 4 553р.
    St12-14 5 967р.
    St14-16 8 352р.
    arboreaLeaves : Alternate and simple, often cordate and acute or acuminate. When the young leaves are emerging, they are often covered with a dense pubescence, but become less so with maturity. Flowers: Pure white and borne in long pendulous racemes in mid to late April, these extremely showy flowers only last 4 to 7 days. Fruit: Favored by birds of all kinds, the reddish-purple fruit is a edible pome that emerges in June. They are delicious, with a taste somewhat akin to that of blueberries (only sweeter!) Fall Color: The autumn coloration on this species is excellent, ranging from yellow to bronze-red. St6-8 2 816р.
    St8-10 3 384р.
    St10-12 4 542р.
    arborea'Robin Hill'Large shrub or small tree of dense, upright habit. Flowers deep pink in bud, opening pale pink, becoming white.(4) RB50-60 1 209р.
    St6-8 3 252р.
    St8-10 3 964р.
    St10-12 5 616р.
    St12-14 7 155р.
    St14-16 10 736р.
    laevis'Ballerina'A vigorous large shrub or small tree with dark green leaves becomes bronze-red in autumn. Flowers long pendulous racemes. Large fruits dark red, sweet juicy.(4) C,50-60 1 209р.
    150-175 1 972р.
    175-200 2 230р.
    200-250 2 581р.
    250-300 3 170р.
    St6-8 3 252р.
    St8-10 3 964р.
    St10-12 5 616р.
    St12-14 7 155р.
    St14-16 10 736р.
    lamarckii'Juneberry', 'Serviceberry' or shadebush, a large shrub or small tree grown from seed. Young leaves coppery-red and silky, become dark green in summer and orange-red in autumn. Sprays of white flowers in early spring, followed by rounded fleshy, black-purple fruits, edible, sweet and juicy.(4) SHR60-90 300р.
    C60-90 537р.
    150-175 1 560р.
    RB125-150,SHR 1 683р.
    175-200 1 796р.
    200-250 2 220р.
    250-300 2 952р.
    HSt 6-8 3 221р.
    St6-8 4 140р.
    St8-10 4 966р.
    rotundifolia'Helvetia'A medium sized to large shrub of upright habit. Flowers large in short erect racemes. Leaves ovate, dark green above, white woolly beneath when young. Fruit red becoming black.(5) HSt 6-8 1 961р.
    spicataMedium sized, erect branches suckering shrub of bushy habit. Flowers in short, white, erect racemes before the leaves. Very hardy. (3b) RB50-60 1 250р.
    150-175 1 972р.
    175-200 2 230р.
    200-250 2 581р.
    250-300 3 170р.
    HSt 6-8 3 583р.
    St6-8 4 491р.
    St8-10 5 276р.
    canescens'Lead Plant'. A small sub-shrub with grey-hairy pinnate leaves. Flowers violet, with orange anthers, produced in dense cylindrical racemes in the late summer and early autumn. (2) SHR40-50 589р.
    fruticosa'False Indigo'. A variable shrub of medium to large size with pinnate leaves and slender racimes of purplish-blue flowers in July.(5) SHR80-100 589р.
    elataJapanese angelica tree, a large suckering shrub but occasionally a small sparsely branched tree. Large bipinnate leaves. Billowing heads of tiny white flowers, forming a dense panicle in late summer.(3) RB75-100 858р.
    RB100-125 1 064р.
    RB125-150 1 332р.
    RB150-175 1 714р.
    RB175-200 2 406р.
    RB200-250 2 911р.
    RB250-300 3 613р.
    elatamultistemRB150-175 2 736р.
    RB175-200 3 418р.
    RB200-250 4 099р.
    RB250-300 5 636р.
    spinosaHercules club or Devil's walking stick, thick, viciously spiny stems. Flowers greenish-white much earlier than A.elata. Very hardy.(3b) RB75-100 858р.
    RB100-125 1 064р.
    RB125-150 1 332р.
    arbutifolia'Red chockeberry'. Upright shrub when young, later more arching. Clusters of small white flowers in late spring. Green leaves turn brilliant red in autumn. Red berries persisting trough the winter.(5) RB40-60 589р.
    melanocarpa'Black chockeberry'. Small bushy shrub with glossy dark green leaves colouring brilliantly in autumn. White, hawthorn-like flowers in spring followed by black fruits.(3) RB40-60 589р.
    prunifolia'Purplefruit Chokeberry'. Intermediate in character between the preceding species. Star-shaped, white flowers followed by spherical purplish-black fruits.(5) RB40-60 589р.
    'Haalboom''Barberry'. Evergreen shrub. Growth strong and upright, to 1m high. Leaves elliptical, glossy fresh green above, blue-white beneath. Flowers usually 3-4together, gold-yellow. Fruit ovate, black.(6) RB25-30 805р.
    RB30-40 805р.
    buxifolia'Nana''Evergreen Barberry'. A slow-growing, dense, evergreen mound about 50cm high with rounded leaves, glaucous grey beneath. Virtually thornless. Flowers orange-yellow in April-May. Fruit rounded, purple-blue grape-like berries. Very good low hedging plant.(6) RB20-25 507р.
    RB25-30 713р.
    RB30-40 1 043р.
    RB40-50 1 528р.
    candidula'Evergreen Bayberry'. A dense, dome-shaped bush op to 1m, with small, shining, dark green leaves, silvery-white beneath and single, bright yellow flowers. Fruit ovate, almost black.(6) RB25-30 908р.
    darwinii'Evergreen Bayberry'. Evergreen shrub. This early-flowering species is one of the finest of all flowering shrubs. Leaves three-pointed, dark shining green above. Flowers bright orange tinged red, in drooping clusters, borne over a long period in spring. Fruits ovate, blue-green to black.(7) RB25-30 805р.
    RB30-40 1 023р.
    frikartii'Amstelveen''Evergreen Bayberry'. Growth compact and low, so some 1m high, twigs outspread and attractively drooping. Leaves resembling B.candidula, but somewhat shorter, flatter, lighter above, glossy, blue-white beneath. Good winter hardiness and fast growing. (6) RB25-30 805р.
    RB30-40 908р.
    frikartii'Telstar''Evergreen Bayberry'. Similar to 'Amstelveen' but taller, to 1.2m high and more compact.(6) RB25-30 805р.
    RB30-40 908р.
    gagnepainii'Evergreen Bayberry'. A small shrub making a dense growth of erect stems closely set with narrow, undulate leaves. Yellow flowers. Berries black, covered by a blue bloom. Forms an impenetrable hedge.(6) RB25-30 805р.
    hybrido-gagnepainii'Chenaultii''Evergreen Bayberry'. Shrub, to some 1.5m high and to 2m wide. Twigs somewhat warty. Leaves narrowly oblong. Very glossy above, bluish beneath, thorny toothed. FLowers gold-yellow.(6) RB25-30 805р.
    julianae'Evergreen Bayberry'. An excellent dense evergreen to 3m high with strongly spiny stems and clusters of stiff, narrow, spine-toothed leaves, copper-tinted when young. Flowers yellow, slightly scented, in dense axillary clusters. A good screening or hedging plant.(6) RB30-40 713р.
    RB40-50 981р.
    RB50-60 1 291р.
    linearifolia'Orange King''Evergreen Bayberry'. An erect, medium-sized shrub of rather ungainly habit, with narrow, dark, glossy green, spine-tippes leaves. The rich orange-red and large flowers produced early in spring, and sometimes again in the autumn, are the richest coloured of the genus. (6) RB30-40 1 280р.
    RB50-60 1 498р.
    media'Parkjuweel''Semi-evergreen Bayberry'. A small shrub of dense prickly habit. Leaves obovate, almost spineless, colouring richly in autumn, occasionally remaining until the following spring. Flowers borne singly or in small clusters, of up to 4.(6) RB25-30 805р.
    media'Red Jewel''Semi-evergreen Bayberry'. A dense, small, semi-evergreen shrub similar to 'Parkjuweel', but with somewhat broader leaves becoming deep metallic purple. A sport of 'Parkjuweel'.(6) RB25-30 805р.
    ottawensis'Auricoma''Deciduous Bayberry'. A vigorous hybrid between B.vulgaris and B.thunbergii. Oval leaves with a purple foliage and red berries in drooping clusters. (4) RB40-60 569р.
    RB60-80 692р.
    ottawensis'Red Tears''Deciduous Bayberry'. Hybrid between B.vulgaris and B.thunbergii. Red-purple leaves.(4) RB30-40 805р.
    ottawensis'Silver Miles''Deciduous Bayberry'. Hybrid between B.vulgaris and B.thunbergii.(4) RB30-40 908р.
    ottawensis'Superba''Deciduous Bayberry'. Hybrid between B.vulgaris and B.thunbergii. Growth particularly strong to 2m high and wide, twigs deep red-brown, thorns on the long shoots. Leaves round and purple coloured. Flowers yellow with red. Fruits red berries, ovate.(4) RB40-60 569р.
    RB60-80 692р.
    RB80-100 961р.
    RB100-125 1 383р.
    stenophylla'Evergreen Bayberry'. An indispensable evergreen, ultimately a medium-sized graceful shrub, its long arching branches wreathed with yellow flowers in April. Fruits pea size, globose, black.(6) RB40-60 713р.
    RB60-80 961р.
    RB80-100 1 383р.
    thunbergii'Deciduous Bayberry'. Shrub densely branched, some 1m high. Twigs angular, red-brown, thorns simple. Leaves partly ovate, fresh green, wonderful scarlet-red and orange in the fall. Flowers in fascicles, yellow in May. Fruits elliptic red.(5) 20-30 81р.
    30-40 105р.
    40-60 259р.
    60-80 321р.
    80-100 486р.
    thunbergii'Atropurpurea Nana''Deciduous Bayberry'. Like the species but growing only 40(60)cm, but becoming 60-70cm wide. Thorns very small. Leaves dark purple-brown.(5) RB15-20 507р.
    RB20-25 692р.
    RB25-30 961р.
    thunbergii'Atropurpurea''Deciduous Bayberry'. Like the species but with purple-red leaves, bright carmin in late fall.(5) 20-30 81р.
    30-40 105р.
    40-60 259р.
    60-80 321р.
    80-100 486р.
    thunbergii'Aurea''Deciduous Bayberry'. Like the species, but leaves lemon-yellow to gold-yellow, but only yellow-green if in a shady location. Very slow growing(5) RB25-30 991р.
    RB30-40 1 404р.
    thunbergii'Bagatelle''Deciduous Bayberry'. Dwarf form, very slow growing. Leaves brown-red, later black-red.(5) RB10-15 929р.
    thunbergii'Bonanza Gold'®Description : The most yellow foliaged berberis. Dwarf habit. More sun resistant than Berberis 'Aurea' Flower colour : Insignificant light yellow flowers, followed by small red fruits Flowering period : Spring Foliage : Deciduous bright yellow leaves Hardiness - Fully hardy(5) Planting Suggestions Position - Likes a semi-shaded sheltered spot Soil type - Fertile free drained soil Planting suggestions - Ideal for the border, rockery or in a container (5)RB25-30 1 363р.
    thunbergii'Kobold''Deciduous Bayberry'. Green dwarf form, seldom over 40cm high, very densely branched, broad globose. Leaves dark green and remaining so until leaf drop.(5) RB15-20 507р.
    RB20-25 692р.
    RB25-30 961р.
    thunbergii'Red Chief''Deciduous Bayberry'. Tall shrub, can become 2m high, vide branching and more or less nodding. Leaves attractive purple-brown, lanceolate. Only few fruits.(5) RB30-40 681р.
    RB40-60 805р.
    thunbergii'Red Pillar''Deciduous Bayberry'. Like the species but growth narrowly upright to 1.5m. Leaves brown-red. (5) RB30-40 681р.
    RB40-50 805р.
    RB50-60 1 064р.
    thunbergii'Rose Glow''Deciduous Bayberry'. Like the specie but growth broadly upright and leaves on the young shoots are purple, mottled silver-pink and bright rose later becoming purple. (5) RB30-40 805р.
    RB40-50 961р.
    verruculosa'Evergreen Bayberry'. A very pleasing, compact, slow-growing Chines shrub, with rough, minutely warty, drooping stems densely covered with small, glossy dark green leaves which are white beneath. Flowers usually solitary, golden yellow.(5) RB25-30 805р.
    RB30-40 908р.
    wilsoniae'Deciduous Bayberry'. Bushy, some 1m high, very dense, twigs angular, brown-red. Leaves lanceolate, gray-green, eventually scarlet-red. Flowers small, light yellow, grouped, May-June. Fruits globose, salmon-red.(6) C30-40 569р.
    albosinensisChinese Red Birch'. Tree 18-25m high, the attractive bark is orange or red-orange. Young twigs glandular pubescent. Glossy green leaves on slightly rough shoots.(6) 150-175 1 301р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    250-300 2 489р.
    St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 232р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 471р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    costataTree with ornamental growth habit, bark light yellow to gray-yellow, peeling. Young twigs pubescent, brown. Leaves ovate on the upperside leathery tough, dark green. Fruit catkins large, elliptic. (6) 150-175 1 301р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    250-300 2 489р.
    St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 232р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 471р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    ermaniiA very graceful, vigorous tree with very rough shoots and bright green heart-shaped veined leaves. Bark creamy-white, peeling. Most plants grown as B. costata.(6) 150-175 1 301р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    250-300 2 489р.
    St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 232р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 471р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    jacquemontii'Longtrunk'Weeping form of the Himalayan birch. White bark.(7) 150-175 1 301р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    250-300 2 489р.
    St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 232р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    nana'Dwarf Birch'. A small native shrub with tiny, neat, rounded leaves. (2) RB30-40 858р.
    nigra'River-birch'. fast-growing tree, remarkable for its pinkish-orange shaggy bark, becoming brown and ridged on older trees. As the name suggests, fine tree for planting in damp ground.(5) Fine tree for planting in damp ground, swamps flood plains.150-175 1 301р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    250-300 2 489р.
    St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 232р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 471р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    nigra'Heritage'This river birch cultivar is a vigorous, fast-growing, medium-sized tree which can be grown as either a single trunk or multi-stemmed tree. As a single trunk tree, it develops a pyramidal habit when young, but gradually matures into a more rounded habit. Multi-stemmed trees form a more irregular shaped crown, and are often considered the superior growth habit for this tree. This cultivar features salmon-cream to brownish bark which exfoliates to reveal a creamy white inner bark that can be nearly as white as the white-barked birches. Leathery, diamond-shaped, dark green leaves with doubly toothed margins are larger and glossier than the species and turn a respectable yellow in fall. Flowers are contained in drooping, brownish male catkins and insignificant, smaller, upright, greenish female catkins. 150-175 1 294р.
    175-200 1 556р.
    200-250 1 976р.
    250-300 2 498р.
    St6-8 2 725р.
    St8-10 3 248р.
    St10-12 4 202р.
    papyrifera'Paper-birch'. vigorous, open branched tree with rounded head. Peeling, shiny, white bark. Yellowish catkins in spring and oval, coarsely serrated leaves turning clear yellow in autumn.(4) 150-175 548р.
    175-200 723р.
    200-250 805р.
    250-300 991р.
    St6-8 1 291р.
    St8-10 1 704р.
    St10-12 2 261р.
    St12-14 3 314р.
    St14-16 4 274р.
    pendulaSilver birch, broadly columnar or conical, graceful tree (20 m.). Has slender, drooping shoots and silver-white bark, becoming black and rugged with age. Yellow-green catkins. Oval leaves turn yellow in autumn.(2) 150-175 548р.
    175-200 723р.
    200-250 805р.
    250-300 991р.
    St6-8 1 291р.
    St8-10 1 704р.
    St10-12 2 261р.
    St12-14 3 314р.
    St14-16 4 274р.
    pendula'Fastigiata''Pyramidal birch'. An erect form of medium size and a rather stiff narrow habit. The upright branch-formation, with the stark silvery-white bark, gives this cultivar a stately appearance. Leaves normal, deep green.(2) 150-175 1 301р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    250-300 2 489р.
    St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 232р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 471р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    pendula'Golden Beauty'Is a true Golden Birch which doesnt scorch in full sun like other earlier introductions(Golden Cloud) Gold foliaged medium sized deciduous tree. Variable bark colour from white to brown. Any soil except shallow chalk, in sun or shade. Height 10m. 150-175 1 642р.
    175-200 1 961р.
    200-250 2 509р.
    pendula'Golden Cloud'A selection with yellow leaves. Tends to burn badly.(2) 150-175 1 642р.
    175-200 1 961р.
    200-250 2 509р.
    250-300 3 149р.
    pendula'Laciniata'Cutleaf birch, graceful tree with drooping branchlets and prettily cut leaves. Forms similar to both ‘Laciniata’ and ‘Dalecarlica’ occur wild in Sweden.(2) 150-175 1 301р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    250-300 2 489р.
    St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 232р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 471р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    pendula'Purpurea'Purple leaf birch, slow-growing tree with purple leaves. Needs extra care because of the weak constitution.(2) 150-175 1 301р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    250-300 2 489р.
    St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 365р.
    St10-12 4 512р.
    St12-14 6 040р.
    St14-16 8 547р.
    pendula'Tristis'A tall graceful birch with slender, pendulous branches, forming a narrow symmetrical crown. Outstanding Silver birch, broadly columnar or conical, graceful tree. White bark.(2) Beautiful park tree.150-175 1 301р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    250-300 2 489р.
    St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 232р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 471р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    pendula'Youngii''Young’s weeping birch'. Forms a mushroom-shaped dome of tread-like branchlets. Triangular, serrated leaves and smooth, white bark that is fissured black at maturity.(2) 150-175 1 301р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    HSt 6-8 2 282р.
    250-300 2 489р.
    St6-8 2 828р.
    St8-10 3 500р.
    St10-12 4 739р.
    St12-14 6 152р.
    St14-16 8 651р.
    pubescensIt is distinguished from B. pendula by the less weeping habit, smooth downy shoots, more rounded leaves and the bark being white to the base.(2) This species thrives on a variety of soils and especially in damp localities.150-175 548р.
    175-200 723р.
    200-250 805р.
    250-300 991р.
    St6-8 1 291р.
    St8-10 1 704р.
    St10-12 2 261р.
    St12-14 3 314р.
    St14-16 4 274р.
    utilis'Jacquemontii''Himalayan birch'. one of the loveliest of all, with dazzling white stems. Small to medium sized tree with oval, midgreen leaves turning golden-yellow in autumn. Yellow catkins are born in spring.(7) 150-175 1 301р.
    175-200 1 569р.
    200-250 1 993р.
    250-300 2 489р.
    St6-8 2 705р.
    St8-10 3 232р.
    St10-12 4 182р.
    St12-14 5 471р.
    St14-16 7 969р.
    alternifolia'Butterfly Bush'. A large shrub or occasionally a small tree, with graceful arching branches, bearing long, narrow, green leaves and wreathed with fragrant lilac lowers in June.(6) RB50-60 754р.
    davidii'Butterfly Bush'. Medium-sized shrub with lanceolate dark green leaves. Strong grower. Gives the best results when hard pruned in March. The fragrant flowers, in long racemes, are very attractive to butterflies. (6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    davidii'Black Knight''Butterfly Bush'. Like the species. Long trusses of very deep violet.(6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    davidii'Border Beauty''Butterfly Bush'. Like the specie. Flowers deep crimson-purple, compact habit.(6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    davidii'Empire Blue''Butterfly Bush'. Like the specie. Flowers violet-blue. Strong grower, well branched, some 2mhigh.(6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    davidii'Harlequin''Butterfly Bush. Like the species. Leaves variegated creamy-white, reddish-purple flowers. Lower growing then most cultivars.(6) RB50-60 754р.
    davidii'Ile de France''Butterfly Bush'. Rich flowering, long racemes of violet-purple.(6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    davidii'Loch Inch''Butterfly Buch'. Like the species. Beautiful medium-sized shrub with pubescent young shoots and panicles of violet flowers.(6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    davidii'Nanho Bleu''Butterfly Bush'. Like the specie. Flowers pale blue.(6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    davidii'Nanho Purple''Butterfly Bush'. Like the species. Flowers violet-purple with an orange eye, spreading habit.(6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    davidii'Pink Delight''Butterfly Bush'. Long panicles of bright pink flowers, best pink.(6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    davidii'Royal Red''Butterfly Bush'. Like the specie. Massive panicles of red-purple flowers. The best red form.(6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    davidii'White Profusion''Butterfly Bush'. Large, pure white panicles of yellow-eyed flowers.(6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    davidiivar. nahoenensis'Butterfly Bush'. Like the specie. An elegant, only 1-1.5m high, slender-branched variety with narrow leaves and long, narrowly cylindrical panicles of mauve flowers, late. (6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    x weyeriana'Sungold'Golden Yellow Flowered Butterfly. Spikes of buttery-yellow, fragrant, blooms adorn this vigorous shrub from late spring to frost. Attracts loads of butterflies. Deadhead to promote rebloom. The strongest growing of the butterfly bushes. (6) SHR100-125 413р.
    RB60-90 516р.
    sempervirens'Common Box'. Evergreen large shrub or small tree producing luxuriant masses of small dark green leaves, petioled, leathery. The 'Common Box' has given rise to innuberable forms and variations, many of which are suitable for hedging and topiary. (6) 10-15; 124р.
    10-15P9 156р.
    15-20 165р.
    15-20P9 197р.
    RB30-35 661р.
    RB35-40 858р.
    RB40-50 1 321р.
    RB50-60 1 920р.
    Pyramid RB40/50 2 034р.
    RB, Ball 25cm 2 261р.
    RB60-80 2 716р.
    Pyramid RB50/60 2 922р.
    RB, Ball 30cm 3 562р.
    Pyramid RB60/70 4 099р.
    RB80-100 4 253р.
    RB, Ball 35cm 4 790р.
    Pyramid RB70/80 5 854р.
    RB, Ball 40cm 6 379р.
    Pyramid RB80/90 7 444р.
    Pyramid RB90/100 9 570р.
    RB, Ball 50cm 11 697р.
    Pyramid RB100/120 13 823р.
    RB, Ball 60cm 17 446р.
    sempervirens'Aureovariegata''Common box'. Like the species. A meidum to large shrub of dense bushy habit. Leaves green, variously striped, splashed and mottled creamy yellow.(6) 15-20 268р.
    sempervirens'Rotundifolia'Vertical, loosely formed shrub with a stiff form and large, round, dark green leaves. This type is suitable for hedges of 1 to 2 metres high. RB30-35 661р.
    RB35-40 858р.
    RB40-50 1 321р.
    RB50-60 1 920р.
    sempervirens'Suffruticosa''Edging Box'. A dwarf of small shrub commonly uses as an edging to paths and flower beds, paricularly those of a formal nature. Leaves, of medium size, ovate, bright shining green. (6) 12-15P9 341р.
    15-20P9 486р.
    20-25P9 754р.
    25-30P9 1 177р.
    30-35P9 1 817р.
    35-40P9 2 663р.
    vulgaris'Heather'. The typical plant of the European heath and moor. Shrub, from 20-100cm tall, twigs procumbent, often rooting and ascending, dense foliage. Flowers usually pink-lilac, in dense, 20cm long racemes, June-November. All are easily grown plants for lime-free soils even tolerating moist positions. They are freer-flowering and happier in full sun. Pruning, consisting of the removal of the old inflorescenses, may be carried out after flowering. Flowering times are indicated as follows : Early : July to August. Mid : August to September. Late : October to November.(5) C10 156р.
    C13 300р.
    vulgaris'Alportii''Heather'. Like the specie. Flowering : Mid. Tall erect growth. Flowers crimson.(5) C10 156р.
    C13 300р.
    vulgaris'Beoley Gold''Heather'. Like the specie. A strong-growing form with bright yellow foliage and short sprays of white flowers. Mid. (5) C10 156р.
    C13 300р.
    vulgaris'CD.Eason''Heather' like the species. Has an abundance of buds and flowers on the tip of every branch.(5) C10 156р.
    C13 300р.
    vulgaris'Cuprea'Lavender flowers, Aug-Oct, with distinctive copper foliage in summer, turning a warm bronze red in winter. Compact upright habit and a firm favourite for over 100 years. (5) C10 156р.
    C13 300р.
    vulgaris'Elsie Purnell''Heather'. Like the species. Flowers of a lively silvery-pink, double, deeper coloured in bud. Mid to Late.(5) C10 156р.
    C13 300р.
    vulgaris'Gold Haze''Heather'. Foliage of a bright golden hue. Flowers white. Mid-season. (5) C10 156р.
    C13 300р.
    vulgaris'H.E. Beale''Heather'. Like the specie. A splendid cultivar producing very long racemes of double, bright rose-pink flowers, excellent for cutting. Mid to late.(5) C10 156р.
    C13 300р.
    vulgaris'J.H. Hamilton''Heather'. Like the species. A pretty dwarf with large, pink, double flowers. Early.(5) C10 156р.
    C13 300р.
    vulgaris'Silver Knight'heather'. Lavender flowers in late summer, gray foliage all year; compact; popular.(5) C10 156р.
    C13 300р.
    floridus'Carolina Allspice'. Dense, bushy, medium-sized shrub with dark glossy green aromatic leaves slightly down beneath. Brownish-red, fragrant flowers with masses of spreading petals during summer.(5) RB50-60 1 064р.
    RB60-80 1 498р.
    arborescens'Pea tree'. Fast growing small shrubby tree, to 6m high, with yellow pea-like flowers in late spring. One of the toughest, most accommodating plants. (2) Can be grown as a hedge.SHR 321р.
    RB60-100 569р.
    HSt 6-8 1 601р.
    St6-8 2 147р.
    St8-10 3 056р.
    St10-12 4 067р.
    St12-14 5 698р.
    St14-16 7 515р.
    arborescens'Lorbergii''Cutleaf pea tree'. Has very narrow grass-like leaflets and small yellow flowers. Often grown as a tree by tografting. Extremely graceful.(2) SHR60-100 805р.
    arborescens'Pendula''Pea Tree'. With stiffly pendent branches, usually grafted high. A very attractive weeping form. Strong grower.(2) HSt 6-8 2 147р.
    St6-8 2 952р.
    St8-10 3 551р.
    St10-12 4 728р.
    arborescens'Walker''Weeping Pea Tree'. Usually top-grafted to form a weeping standard with hanging branches. Foliage similar to ‘Lorbergii’. Grown as a bush it forms a charming, extremely hardy creeping 3myr. Round carpet.(2) HSt 6-8 2 147р.
    St6-8 2 952р.
    St8-10 3 551р.
    St10-12 4 728р.
    aurantiacaSmall shrub, rather prostate in habit and with slender, somewhat pendulous branches. Yellow flowers on drooping stalks beneath the branches in late spring.(5) HSt 6-8 2 147р.
    St6-8 2 952р.
    St8-10 3 551р.
    St10-12 4 728р.
    frutex'Globosa'Slow growing, dense upright shrub (40cm high and wide), finely forming a globe-form with age. Rarely pea-like bright yellow flowers in late spring.(2) SHR60-100 851р.
    HSt 6-8 2 147р.
    St6-8 2 952р.
    St8-10 3 551р.
    St10-12 4 728р.
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